Heh heh heh...

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Abathyn Dalmoir

Well-Known Member
Hey all.

I am looking for someone to be the father of Abby's unborn child. Especially if the person doesn't mind drama, and is prepared to be almost killed.

Abby had a one night stand about a year ago, and is now 4 months preggers with Laani Dalmoir. She will love the child as she loves Jaimee, but its the father that's gonna pay...

Sorry this doesn't properly go into detail, but if you're interested could you PM me? I shall explain it more there.

I am in a rush coz I'm at Nana and Grandad's house... :erm:


-Livi :wub: :hug:
Actually, forget about PMing me. Just post here :D

Abby will literally go crazy, trying to throttle the guy, screaming at him, and probably finally using my secret idea ;)

Someone to save the guy will be needed, as Abby will apparate back to her home. I have this all planned out xD Thankyou all so much :)
Just pointing out, if you had the one night stand a year ago, the baby would have been born by now. It would have had to have been four months ago for the pregnancy to be four months along... ;)
I can be the saviour Livi, as Melodie knows all about Abathyn and her tendancies :) and it's likely I'll be around anyway cuz :p

And Wallace has a point...
I meant roughly one year. Besides, theres possibilities for you to get pregnant around a year after. Blame the morning head :D

Bitty, I'm thinking I might just have her run off or something. And then the guy would be found half-dead....... *evil grin*
Aroha Jennings said:
I meant roughly one year. Besides, theres possibilities for you to get pregnant around a year after. Blame the morning head :D
Um, thats just not possible unless you had sex and got pregnant since then...
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