Henric Lee

Henric Lee

Well-Known Member
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
- Full Name: Henric, Lee Jian Wu
- Birth Date: 7th of March
- Current Age: 11
- Appearance: Usually frowning whenever called, and never seen with a proper smile upon his face, his half-asian lineage gives him naturally narrowed and composed eyes, as well as slanted brows.
- Parents: Michael Lee, Sarah Hunter
- Siblings: None.
- Pets: An unusually intelligent-looking and warty toad found seated neatly on Henric's right shoulder, although Henric himself isn't seen calling the toad by any name, others have dubbed it 'Lee Jr.'
- Area of Residence: Hong Kong, Xi Bei An
- Blood Status: Half-Blood

- What would their Patronus be? Crow.
- What would their Boggart be? A burning testpaper.
- What would their Animagus form be? Fox.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Reliable friends.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The feeling of elation at success of effort.

- Write an example roleplay by your character:

Perhaps not. Though, perhaps, yes. Or not...
These thoughts ran through Henric's mind in a rapid sequence of 'no', 'yes', 'perhaps', 'maybe', his brain calculated the percentages of sucess without himself knowing; the steady rhythym of the tapping of his index finger upon the desk resounded throughout the air.
Sitting up straight, the boy ran a hand through the smooth wooden surface of an ornamental chinese decoration. His eyes closed briefly, flashing back to memorie sof the past.
Yes, there was the boy again.
Who was he?
Ah, yes.
Once a close friend.
Seeing him being bullied, Henric recalled dashing to his friend's aid; then the bullies froze for a moment, and started pushing Henric back rather violently, taunting him about his lineage. Harsh words of racism and insults came dancing towards his ears like music, in a moment of unprecedented fury, he lashed out at his tormentors.
Yes, now they were picking up his rather scared-looking 'friend'...
Ah, yes. He remebered now.
A sensation he never wanted to feel again.
They started throwing stones at him, Henric took a few steps back, casting a confused glance at his so called 'friend'... accquaintance, who never so much as looked him in the eye but laugh along with his would-be bullies. Henric remembered the day ending with a surprising surge of energy ... the 'crack', and then he closed his eyes, what happened next was a little too painful to recall.
Perhaps... closing himself up to the world. Yes... that seemed a good option.
For now, there seem to be no worthy friends in the world...
... At least in this world.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

98843 + 1120 / 82 - 5 + skip frequency.

Sum of the equation division by the original amount of numbers.
Sum further divided in addition by skip frequency.

Theory of evolution within reptilian species would be:

- Evolution in kind.
- Affected by the humidity.
- Hence the conjunction of evolution.
- In correspondance with reproduction.
- Pheromone response.

Journal Notes; subject toad has an unhealthy purple shade lower to the viscera, should treat immediately, eyes looking fine, alteration partially successful, note unwanted side effect.

*Inaudible scrawlings in a mix of Chinese and Japanese, in a clear rush.*

*Lyrics line the page, along with various song notes for a guitar*

So tell me, why isn't it alright, why isn't it fine, and why isn't it okay, (P+)
Say alright, say it's fine, say okay, but will you stick with me whenever?
Or perhaps, will you run away?
I don't know - When you call - I don't know - Maybe I should pick up the phone?
I don't know - I'm not vying - I don't know - Maybe I just don't need friends?
But I don't want to answer you, if you're not dreaming of your fate, (A-)
Cause' I believe, if you're not dreaming through, then it ain't really enough,
Not enough to make our hearts feel safe,
So tell me, why isn't it alright, why isn't it fine, and why isn't it okay,
Say alright, say it's fine, say okay, but will you stick with me whenever?
Don't run away.
Don't run away.
If you wanna know that it's me and you,
Then maybe you've got something to prove;
Not much going on today - Really bored, it's getting late.
What happened to those saturdays? (P+)
Monday's coming, is it a day to hate?
Staring at my room - Staring at the phone.
No, (X)
I don't know - When you call - I don't know - Maybe I should pick up the phone?
I don't know - I'm not vying - I don't know - Maybe I just don't need friends? (P+)
But I don't want to answer you, if you're not dreaming of your fate,
Cause' I believe, if you're not dreaming through, then it ain't really enough,
Really, this is when I start to bite my nails;
Nothing to do, perhaps cleaning the room in order to bail,
When all else fails,
This part of life is getting pretty stale,
You weren't what I thought what I wanted, no,
I don't know - When you call - I don't know - Maybe I should pick up the phone?
I don't know - I'm not vying - I don't know - Maybe I just don't need friends? (A-)
Uh huh, huh, hey, hey, hey,
Uh huh, huh, hey, hey, hey,
We've all got voices...
Uh huh, huh, hey, hey, hey,
We've all got choices...
Uh huh, huh, hey, hey, hey,
Uh huh, huh, hey, hey, hey...
I just have 2 questions,

How come your characters name is Henric and your sign in is Satojinn?

