Having Friends Over

Julia Black

Loud 💣 "Jules" 💣 Daring
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care (Bi)
Sexual Orientation
Jules was busy in the shelter at this time of the day, they were waiting for Tim's friend to come over. The last time they had friends over was when Zeke was here, that time Tim was the one to meet him. And it seemed like Jules was the one to meet his friend this time since Tim was washing the new puppies. As always, they had a few of their dogs out, this time it were two Staffordshire terriers, one German shepherd, Shih zu and a boxer. They had put such a company because the dogs all were friendly towards each other and they were friendly towards people. Their mom currently was working with one of the new dogs who seemed to be a bit agressive with people. Their dad was feeding one of the kittens that had lost their mom and required human assistance and had special needs. Yet, Jules was just sitting on the blanket and brushing the shih tzu Dolly while the other dogs were playing with a lot of toys and running around. They had a special playground for them but it was taken since their mom was working with dog there as it felt more comfortable there instead of a learning place. And Jules was just easy to approach.
Kiara had been gleaming with pride when she had told her dads that one of her friends had invited her over during the break, yet now that she was actually here with her pa dropping her off she couldn't help but to feel a little nervous. Hanging out with someone at school was one thing but visiting them in a place unknown to her was something else. Kiara shook her head when her pa asked if he needed to go inside with her before giving a quick hug goodbye and wandering into the shelter Tim had given her the address of. "Hi." She said softly when the only person in the entrance area was another girl. She did recognize her from school, so she was sure she was in the rigth place. Kiara cautiously made her way a little closer. "Uh, I'm Kiara." She added shyly, thinking that, logically, if this girl was family of Tim she would be aware of her coming to visit.
Jules finished brushing the dog and started to fashion it once she heard someone entering the yard, she didn't look up until she heard that she was talked to and terrier literally stepped on her while trying to get the girl to cuddle or pet her. "Oh hey, Kiara! We were waiting for you to come, Tim will be here soon too. He's washing puppies, y'know, the job at the shelter never stops, no holidays," she easily spoke with her. "I am Jules, Julia, Jay, whatever is more comfortable with you," after that Jules gestured Kiara to sit down with her on the blanket since the dogs seemed to be intrigued by a new person. it hurt her a bit that they were so happy and none of them were going home that day. "So you're the girl that Tim has been hanging out with? So, do you like him? You know that he's totally oblivious, right? If you like him, you totally should tell him because he's not gonna understand until you literally say it," well, Jules love life was awful, well, it simply didn't exist. And Tim, he always managed to get attention.
Kiara couldn't help a grin when one of the dogs walked up to her, carefully petting its head. It reminded her of her own dog back at home and she'd happily just sit down right there and then and spend the rest of the day witht he dogs. "Uh, yeah, totally." She nodded when the girl mentioned owning a shelter was always busy, which was a little sad to hear. Although she guessed it was good the animals were here rather than somewhere worse. "Nice to meet you." Kiara smiled when Jules introduced herself, sitting down on the blanket and giggling when the dogs took an interest to her. When the girl suddenly started asking her about Tim she could feel her cheeks flush. Not because she liked him but because she got flustered by Jules asking her things she had never even thought about. "I- uh, what?" She eventually managed to choke out, shuffling on the blanket to try and make herself feel comfortable somehow as she continued petting one of the dogs. They were the main reason she was here after all.
Jules laughed when Kiara seemed to be really confused by all Jules' questions, well, it wasn't the first time that Julia managed to confuse someone. "Alright, alright. How did you and Tim meet?" She excitedly smiled while still petting the shih tzu in her lap, glad that at least one dog didn't seem to turn away from him. "Also, do you have any pets?" Jules decided to go for this question since well, if she didn't have any, she could get them here, if she did have a pet, well, she could bring him here to socialize. It wasn't just a shelter, they also provided the day care for dogs and cats, like a hotel for them and dog training courses. Their whole family were absolutely focused on the animals, so it just worked that way that they always had a lot of work and not only in taking care of shelter animals. They were a prestige shelter that included a lot of options in itself.
Kiara had to admit she was a little intimidated by Jules' confidence and directness, especially since it didn't stop the older girl from feeling approachable. "I think we met in the park, right before he went to school." She answered the girl's question, trying her best to remember how she had met the boy. She was fairly certain that was it though. At the swings in the park. She could remember the disappointment she had felt when he had mentioned already heading off to school when she still had to wait a year. "Yeah! We have a dog, Nani, she's the best, and I have a pygmy puff called Lilo." Kiara perked up, clearly excited to be talking about something that felt more confortable. "I think my dads got those names from a muggle movie." She added with a soft giggle.
Tim was excited to see Kiara again, she was sweet and didn't make him feel like he was annoying. And she was going to visit him, he was excited about it, he knew how much she liked animals and he wasn't sure when exactly she will arrive and he still had a work to do. He was going to get the shelter after the graduation and he knew how much he had to study for it a lot. And while waiting, he washed the new puppies since they were all dirty and now he was already done with it. He decided to check if Kiara already came there and noticed that she was talking with JJ. "Whatever she says is not true," he loudly called out while approaching both girls. He loved JJ but they loved embarrassing each other and he was pretty sure that Jules was gonna go mad about it, she was never skipping the chance. Tim still had two puppies in hands. "Hey Kiara, I hope she isn't bothering you," he came down there smiling at her. His dogs Milo and Zeus were just following him as always only the exception was that Milo was in a frog costume and Zeus was in vampire's costume. It wasn't uncommon for their family but probably quite uncommon for Kiara.
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Jules excitedly nodded when Kiara told her about how they met. "oh, how adorable! I'm glad he has friends now!" She chuckled, of course Tim had friends but she was just messing around about him. "Oooh, a dog and a pygmy puff! How cute! My twin has a pygmy puff too and well, Tim has two dogs on his own, a rabbit and a cat! And I'm pretty sure that they sleep in his bed while he sleeps in their little beds just to don't offend them," She laughed a bit. "Name Lilo sounds like from that cartoon Lilo and Stitch, it's a fun cartoon! But no idea where Nani is from. What breed is Nani?" She keenly asked, it seemed like this theme was getting Kiara more comfortable around her. And when she heard Tim's voice and him saying that Kiara shouldn't believe her. "Oh, shut up! I'm just telling how we found you in a trash bin and just took you in because you stuck on us," she loudly answered to him while he was coming towards them with his company - Milo and Zeus. She didn't even bother to think about what was going on, after all she had dyed Tim's cat green and the costumes... Well, to say the least, it was Julia who got them. "When he was six, he believed that eating grass would make him run faster, so he always ate our cat's grass for almost a week until my twin told him that it's not true," she fastly whispered her and making sure that the whispers were loud enough for Tim to hear it. "I would never bother her," she acted offended and then jokingly winked at Kiara just so she was sure that Julia was just messing around.
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