Head Girl is injured

Jaken Styx

Father of 4 | Plus 1
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 15" Essense of Phoenix Talon
September 13, 2004 - April 26, 2026
Jaken carried the Head Girl in his arms. She failed to get down, and his legs were slightly tired from the stairs. But he managed. Jaken released a sigh, and stared down at Estrella, "Time to get you fixed up." Jaken went to the nearest bed, and set the Head Girl upon it. Flicking out his wand, he made a chair appear, and he sat down beside Estrella. His hand patted hers, and he said, "I don't want to hear any protests. Humor me, will you?" Jaken gave her one of his bright smiles, in hope that she would not turn it down.
Estrella smirked as Jaken set her gently back down on the Hospital Bed. She glanced around the Hospital Wing, picking out more than a few beaten down Quidditch players. The seventh year was relieved to see that not all of the bunch sported green and silver. "Tired yet?" she laughed, looking back to the boy she was so enamored with. "How about after we're done here you carry me to the towers?" Although the left side of her torso was flaring in pain, she was happy to have someone to occupy her. His smile was infectious, curling her own lip into something genuine. She glanced at the chair he had conjured, which managed to support his weight. If she had done the same, she would have fallen right on her backside. Her brown eyes flitted about the place for a nurse. Estrella didn't mind spending time with Jaken- hell, she loved it- but suffering the bite of two bludgers was not very fun. Glancing back at the stormy eyed boy, she snorted jokingly, "Humor you? Is this punishment for kicking Slytherin's ass on the pitch?" She was convinced that Ravenclaw was in the lead as far as all teams were concerned. However, she felt that her own performance had a lot to be desired.
Jaken laughed, "Just my legs. Nothing really major." Jaken winked at her and smirked, "I'm in better shape than you are right now." Jaken glanced around at the other players and grimaced. It was a rough game after all. Jaken was not too shocked over that. Jaken loved any spare time he had from studying to visit with Estrella. Though he would have preferred her without any bludger injuries. Jaken answered, "That would not be a problem. Though taking you to the dorm would be a different matter. Hopefully a nurse can come and fix you right up." Jaken shifted his posture, and scooted the chair so that he could be closer to Estrella. The closer the better. However, he did not wish to cause her any more pain than necessary. Jaken chuckled, "You did splendid out there. I did not cheer for either team, so I could careless who won." Smirking, he added, "By humoring me, I mean just see if you are 'okay' as you put it earlier."
Sticking her tongue out at Jaken, Estrella fought the urge to follow up with a punch to the arm. Not that the end result would have been good anyway. She couldn't land a decent blow for the life of her, and she probably would have ended up hurting herself even more. "C'mon, I'm not that maimed," she laughed teasingly, "Not like anything's broken. I have never heard anyone fret so much over a few scrapes and bruises." 'Bruises' was quite the understatement of the day. Someone might as well have clobbered her with a hammer. Her grin broadened as Jaken moved closer to her, close enough for her to lean in and... Nah, better not. The moment she had tried to follow through with a sneaky kiss her muscles reminded her that she was still here, in the Hospital Wing. She grimaced as she leaned back against the propped up bed, her expression of pain turning to one of happiness. Being in the Hospital Wing with Jaken was better than being here without him at all.

It was pathetic how NEWT classes left her craving interaction. It was like the professors had nothing better to do than claw into her sanity and leave it as hollow as an old oak tree. Transfiguration nearly left her in tears. She regretted continuing with it into her seventh year, and had contemplated dropping several times. The studious, proud Ravenclaw in her did not allow her to follow through with her plans. She was going to finish what she had started, no matter how much she failed along the way. Quidditch today had given her a breath of fresh air, though it had wounded her in more way than one. Books, her friends and Jaken were her only real release from the hell that was school, and Merlin knew she did not get enough time with any of them these days. Her first year self could never have imagined how much of a killer her seventh was going to be.

"I did alright, I guess," Estrella responded, shrugging her good shoulder. "Definitely have things to work on." Her expression brightening, she chuckled, "I am 'okay.' I probably could have made it up here by myself, but the lift was nice! I'll have to use that to my advantage more often." She grinned mischievously. Even though she should be hitting the painkillers right about now, she was simply happy to be here with Jaken.
Jaken smiled and laughed. "Bruises?" he repeated, "I know how hard those bludgers hit. Even after two blows, and I would have made myself go to the hospital wing. Trust me, I know that I might be...overreacting a bit, but still. I just want to make sure that you are okay." Jaken smiled again, and leaned against the back of the chair. Jaken listened to her speak, as he relaxed himself in the chair. Jaken smirked and said, "I'd be happy to carry you anywhere. But that sort of favor would have to happen when you aren't hurt." Jaken glanced around once more, and ran his fingers through his hair. The expression upon his features definitely said that he was happy to be here. Jaken offered, "Should I go hunt down one of your friends and tell them that you are stuck here for a bit?"
Although she had been razzing him about it the whole time, Estrella was comforted by the fact that Jaken was so concerned about her. "You're too sweet." Her eyes swept across the room again, in hopes of making contact with a nurse. No such luck this time around. Wincing a bit, she laughed, "Oh really? I may just have to take you up on that later. It is such a long walk to the tower, after all." The Ravenclaw smirked, stretching her legs. After wriggling her foot for a bit, the attempt to kick off her shoes was futile and she gave up. Well, at least they had not fallen off during the game.

