Hello ben has no one

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Ben Connolly

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone Ben Connolly has no one, he has no friends or anything if anyone would like to be his friend or enemy or girlfriend please let me know
A friend would be nice ... We can Rp in Makutu Mall and Brightstone.

About Lexi: She's not-so-in to trendy things just a little, Evil at times if she doesn't like the guy/girl and she can do anything, even fight with the professor's.
Carla would make a good enemy for your character. She is often polite, but has moments when she gets angry and turns on whoever's near her.

Jade could be a friend if you like, she likes to meet new people, and if they are her age she generally gets on well with them. PM me if you want to RP with her :)
Haha I guessed, although I wasn't sure, because it could be another Ben... just let me know if you want to RP somewhere in Makatu Mall (Jade hasn't been there before) or Brightstone.
okay, sure!
yeah he would be interested in that, even though that would be very unlike me, im making him as close to me as possible seeing as it is my name and im going to be sing me for the siggie and avatar
Hey its Lexi ... I'll get the thread finished later ... I'll send you the link
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