🌹 Rose Giving Heading In The Right Direction

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
yellow for @Lucy Holland

Senna was happy to know she had almost found everyone on her list, delivered most of her roses. Her voice hadn't been a fan of all of her shouting though and she had adapted her tactic to asking the students she passed in the hallways about the names on her list. One had pointed her towards the gardens and given her a general description of the girl she was looking for, hoping they had send her in the right direction. "Hi, sorry?" Sen smiled when she noticed someone who looked a lot like the girl that had been described to her. "Are you Lucy?"
After making her delivery to the Groundskeeper, Lucy was taking her time making her way back to the castle. It was a lot of work, running up and down all those stairs in the middle of summer, and smelling the flowers would hopefully make her feel ready to tackle the castle again. It seemed she couldn't completely escape the roses for long though, and she looked up in pleasant surprise as an older girl approached. "Oh! Yep, that's me!" She stood up straighter, excited at the interruption. She'd been so busy giving roses out that she hadn't really thought about getting any herself.
Senna was glad she had managed to find the right girl, at least that saved her some effort. She was also pretty sure she would've tried to find whoever had send her in the wrong direction if this hadn't been the Lucy she was looking for. "Great! Hi. I've got a rose for you." Sen smiled as she offered her the yellow rose.

Happy Valentine's to my knight in shining armor and hero of the tower, Lucy!
xxxx Briony
"Eeeeee, thank you!" Lucy said brightly, bouncing on her toes as she accepted the rose and hurried to read the note. She smiled warmly, heart filling as she read the sweet message. "Awww yay, thank you!" She said, grinning again at the older girl who had delivered it.

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