She shook her head as Jaken offered to go and let someone know she was holed up in the Hospital Wing. Part of her didn't want him to leave, and the other acknowledged that she knew way too many people to count. The only person she would even think of telling was Lily, who would most likely put two and two together. "Nah, they'll be okay. Lily's probably throwing a party in the tower anyway. They won't miss me too much." She wondered if she was going to be able to sleep tonight. Most likely not.
"I'm just a sweet Slytherin," said the Slytherin boy. Jaken smirked, and pointed out, "Which might be a reason why I shouldn't do that. It is a long walk down to the dungeons too." He winked at her. Though he truly wouldn't mind doing that. After all, that could be the last time he were to carry her anywhere because of the studying they had to do. It was ridiculous, but still. "I guess Lily must be happy that she beat her boyfriend's team. I might hear it from Blake when I get to the dorm." Jaken chuckled and shrugged. It was only a game after all.
"Afraid of a little hike?" Estrella teased, raising an eyebrow challengingly. Jaken's smile was infectious; she couldn't help grinning goofily back at him. She was lucky to have someone like him; even if he wasn't technically her 'boyfriend.' With a small sigh she brought a hand behind her head, fumbling with the blue and bronze ribbon she had worn for the occasion. Light brown tresses of hair spilled onto her shoulders. She ran her fingers through the mess, frowning as she encountered a mess of snarls. What to talk about? Playing with her hair wasn't exactly an engaging pastime. The only subject that really came to mind was NEWTs. It wouldn't really be tactful to talk about those horrendous classes with the little time they did have together. As a seventeen year old girl, she definitely had better ideas of how to pass away the time, but there wasn't much one could do holed up in the Hospital Wing. She snickered a bit as Jaken mentioned Blake.

"Didn't he used to be the Slytherin captain? I'm sure he'll get over it. Some people get really upset over Quidditch." She smirked. "Though I can't say I would've been too happy if Slytherin had won after taking those bludgers. Speaking of..." The Ravenclaw glanced pointedly at a nurse, hoping to catch the woman's attention once again.

Thankfully, the nurse took the hint, if with a roll of her eyes. She must be new. Estrella could understand that she was busy, but on the same token, the Ravenclaw really only needed a quick fixer upper so she could get out of here. As much as she enjoyed spending the little time she had with Jaken, she did not like to be in agony either. The woman asked her what her injury was. When she explained the woman disappeared for a moment, then returned with a bottle. Estrella was instructed to drink the whole thing in one go, and not to throw it up. The seventeen year old brought the lip of the bottle to her mouth, grimacing as she attempted to down the whole thing. Whatever horrible brew it was definitely stimulated the gag reflex. Estrella handed the bottle back to the nurse, with a choked, "Thank you." She held her stomach, her insides roiling angrily. Finally the sensation lessened, and when she was confident that she would not vomit all over the Slytherin, she gave him a weak smile. "Hope you never have to drink that shi- er I mean, stuff." Though she had been sure the nurse was out to get her, she was relieved that the pain in her chest and shoulder was starting to dissipate.
The Slytherin narrowed his eyes and smirked, “Of course not, Estrella. I’ll take that challenge.” Jaken nodded, “I probably would have if I went out to the team this year. But I didn’t. Wasn’t in the best interest of mine.” Jaken bit his lip and rolled his eyes. Her next response made him laugh, but he said nothing more when the nurse came over. Jaken watched with slight amusement when she drank the vile stuff. Jaken held his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. Jaken responded a bit shakily at first, but soon his voice smoothed out, “I hope I never do either. I bet it tasted awesome though.” A smirk decorated his lips.
Estrella stuck out her tongue in distaste. "Completely awesome. Remind me not to vomit all over you," she drawled sarcastically. Wishing that she had been forced to drink Mrs. Scower's Magical Mess Remover instead, she swung her legs over the side of the bed. The Ravenclaw stretched as she rose to stand in front of Jaken. The tips of her fingers barely stretched farther than the top of the Slytherin's head. Estrella felt like a dwarf in comparison.

With a glance around the Hospital Wing, she suggested, "How about we blow this popsicle stand? Thanks for taking me up here, by the way. Not that I had much of a choice." Estrella's mouth quirked in amusement. She felt better, much better than she had before. Although she would have eventually made it to the Hospital Wing, the lift had been nice.
Jaken smirked, and stood up from the chair as well, when she did. His face could not hide the slight worry he still had for her. Jaken nodded, "As long as you are feeling better, then I am up for anything." Beaming, he glanced around the area. Some were in much worse shape than she was.. Jaken felt slightly bad that he thought that at least Estrella's shape wasn't like theirs. Jaken inquired curiously, "Still wanting me to carry you up the tower? I wouldn't mind it at all." Jaken had a mischievous look upon his features.
Estrella nodded to Jaken as she slipped past him and turned down the wide walkway. She couldn't wait to get out of the Hospital Wing, with the assortment of scents and occasional glare from a Slytherin. Not that she could say she wouldn't have been a sore loser herself. Flashing a wide smile, she fell back a bit and grasped Jaken's hand in hers. Hoping he wouldn't shy from the sudden contact, she squeezed his fingers gently and pulled away. They might not be dating, but she still liked the security of holding hands. "I'm in tip top shape. Unless you count the horrid taste in my mouth," she said warmly. When he asked if she would still like a lift up to the tower, she grinned. "Only if you want to."

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