Having a Kick

Luke Ricarnen

Well-Known Member
Luke got up as early as he could this morning, there was one thing he was yet to do on the wide open ground, have a kick with his football. He slowly gets out of his bed and places on his black T-Shirt, one of his favorites actually. He then reached into his suitcase and pulled out his Richmond Guernsey He quickly put it on before grabbing his footy and pretty much running out of the dorm and through the common room on his day off. He went out through the portrait and walked down the corridors, to avoid getting caught he thought.

Luke opened the door and stepped out, the cold chill hits him and he decides to keep going as he begins to bounce the footy as he walks, he then decides to have a massive kick and just boots it down the lawn as it bounces and he runs after it.
Lucy walked down to the grounds, needing to escape the confines of Ravenclaw tower. She had dressed simply in jeans and a t-shirt with a pair of sneakers, not something she usually wore but she thought that perhaps she could practice flying so she wouldn't fail that class dismally.

Reaching the lawn, she smiled as she saw a boy who she vaguely recognised from her year level kicking around a football. Playing Aussie Rules, no less. Lucy smiled - something she knew from home! She noticed the ball coming over to her so she picked it up and grinned. "Ick, Richmond?" she stated, jokingly. "Brisbane Lions are better," she winked, handballing the footy back to the boy. Lucy wasn't exactly sporty, but she had played sport at school and she was quite happy to support her teams - particuarly in cricket, AFL and Rugby Union.
Luke noticed as he was running a blonde haired girl pick up the ball and handball it back to him as he slowed down a little, a smile creeped on his face as he hears her bad mouthing Richmond. He heard he say saying about following the Brisbane Lions as he laughed. "We will see when the season starts I guess." He smiled as he said that and handballed the ball back to the girl and began to introduce himself. "I'm Luke, pleased to meet you."
"I suppose, but it's a shame we can't actually see any of the games here," she said, with a small sigh. Lucy still couldn't get used to Hogwarts. She really wasn't enjoying herself, as much as she tried. She hoped one day she'd get used to it, but for now, it seemed she was simply stuck. "Nice to meet you, Luke," she replied, as she gave the ball a small drop-kick - not a very good one, but at least the ball landed in front of Luke. "I'm Lucinda. You can call me Lucy, though, everyone does. First year Ravenclaw, if that means anything," she added, still not so sure what the big deal was with the houses.
"I wish we got to see the games here, I gotta find someway to get the scores." Luke chuckled as he said it but still pondered how to. She gave the ball a little toe poke type dropkick and it landed in front of him so he picked it up. He heard her introduce herself as Lucinda or Lucy for short and that she was a first year Ravenclaw. "First Year Gryffindor, it feels great to be here don't you think" He then kicks the ball with a small dropkick but he overkicked a little so it went over Lucy's head. "Sorry"
"'Spose we could get the news from home, get the papers delivered or ask back home or something," Lucy suggested, shrugging. She ducked as he kicked the ball back to her, seeing it was going a bit higher than he had intended, or at least that's what she supposed. "It's okay," she responded with a smile, as she picked up the ball and handballed it back - quite a weak handball that went a little right of target. "Oh, sorry," she muttered, embarassed. "Great...um, I suppose," she mumbled. "I'm not that keen on being here, but I suppose it is a nice place..." she pondered, trailing off a little.
"You better tell me the scores if you get them." Luke smiled as he said it jokingly. She then let off a weak handball and it went a little to the right and he walked over to grab it. "Thats fine, I suppose it is a little payback." Luke chuckled a little as he backed up a little and hit a little stab kick to Lucy. "I suppose it is a nice place but being away from my family is a bit out there. I have never been away from them for more then 4 or 5 hours. The classes are a bit weird and I have no friends here just yet, would you like to be a friend to me?" Luke smiled, he was nervous as he was still very shy.
"I'll make sure to," Lucy earnestly replied, smiling, although she could tell he was joking. She caught the ball as he kicked it, and proud of herself for catching it, tossed it from hand to hand as she listened to what Luke had to say. "It's a bit hard, yeah. I miss my mum and I'm, erm, a little slow at catching on to all this wizarding stuff," she admitted, looking a little embarassed. "Sure, I'll be your friend," she grinned, kicking the footy back to him. "It's nice to actually know someone from home," she admitted. "I haven't really met anyone else from home, which is kinda odd. You're from Melbourne, I'm guessing?" she asked, hoping she was correct.
"Thanks." Replied Luke to Lucy. As he listened to what she was saying, he waited to finish what she was saying before replying. "Victoria, yes, Melbourne, No. I actually live north of Melbourne in a country town called Wodonga, how about you?" Luke replied honestly waiting for her reply with a smile as he watched the football move from hand to hand.
"Ah," Lucy muttered, reddening. "Awesome! I think I have some relatives in Albury...I think," she pondered, with a chuckle. Her father's father had a farm around there, anyway. It didn't really matter to Lucy, she had never actually been there. "I'm from Brisbane. Pretty boring," she admitted, with a sigh. There really wasn't that much to see or do in Brisbane. It was dull, but it was home, and Lucy missed it terribly.
Luke laughed as Lucy finished her sentence with I think, he might have met some of her relatives but he decided not to say anything. "Brisbane huh, I think I have been up there once on a holiday, I don't think I could live up there, too much hustle and bustle." Luke thought out loud and hoped that he didn't offend her by accident. "I miss Wodonga terribly if you ask me, do you miss Brisbane?" Luke thought, hoping that she would pass the football back to him soon.

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