Does Henric enjoy math or is he just good at it?
Hi! Welcome to HNZ. :D

I just have one question:

What made you come to HNZ and not go to one of the other schools?
Hi, welcome to HNZ! :)

I have a couple questions if you don't mind...
Why would your Patronus be a crow?
And why is your desired Animagus form a fox?

That's all I have for now but I may ask more.
You're doing great and I really liked reading your rp! :)
Question Answers:

- Satojinn stands for 'God of the Village', or 'the Guardian Deity of the Province', meanwhile Lee Jian Wu has the same alternate meaning in chinese calligraphy with a more warlike meaning, so my ID corresponds to the chinese name. But similarly to the Harry Potter world, I'm going to use the name 'Henric' (English), but I expect people are just going to be arsed to call me that and use Lee.

- Henric doesn't appear to enjoy anything, he just seems good at everything, except anything social.

- I prefer HNZ for two reasons - Deviantart forum-recommended it, and I live in Au, much easier.

- The Crow is an animal (Bird) described as constantly intelligent, or smartest among the birds, it does correspond with the character and his beliefs.

- Fox; traditionally very cunning or scheming. Since Henric schemes 24/7 on different matters (Not that you're aware - yet) it's quite fitting.
For Cyndi's question "What made you come to HNZ and not go to one of the other schools? " I believe she was asking your character why he is attending Hogwarts New Zealand ^_^
Yes, I was asking about the character. Sorry for not making it clear.
Basically because his residence is in Australia (ICly), hence due to his attitude, he'd rather go to a nearer school area.
Double Post: I don't know, recently Henric has been the centre of 'evil' attention, which I admit, I designed him to be, but I'm getting quite worried his personality is irratating the overall populace of the unsorted roleplayers? ... And it's seeping into me...
Don't worry about it. Not everybody is nice. If the unsorted roleplayers don't like your personality, they can deal with it. Personally, I think you have a very original and interesting character, and I'm really looking forward to reading more of your writing!

Could you describe yourself (i.e. your character) in 5 words?

Tell me a little more about your parents. What do they do? Which one of your parents is a wizard?

Has racism had a big impact on your personality and social skills, and have you been subjected to it a lot?

Are you a musician?

Is education a large part of your life?

I hope my questions make sense. As I mentioned, your character is fantastic and I really like the little bit of your writing I've seen there. Keep it up! :)
- Arrogant, Detatched, Cunning, Loyal, Mysterious

- Father is the wizard, works in the Asian Branch of the Ministry of Magic. Mother fell in love with his father, but upon realizing his father was 'abnormal', left him. His father later died of emotional stress and overwork, and Henric was left in the care of relatives who squabbled over him; mainly due to the large inheritance left behind to him.

- Due to being exposed to Racism multiple times, Henric was scarred by this, and is very loose and always puts on a false front. He also retorts to everything said to him without a second thought, and keeps an icy composure.

- Henric is skilled in mulitple musical instruments, and does have a good voice for music, but little to none ever hear it.

- Education is what he lusts and lives for, and hence he takes the opportunity to learn whenever he can, as an escape from the real world.
Henric Lee said:
Double Post: I don't know, recently Henric has been the centre of 'evil' attention, which I admit, I designed him to be, but I'm getting quite worried his personality is irratating the overall populace of the unsorted roleplayers? ... And it's seeping into me...
I am quite amused with your character and wouldn't mind RPing with you if you'd like? ^_^
Your Character is a highly original character with depth to it which will make forsome interesting stories. I look foward to seeing how this character grows. A few questions:

With your character personality as described by you I see youable to fit in well with Slytherin, yet you seem rather intellegent and that is a quality found in ravenclaw. What house would you want to be in if you could choose? Why?

How has the betrayal of your friend effected your ability to make new friends?

That is it for now keep up the good work :D
He'd fit more into Ravenclaw in my opinion, because his intellect is a basis, while his personality comes from scars from years past.

The betrayal of that one friend turned him against the whole thing about friendship, and thus he doesn't really trust or befriend anyone, regardless of what they think of him.

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