Hello and welcome to the world of magic

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Cherry Apple Wand 14' Dragon Heartstring
Hi, this is Narcissa or Cissy, she's a Hogwarts Scotland student and currently 4th year. She's very lonely as she's just new, Cissy is a home schooled before and transfer to a real school. Cissy needs friends, enemies, or love interest/crush. No age limit when it comes to friends and enemies but for love interest you should be the same age as her.

About Cissy, she is competive, kind, sweet, charming and sports lover. She plays quidditch and soccer, Cissy uncle was a former Minister of Magic in Scotland. Her family is rich but they aren't the snobbish rich family that you see always, they have charities and all from the Muggle world up to Wizarding world.

Anyone up for an rp just reply here and I'll get back on you :)
Steve is 15 and goes to Hogwarts Scotland. He has a girl friend but he's starting to drift away from her. If he can find someone who is at the same school as her (Cissy) then he will probably be able to stay closer. Either that or they could just be friends??
Please can you start??
I can offer my Beauxbatons student Izaak Shane as a love interest if you like. He is 15 and very sweet. He is charming and intelligent. He loves to be with his friends and he likes to make new ones. Even with his charm Izaak is very loyal to any girl he is with and treats them with respect. He falls in love easily and likes to be with his girl friend as much as possible.

Laura :)
Shaylah: Okay, I'll PM you the link later

Riley: Hmmm ... Maybe, we could try, so, want me to start or me?
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