Help is always welcomed

Kiera frowned and bit her lip as she thought about an answer. She shook her head. "I really dont know. The quidditch shed would probably have some, or maybe even the greenhouses." she said unsure. She smiled approvingly as he was beginning to master the charm. Kiera didnt feel one bit bad about what they were about to do. After all, it was homework.
Alex laughed. 'True but loads of people are there. If you want to get caught stealing them be my guest, but the best place is third corridor.'he told her. 'Do you want to get them with me or do you want to just disappear objects down here?'he asked her, hoping she would come with him. The company and help would be lovely. He held her hand out to her just incase she did.
Kiera mentally scolded herself as he pointed out her idea flaws. She should have thought of the curtains. Kiera grinned slyly as he asked if she wanted to come. She placed her hand in his outstretched one. "I cant let you go alone. I want in on the fun." she said with a small laugh. She liked Alex. He was fun to be with.
Alex laughed. 'sure, sure'he agreed, pulling her up. He started walking at a steady pace, for him that was, picking up a few bits and bobs along the way that he thought would trip a few people up. 'So, umm, why'd you choose to continue with astronomy?'he asked her curious.
Kiera grinned as he pulled her up. She matched his pace as they walked along. She thought about his question. Why did she continue astronomy? Kiera laughed as she realize there was no reason for why she continued it. She actually hated the class, or she had until she met Alex. She decided to tease him instead of answer seriously. "I continued with it so that I could get a kiss from you. I knew I would be missing out if I dropped it." she said before laughing again.
( have you done the stonehenge class yet? fireworks woot :woot: )

Alex laughed as she said why. Still curious though, he decided he would try again. After all, he needed an excuse as to why he had decided to continue it. It was one of his worst hated subjects, excluding Potions. That he just despised. Especially the Prof, giving him detentions half the time.
'Well, you know. If you wanted one that badly, you only had to ask'he joked back, regretting that. He was probably not going to live that down anymore. He smirked looking down at her from the corner of his eye. 'No, but seriously, why did you continue with it? I need some excuse to steal,'he told her, joking at the end.
(Nope. Did alex set off the fireworks? lol)

Kiera laughed as Alex said she only had to ask. It was hard to tell if he meant that or not. She was begining to develop a crush on this boy. She thought as he asked for a better reason. Her brow furrowed together and the corner of her lips turned down slightly as she thought. "Well," she said finally giving her answer. "I decided I needed a challenge class. Its been better this year than others. I didnt drop any course actually." she confessed, feeling slightly like a nerd. She had a hard load of work ahead of her this year and next.
Alex looked out her raising an eyebrow. 'Wow, you certaintly are a Prefect,'he teased not meaning anything of it of course. 'Well, I wish you luck. I dropped practically everything, except 6 subjects.'he replied.
Deciding to get away from the topic of school for a while he kept walking a bit in silence before he thought of a question. 'So where abouts do you come from?'he asked her.

