Closed Having a Friend Round

Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
Rosie was very excited about having a friend round. Of all her siblings, she'd been the only one so far who hadn't. She usually met up with people afterwards, tended not to see them at the house. But she'd invited Abby round, sent letters arranging it, and Rosie was expecting her. Her dad was out doing something with Aurora, Bran was in Japan with his girlfriend, and her mum was getting things for later that day. She was very excited about it. Though was taking them time to distract herself, she knew it would be a little before Abby arrived, and she was taking the time to tend to the front garden. The winter wasn't too bad, but there had been a build up of some leaves and a few weeds pushing through.
Abby had been very excited since the mention of hanging out with Rosie during the break. She knew it would be heaps of fun. She did like Rosie's company. Though she was a little nervous. I mean, she's always nervous. Her dad was able to take her to Rosie's house, which she was very appreciative of. It wasn't long before they arrived in front of a house, and she noticed a familiar set of hair doing something in the garden. She waved goodbye to her dad, and he did the same and he was gone. She made her way towards Rosie. "Hey, Rosie. I really like your garden, it's very pretty" Abby says softly as she looked around her friend's garden.
Rosie glanced up happily as she heard someone approach. "Hey Abby!" she greeted the girl excitedly. She beamed with pride at the compliment for her garden. It was in a bit of a state given the time of year, but it was going to look good when the summer came again. "There's more garden out back, if you wanna see that?" she offered. She didn't know how into flowers and gardens Abby was, but given that Rosie loved it, it only seemed right to show her that first and then they could get to other things.
Abby smiled excitedly as her friend greeted her. The Gryffindor was excited to be here and was happy to spend time with her friend. Abby nodded. "Sure! I would like that" Abby says softly as she excitedly nodded at Rosie's offer of showing the back garden. "Did you do the garden yourself? Or did someone else do it?" Abby asked curiously. She knew that Rosie had quite an interest in plants and nature, and was curious if Rosie had any input about the garden.
Rosie began leading Abby through the home to the back garden, which had a lot more herbs and vegetables than the front garden, though most of it had died off. "Oh no, not alone, I do most of it, but Aurora helps out and my mum helps out too," Rosie told her. She did most of the work, but it wasn't something she did entirely alone. She liked plants and herbs. "Gardening is soothing. Do you garden?" she wasn't sure if she'd seen Abby at the wild patch events.
Abby listened carefully as her friend explained about the garden. She guessed it was a little bit of a dumb thought that Rosie had done all of this herself, but nevertheless, she thought that the garden was pretty awesome. "That's cool, always nice to have a helping hand. What sort of things do you grow in your garden?" Abby asked Rosie with a smile, as she looked around the garden. Abby couldn't really relate to living with a big garden, as she and her family lived in a small house that didn't have much land. "Gardening does sound soothing, but I don't really do it often as we don't have much of a garden back at my house. Painting to me is quite soothing though!"
Rosie shrugged, ”A little of everything, tomatoes, cucumbers, kiwis, some chives, some parsley, basil, lavender,” she listed, it was a lot of different things at different points in the year. At least when she'd been at home more, but she wasn't here a lot any more. ”Well, I used to grow more, but with school, it's a bit more difficult,” she couldn't be about for the whole season. She could imagine that where she found gardening soothing, that someone like Abby would find painting soothing, Rosie knew that Abby did a lot of painting and drawing. ”Yeah? Are you hoping to be an artist someday?” Rosie asked.
Abby nodded as Rosie explained about the things she grew. She thought that having a vegetable garden was so much more convenient instead of going to the shops to buy them. "I bet they taste delicious," Abby says with a small smile. Though she understood about Rosie not gardening much as they both were barely at home most of the time due to school. "Are you able to grow stuff at school?" Abby asked, again, that might have been a stupid question to ask, but surely they were allowed to plant things, right? Abby nodded excitedly at Rosie's question. "Yes! I would love to be an artist someday. What about you? Do you have an idea of what you wanna do?"
Rosie gave a little nod at her friend, they were delicious. She had always appreciated being able to grown and eat her own vegetables. To be able to see her mother use the herbs in spices. She gave a half shrug. ”The garden is a little more limited, and you do have to share, so I don't grow a lot of my own stuff. But the wild patch grows enough,” Rosie told her with an easy smile. ”Yeah? That's so cool,” she said. Rosie thought it would be cool to have a friend who was a professional artist, and she was sure that she would be able to achieve it no problem. ”Would you go to art school? After Hogwarts?” she asked. Rosie shook her head, though. ”Not really. I'd like to have a garden, but I'm not sure whether that's a career,”
Abby nodded her head as Rosie explained about the garden at school. She guessed she understood, though it still would've been nice to be able to have your own area to grow things. Abby nodded at her friends question. "I think so! I've been thinking about going to one after Hogwarts, but I'm not sure where as of yet." Abby says with a shrug. She knew there weren't many art schools in the country, but there were a lot more internationally. But she thought it was a little early to plan what school. "Oh! A gardening sort of job would be cool! I'm sure there is something like that out there. Maybe landscaping could be an option! It sounds like fun"
Rosie began to guide her back towards the house. She wondered what art school would be like, if it was like Hogwarts or wouldn't at all be like it. She wasn't sure, but it would be cool for Abby to do that. ”Well, when we can apparate location won't be much of an issue,” the teen said. She knew it would be hard to have a friend live far away, she'd experienced it with Xinyi, but she knew if that was what a person needed to do there was nothing anyone else could do to stop it. The Gryffindor nodded, she wasn't sure landscaping would be for her, maybe too much work, but it was a good idea. ”That would be cool,” She agreed. ”Come on, let me show you inside,”
Abby nodded in agreement at Rosie's statement. Abby always thought apparate was very convenient and she couldn't wait to learn about it. The Gryffindor nodded her head excitedly as Rosie had mentioned about showing her the inside. "Sure! Lead the way" Abby says with a smile and a small chuckle. She loved the area that Rosie lived in, and was definitely curious about the inside.
Rosie led her into the house. The place was modest, it was bigger than it had been when first built, added to by magic. It was nicely designed with a lot of books on every other surface, brooms and quidditch gear. It was a little messy, not too messy, but like people lived there. Rosie talked over every room. She guided Abby up the stairs and to the moderate sized room she shared with Aurora. It had lots of books and plants there, seeds, plants in little pots. ”You can have Aurora's bed, she'll be in Branson's room.”
Abby followed Rosie inside and looked around with 'awh'. She thought that the house was quite pretty and quaint. She nodded as her friend talked about each room and whatnot until they came up to her room. There were plenty of books. And of course, plants, which Abby wasn't too surprised about since Rosie of course was into gardening. She felt a little bad that Aurora had been placed in their older brother's room. "Are you sure? I'm not crashing on anything, am I?" Abby asked. She was totally fine on sleeping on the floor.
Rosie shook her head lightly. ”Aurora's going over early to Uncle Ty and Aunt Rhi's place, to look after the babies,” she said with an excited tone. Babies were just so cute. She loved being able to hold little Fiona and the new little baby too. ”She'll hang out a bit later, but will go to bed early,” Rosie loved her sister dearly, but knew it was important for them to do things apart and to have different friends at times. She was sure everyone would get along, but it was important in Rosie's mind, and she knew it was for Aurora too, to not rely too much upon someone. ”What do you wanna do first?”
Abby nodded as Rosie explained what Aurora was going to do. She still hoped that she wasn't crashing anything, but if Rosie was sure, she guessed that she didn't mind it at all. Abby smiled and shrugged a little at her friend's question. "Oh, I'm not sure, to be honest. What did you have in mind? I'm up for anything"

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