Heading off til Sunday

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Aleyha Snow

Parselmouth / Albino / Mother / Hostile
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 13 3/8" Core of Basilisk Fang and Venom with a special handle
Hey guys,

I know what you all are thinking, "Oh no, how can we survive that long without our beloved Sir Kaitlyn?" Okay, maybe it is just me that was thinking that. :r: Anyways, tonight might be my last full night here, and tomorrow morning right before school. I don't know if I will be online after school or not, but I am heading to the big city, possibly without internet. If I take my laptop, then I can only skype. -_- Magnetized screen. I can't view HNZ unless there was a completely black theme. :rofl: So, what graphics I don't do within the next...few minutes probably won't be seen until Monday or late Sunday.
All my rps will be put on hold. Me and my thousand and four? (correct me Taylor if you see this. xD) characters will be locked up in their closets. So, I will more than likely have signal in the city I will be at, and those who have texting, text meh like crazy! I don't think a lot of people have my phone number, and I definitely won't give it out here. So, I guess just PM me (as long as you are a friend. :wink: ) and I'll handle that. :) Where exactly am I going? To civilization! (closer to Canada. :rofl: ) And where I will be staying at after I graduate from high school. Got to settle into my room before I actually move in. A break from HNZ should work well for me. So, I suppose I'll see you guys on Sunday/Monday if not tomorrow.
With hugs and loves,
Sir Kaitlyn​
Nooooooooooooooooooooo ;'(

Well if you must :oy: Hehe anyway hope you have an awesome time away Kaitlyn, and I'll see you (not literally though :p ) when you get back :D You deserve a good rest, especially before all the RPing you will be doing when you get back :r:

Lots of love =wub=
- Pat :hug:
I'll miss you chica! :hug: Truth is I won't be here much of the weekend either, but I guess I'll miss you. :r: Text your fingers off, have a good time and come back with stories! :lol:

:hug: I'll Miss you!! :hug:

I do hope that you have a lot of fun though, you deserve a break because I'm sure you'll be busy when you get back. ;) I will be sure to text you crazy though, just don't forget about us.

Slight change, my uncle can't pick me up today so apparently I might be leaving Saturday. If I don't have school on Monday and Tuesday then I just might be gone a little longer. :happy: But if I do, then expect me back Sunday. :rofl:
.. But still..
*slow motion dive* Nooooooo!
*grabs legs* *chains by ankle to floor*
Mwuhahaha! Now you cannot leave EVER! :shifty: :dementor: :deatheater:
Update: Plans have changed, and I am going to Lexington on Wednesday, and there is a computer with internet access but doubt I will be on at all. However, I am at my papaw's house now for a few days, and by the looks of it, I might not be on for too long at all during this week. Though I have my desktop with me right now, there is no desk, so the computer is on the floor, I am on the bed, and the monitor is on a coffee table. I just got the modem hooked up and well, I do need to spend time with my papaw while he is still of this earth. (If you do remember, he is the husband of my mamaw who passed in January)
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