(of course. not really actually. his friend did but alex was in the know how of it :D )
Kiera stuck her tounge out at him as he teased her about her classes. There was a bit of quiet between the two before Alex asked her a question. "Well, I orginally lived in Georgia in the United States but when I was about 8 we moved to California. We have a ranch style home there." she explained smiling. "Where do you come from?" she asked curiously.
Alex smiled. He had no idea where abouts California and Georgia were but at least he knew where America was. 'Me? I com' frae Glasgow. A'right man?'he told her, putting his really strong Glaswegian accent on as a laugh. 'East of Scotland basically'he added speaking normally again.
Kiera laughed as Alex talked with a thick accent. She envyed the way he could switch back and forth between them. Her accent was always deep south. Kiera couldnt turn hers on and off. "Scottland? wow! I have only been with Caysi to Ireland. Europe seems so amazing!" she said with a smile.
alex laughed. 'Does it? I've only been to France, Briton and here' Alex said smiling. 'Not that I really care at the moment about wanting to travel round the world. I'd rather just meet the people more' he added truthfully.
Kiera grinned. "Of course it is! You can met people at the same time. If you want to come to America, you could come visit me in Cali." she offered. It was always nice to have company over breaks.
Alex laughed. 'I'll be sure to do that some time' he replied smiling. 'So if you come all the way from America, how come you chose to come down here?'he asked her, wandering in there was even a school in America. Surely there had to be.
Kiera smiled happily as he said he would visit sometime. "Well I got this letter first and my house is on the west coast. So its not too far. My older brother Cameron goes to Durmstrang but I didnt want to go there. Then my little sister, Katheryn, she goes here too." Kiera explained. Then she remember Alex was in hufflepuff. "Hey do you know Katheryn?" she wondered.
Alex listened as Kiera decided to tell him about her family's choices for school. 'Oh, Kat. Dance fanatic yeah. We have great times battling it out in the corridor when the common room is packed,'he replied, smiling, knowing she was a fair challenger for Alex. Not that Alex looked the dancing type but Kat and him were the same level of dancing almost.
Kiera paused midstep when she heard Alex say that he and Katheryn had dance battles. She gawked at him, she wished she had seen that. "Kitty danced for you?" she asked, slipping into her childhood nickname for Kat. Katheryn hated it when Kiera called her that. "She is a fantastic dancer. How did the challege turn out?" she asked curiously.
Alex smiled at the nickname Kiera's sister had now. He would try that out on her one day. 'Not really, she just joined in really'he replied. Well, that was sort of dancing for him. Ow well. 'Well, I think it was a draw really, but she was being modest - as girls always are - and said I won but anyway. She really is great. Bet she would be great at break dancing, not just street dancing.' he answered the question.
Kiera laughed. "I wouldnt say all girls are modest. I wouldnt let you win." she said grinning. Kiera was very competitive. It came from her years of gymnastics competitions. "Kitty probably would do fairly well break dancing. Shes stronger than she looks. I taught her flips when we were younger." she commented.
Alex smiled. 'oh yeah. But you need all the other moves too. Speacially the worm. Best move ever invented'he stated, smiling as he pictured his friend showing him for the first time. He had loved it too bits.
Kiera laughed. She knew very little about break dancing. "What is the worm?" she asked curiously. She couldnt imagine Alex dancing. She was interested to see that. She hoped very much that he would demonstrate.
Alex thought she was joking at first. 'You know, it's like'Alex tried to answer, though not sure how, 'Well, you sort of..'he tried again, using a sort of half mexican wave with his hand. 'You'd never of thought such a simple dance move was so complicated to learn'he stated, smiling. 'I might as well show you' he added, rollig his eyes at himse lf. Putting his bag down, he flexed his fingers before doing the dance move across for a couple of metres. ( Just to show you what ti looks like. :p )
Getting up again, his cheeks pinkened slightly at showing this girl his dancing. He didn't always do that. 'That's the worm'he joked, picking up his bag again and brushign off some grass that had stuck onto his school jumper.
Kiera grinned as he was having difficultly descibing the dance move for her. Finally, he gave up and showed her. Kiera clapped her hands and laughed. "Really, that was awesome!" she exclamed cheerfully. "Do you think you could teach me?" she asked as he stood up. She noticed his cheeks were pink and wondered why. He had nothing to be embaressed of. As Alex brushed off his clothes, Kiera noticed he had a piece of grass in his hair. She reached up and removed it.
Alex was about to back away from the girl as she raised her hand near his head. Thanks to his background, he never stayed near a raised hand until he knew why it was raised. But he stopped himself as she was only taking grass out his hair. 'Umm, thanks,'he said to her, before thinking about her question. 'Maybe but if you're anything like Andy, then I wouldn't suggest it' he told her, smiling at the memory of trying to teach Ants french. Nightmare.
Kiera frowned as Alex almost flinched at her touch. She was confused by the expression on his face. She decided to look past it for now. Kiera laughed at his answer to her question. "Andy?" she asked assuming he was refering to her roommate. "What did you try to teach her? I think I could learn fairly fast." she said confidently. Years of gymnastics training made it possible for her to learn tricks quicker than most people.

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