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Katheryn Kingsley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Maple Wand 12'' core of female Kelpie Hair
Okay so I have this character, Katheryn Kingsley. She is a shy but sweet Puff who always sees the best in everyone. She is extremely innocent and hasn't ever had a boyfriend. I don't believe she has ever even kissed a boy. She is artistic in painting and drawing and all around creative. She likes to do ballet and is very good at it. Her frame seemed to have been built for it since she is long and slender, overall very graceful appearing.

Basically what I want is to have her more involved. She really only has acquaintances right now besides a few friends like Andrew, Pat and Alex. I want more friends and possibly a love interest for later on after she has her heart broken. (If your interested in the love interest part pm me and I'll fill you in on what is going down ;) ) I don't mind having an enemy or two but Katheryn doesn't really have it in her to be mean since she thinks everyone has good in them. So the enemies would have to be really nasty probably towards her family to provoke her. But yeah please post!
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