Help me...

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

So, don't know if anyone has really looked at my post count, but it is much lower than you'd probably expect for someone who has been on the site for so long ;) There are several reasons for that, but the biggest one is that I'm never on for more than an hour or two at a time (sometimes 3 or 4 if I'm lucky :p ) and since I have multiple characters :r it means that I'm never on as any one person for a large period of time.

Anyway, I'd like to get to 2000 posts before my birthday. I'm only 24 posts away :woot: so I'm pretty close, but I don't have much time to do it.

Wanna help me?

Basically, Cyndi is always looking for:

friends: I figure anyone between the age of 18-25 or any professor that she works with would be friend material. Not blood prejudice. Cyndi's very friendly so she gets along with almost anyone.

Potential love interests: I'm not looking for anyone now, but it's always good to get her meeting some guys. She's 19 after all and I think she should have a fairly active love life. For this, I would say 19-25, blood status doesn't matter.

Enemies: I'm always looking for someone. I suppose Cyndi would have a hard time liking someone who is blood prejudiced or anyone who is too bi***y.

Pm me if you're interested in any of the above or something else because I don't check here all that often.

Thanks :hug:
I have my Alexis Richarde Zdablooptybloop ( :p ) who could be a friend for Cyndi. They don't know each other too well but maybe because she knew Andy's WW secret maybe she could pick up that vibe from her because she is still REALLY new to the whole thing. I don't know if we'll get to hit your goal because I'm thinking maybe next IC month before they meet up because right now she is going through personal things and really will want to stay home with Izaak but after that, if your up for it that'd be cool. :)

Oh, Alexis will deny it at first but maybe when she starts trusting Cyndi more she will but Cyndi will know the truth the whole time?
That sounds great. I need to get some new rps going for Cyndi anyway, so whether it is in time to reach my goal or not doesn't really matter, but it would be an added bonus ^_^ . I think it'll be pretty funny to have us both skirting around the whole werewolf thing until one of us finally blurts it out :lol:

So, send me a pm or I'll send u one when the new IC month starts and we'll start something. I always wanted to have Cyndi rp with Alexis anyway, considering she was also a dorm four girl :p

Heyy, Emzies here.

I can offer you Grande. They would maybe know each other a little from his time at HNZ, so maybe they could have a friend ship. He's still at school, but he skips school more times than anybody ever will. He works in a French restaurant, in southern France but is currently looking for a place in New Zealand.
He's nice and kind to most people. He is quiet at times, and works hard, just not in school. He is quite open and enjoys the company of others. He is brave and lives alone in France when he's not at school.
Tell me what you think.
That would be cool. He was in Gryffindor when he was at HNZ, right?
Cyndi would definitely not approve of all his skipping :lol: :p , but friends sounds good.
Maybe they can meet in her neighborhood and he's thinking of getting an apartment or house nearby?
If you want to boost your post count you should post in Salted Rainbow Lemons more often :r

Anyway, going off by what I said one time in Shouty. Pat is now dating Riley Smith so I think it would be funny for Cyndi and Pat to RP and that somehow comes up in mid conversation xD

Perhaps Cyndi already knows and confronts Pat or they start (randomly xD ) talking and Pat mentions it somehow. Pat knows Cyndi and Riley are flatmates so she may be a bit awkward mentioning it but she more than likely will :tut:

What do you think? ^_^
I know, I know... ^_^
I just figured I'd kill two birds with one stone since I need to get Cyndi rping more anyway.

I think it would be better if Cyndi doesn't know about Pat and Riley dating until somehow it comes up in their convo ;) . I'll start something up and send you the link.
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