hello again

Stefan Glass

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
stefan was sat on the bench in the court yard relaxing. he had met a beautiful girl a couple of days ago in the forest and had contacted her to get his bow back. they hadnt really got off to the best of starts as theyed been attacked in the forest. in fact he could have sworn he was the target of the attack on them that evening. he had put the dummy in his trunk that he had picked up while trying to escape. he saw her come out of the main doors and stood up and straightend himself up. and said "hello again" and kissed her on the cheek.

Roberta had got an owl, early that day from Stefan. She was glad that he was safe and sound after the incident in the forbidden forest. A smile shaped on her face when she read that he will be waiting for her in the courtyard to meet. Roberta automatically looked at his bow resting next to her bed. She was going to return it back but was it the only reason that Stefan asked her to meet again?

She took the bow and rushed out of the Gryffindor's common room. She was going to skip both her breakfast and her herbology class. She really didn't like the professor or the lesson itself so she wasn't bothered with it. It was quite awkward to walk in Hogwarts corridors, holding a bow while students, heading to their lessons were casting on you weird looks. But Roberta just didn't care.

She pushed the main doors to get out to the courtyard. It was such a sunny day. She hesitated for a moment and looked around. She spotted Stefan sitting on a bench, waiting for her. As she went towards him, she saw that he straightened up a bit and she smiled.
"Hi Stefan." she beamed and blushed as he kissed her on her cheek. There was a short pause before Roberta was able to talk again.
" Here's your bow. I returned back to find you but you were missing. In only found this. Thought that you dropped it." she explained and handed over his bow.
" Are you alright? What happened? " she asked him.​
He took his bow back of her and said "Thank you roberta do you want that dummy back or not." he said to her "Yeah im good ta ." he stated but winced as he put his bow back over his soulder. "all that i remember is telling you to run i returend for the dummy, i blacked out and next thing i know i was in my common room." he told her. "So what happened to you when you got back here?"
"No it's alright. Keep it to remember our first peaceful encounter." she joked and laughed.
"I can make a new one if I want in no time." she reassured him.
She listened carefully to his story of what happened after she left and how strangely enough, he found himself in his common room.
"Wow strange! Either you went back to your common room and you don't remember it or another Hufflepuff got you there." she pointed out the most logical explanations.
"Well I ran as you told me and I thought you were right behind me, until I tripped on something. I stopped but I couldn't hear anything. Neither you or anything else. So I returned back to see what happened and you weren't there. I found your bow though. You probably dropped it." she told him her part of the story.
"What was that thing out there though? Are you sure you didn't catch a glimpse of it before you blacked out?" she asked him and sat next to him on the bench.​
he listened to what had happened to Roberta when she left and try to put all that had happened that night together. "Roberta i would have told you what had happend if i knew." he told her. he started thinking that he should tell her that he was falling for her or maybe be he shouldnt but he decided he would. "Roberta whaat im about to tell you is in confidence." he said to her. "Roberta i think that im falling for you." he told her.
"Well anyway. We are both here safe and sound. That's what matters." she gave him a smile. Stefan's confession that followed, found her unprepared, making her cheeks blush. She thought that he might was joking but his expression seemed serious. Roberta was a person that had trouble, revealing her feelings. She believed that by doing so she will become vulnerable. But she was falling for Stefan too. It was just that she didn't know how to express it.
"I-umm- god this awkward." she murmured and the blushing spread all over her face. She lowered her sight on the ground.
"I think we share the same feelings." she managed to say and looked straight into his eyes. She was hoping after their encounter in forbidden forest to meet him again and for the couple of days that she had his bow in her dormitory, she was thinking of him, hoping he was alright.
"I mastered the stunning spell that you taught me." she changed the topic to break the ice.
"I managed to stun my partner in defense against the dark arts class." she added thankful, not sure what else to say.​
stefan listened to what she had to say about his confession and when she told him that they felt the same way about each other he said "Well maybe we should give it a go then." he was glad that she knew how he felt. when he heard sje had masterd the stunning spell he was glad because he could probally get michael to teach him some more when he was hom next."Well im glad that you have mastard it for your self."

"I had a good teacher." she said with a giggle.
Roberta was for the first time in her life unable to say something. Usually she had always the right words to say, no matter what was the situation. She hesitated for a moment and the leaned closer to him, slowly, she first looked straight in his eyes and then on his lips. She tilt her head slightly so that her lips were lined up with his and closed her eyes as they were pressed softly together.
When she told himthat he was a good teacher he blshed as he hadnt really done any thing. when they kissed it felt nauteral for them to be doing that.when they finished he said."So what do you wnna do know hun." he asked her.

She smiled after their kiss. She liked the fact that he had blushed a bit whether it was from her comment or from their kiss.
For Roberta was her very first kiss. Up to that point she never had kissed a boy or had a boyfriend. Most of a tomboy kind of girl, she used to just hang around them and be just friends with them as she couldn't really communicate with other girls.
"Well, how about to get to know each other better. Tell me about you. What's your interests?" she said and held his hand. She was feeling like she already knew a lot about him but she wanted to learn more.
"Except from sneaking around in the forbidden forest." she smiled and winked playfully.

"What apart from you." he chuckled "Ummm bows and arrows and things like that. How about you?" he asked her. He was hoping to get some back ground on her.

Roberta smiled at his compliment and she found the fact that he liked archery interesting. She was proven to be not good at aiming. Her spell casting was still bad.
"Well I love the art of transfiguration. I may not be able to properly defend my self but I can change my hair color easily." she said and twirled one of her orange tufts around her fingers.
"I also like Quidditch and flying. I bet I can beat you in a race." she challenged him with a mischievous smile.
stefan listened to what she had to say and found it intresting. "Id love to be able to change my hair coulor." he said to her."I bet you couldnt beat me. Cheer leading may be my strong point but i think im a pretty fast flyer." he said taking up her challenge. he looked straight at her waiting for a response.

"Wow, you are cheerleading? That's fantastic. I'm really awful in cheerleading, though I quite like it." she admitted to him.
Roberta liked the fact that Stefan had different interests. People that knew different things were always managing to impress her.
"Oh yeah? What about a race then? You would wish you had stayed to cheerleading." she teased him quite confident for herself.​
"Yeah im in to cheerleading I have been into it for a while." He told her. He listened to what she had to say about her beating him in a race. "TUT TUT you will not beat me." He said to her. He turned to face her properly and tickled her. "You really think that you can beat me huh." he said while tickleing her.

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