Help is always welcomed

'French'he answered her, almost laughing. 'According to her, I'm one of the worst people to teach her ever'he added, smiling. Though it didn't help that Andy gave up almost half way through trying to teach her. He did do a terrible teaching job in the end. Alex found it hard to teach but the weird thing was, he could learn something dead quick.
Kiera laughed. "I know the feeling. I taught her a few things on the pitch once and now she says I almost killed her." she said rolling her eyes playfully. "After all good intentions are what matter." she said laughing again. As they talked, Kiera couldnt help but wonder who he might be attending the Yule ball with. She assumed he would go since he liked dancing so much.
Alex laughed with Kiera. 'Fun' he stated smiling. The castle entrance was now in front of them and Alex jumped the steps, landing on the top. 'See any Professors?'he asked as he walked along the corridors.
Kiera grinned as they finally reached the stairs. She ran up them and looked around. She turned in a circle. Kiera shook her head to Alex, her face breaking out into a mischievious smile. "Not a single one. Theres no one about." she assured him.
Alex smiled before it dipped as she said there was no one about. 'Oh crap. That's just great' he said before looking for even a bloomin first year. None. 'Well, we'll just have to act even more casually' he told himself, thinking why no one was about inside today.
Kiera shrugged. "Its alright. Someone will be about soon enough. Its the entrance hall." she said knowing that someone would come along soon. She turned to Alex and smiled. "So what do you have in mind to do to that person?" she asked curiously.
Alex pretended to look shocked. 'Why does everyone think I'm going to do something to someone?'he asked, obviously joking. 'Nothing actually. Just it's like camouflage. Although you don't want loads of people, you don't want no people. It makes you stand out a lot more when a Professor does come,'he told her before looking at the stairs.
Alex smiled relieved. He saw the first yeas and started walking behind them quietly as they seemed to be heading near third floor corridor so far. He turned and beckoned Kiera to follow, tip toeing just for a laugh.
Kiera stifled a laugh as Alex tip toed behind the first years. She knew she had to be quiet or they would get caught by the first years. But then again, they could handle the little firsties. She moved silently behind Alex, following the first years across the corridor. She couldnt help grinning. Alex certainly knew how to have fun.
Alex almost laughed as Kiera's face was plastered with a grin. Alex rolled his eyes before spotting a cut off for the rope. Motioning to Kiera, he straitened up and stopped tip toeing before slipping into the 'dead end' corridor. He continued walking to the end, where the curtains where. 'Any guesses on how you get high ropes down?'he asked wondering if she would work this out herself.
Kiera followed him into a dead end where curtains were hanging above them. He asked her if she had an idea to get them down. She had a feeling he was just testing her and knew very well how to get them down. Kiera nodded her head. "They will come down with Accio." she said thinking that was a simple, straightforward answer.
Alex laughed. 'Yet, again, I prove that wrong. It would take way to long to get into specifics for that or else, every curtain in this corridor and that hall will be flying towards you,'he told Kiera, knowing fine she would be wondering what hall he was talking about. 'Diffindo, that way no one notices until they actually look closely, if you cut them near the top. And you can repare it easily. With Accio, you have to climb up there to put it through again,'he said, smirking. He waited to see if she would argue the point. While he waited though, he pulled his wand out and checked quickly for any signs of a professor or witness for that matter. None.
Kiera shook her head in awe. Alex clearly had thought all the specifics out. Kiera frowned though. They were in a dead end. "What hall?" she asked him curiously. Obviously he knew a secret she did not.
"Your way does make more sense." she admitted reluctantly. Kiera didnt like to be wrong too often.
'Why thank you' he replied as she admitted his way made more sense. 'And the hall is-'he said before lying down on his stomach. He traced the wall before he stopped. His top half of his fingers disappeared into the wall, before a stone moved out. 'Lumos' he casted on his wand, and putting into the hole. '-that one' he commented as it lit up a whole new corridor. Cobwebs covered the walls and it faded into darkness as Alex's wand only lighted as much as he dared it too, which was not a lot. He let Kiera see it before moving the stone back into position. Pushing himself up, he dusted down his front.
Kiera's mouth dropped as Alex opened up a whole new corridor. She stared at him in disbelief.
"How... What... Huh??" she stammered. Kiera took a deep breath as Alex stood back up.
"How did you find that?" she asked, finally putting a coherent sentence together.
Alex laughed. 'Well, you see it was like this. Me and this annoying little first year were playing catch and he had undone my shoe laces though i didn't actually know that. So I was running along here, and tripped up, banging my hand against the stone. It was quite weird at the time but gotta love that first year though. He total disappeared though. Shame really'he recited, before pointing his wand at the top of the ropes. 'Diffndo'he casted, using enough power to cut through the rope. The rope severed and fell to the floor in a heap.
Kiera laughed. "I cant imagine a first year pranking you by untying your shoes." she said shaking her head. Kiera walked over to the heap of rope Alex had just cut. She gathered it in her arms. "Where now sir?" she asked jokingly.
Alex smiled. 'Lead the way capt'n ' he said, before raising his right hand to his forehead. he saluted her with a funny face before laughing. 'C'mon. You can't just put a rope that size anywhere. That'll just give it all away' he added, pointing his wand at it. Concentrating hard on just seeing Kiera and the wall instead of rope, he casted the charm over it. The rope faded away with a shimmer, making Kiera look stupid to anyone else other than them.

(what's the charm again. :p :oy: )
Kiera laughed as Alex teased her. She smiled as he successfully preformed the charm on the rope in her arms. Now she just looked silly holding her arms out. She shook her head and placed the rope back on the floor. She took out her own wand. "Wingardium Leviosa" she said pointing at where she knew the rope was. Kiera could barely see shimmers as it rose into the air. "Where do you intend to put it?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

((I dont think there was one. :lol: =-/ ))
'Where's the best place d'you reckon?'he asked her as they started to walk down to the corridor. 'No tricks this time by the way. i honestly am asking you for an answer this time,'he added just incase she thought he had the answers once more.

( yeah but there was that name. illusionit ? or something like that. or maybe i'm just imagining things )
Kiera laughed as he said he wasnt tricking her this time. "Well thats good to know." she said with a smirk. She considered the answer carefully. "What about the first floor corridor? People pass by there constantly." she pointed out. She waited to see what he thought of her answer.

((Lol oh the disillusionment charm or something like that.))
Alex thought. 'sounds good enough to me. Race you'he said to he before starting run off to the first floor corridor.

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