[sub]Homework. Rayn was behind on homework. Honestly, it wasn't entirely his fault that he was behind in class. Really, if his friends had actually tried not to talk so incredibly loud in class and pay attention, he would not be in this predicament right now. Unfortunately for him though, his friends were a faster worker than he was and they managed to zip through their essays on Griffins as easy as it was to breathe. Rayn was a perfectionist above all else and he knew he had the ability to write a better essay if he tweaked just a little here and a little there. It was nearly 12AM by the time he was finally satisfied with his work and it was then that he noticed that he had spent a whopping five hours on it while his friends took less than three.
Thoroughly annoyed at himself for losing track of time, he roughly yanked out his Arithmacy book out of his bag while muttering curses under his breath. He still had homework from 3 other subjects to get through. It was going to be a long night. Lightly skimming through the instructions, Rayn decided that he should deserve at least a few minutes of rest. He had been working since the late afternoon and he wasn't nearly done. He let his quill fall clumsily across the table and stretched in his chair. He definitely deserved a rest. Cushioning his head with his arms on the table, he willed himself into a light nap. Slumber soon overtook the young blonde as he gave in to his exhaustion.
Thoroughly annoyed at himself for losing track of time, he roughly yanked out his Arithmacy book out of his bag while muttering curses under his breath. He still had homework from 3 other subjects to get through. It was going to be a long night. Lightly skimming through the instructions, Rayn decided that he should deserve at least a few minutes of rest. He had been working since the late afternoon and he wasn't nearly done. He let his quill fall clumsily across the table and stretched in his chair. He definitely deserved a rest. Cushioning his head with his arms on the table, he willed himself into a light nap. Slumber soon overtook the young blonde as he gave in to his exhaustion.