Open Having a Ball

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Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (14)
Callie felt underdressed as she stepped into the Great Hall. She had had the same issue when it came to the yuleball, but she just didn't have that many fancy clothes, and certainly even her new attempt wasn't exactly the best. She'd opted for something her parents had bought her over the break, and though it looked nice and was made of nice materials, she kept pulling down the skirt and feeling a little silly. Everyone else was dressed nicely and she felt a little like she had accidentally put on a shirt for someone much bigger than her and called it a dress. But she was trying to not let it affect her as she moved into the Hall, she went to the snacks, marvelling at how these had been decorated.
Marley hadn't been to many school events before, but she did like the idea of them. However, she may not have thought about her outfit through. She decided to go in with a pink dress and some. converse to match (however, she was reluctant to put on because she wasn't really into dresses). It was a bit before Marley headed to the great hall, where the party was at. She looked around the great hall to see if there was anything that caught her eye or if there was anyone she knew. Marley smiled cheerfully when she saw a familiar face and quickly made her way towards her roommate. "Hiya Callie," Marley says with a smile and wave. "Any snacks you recommend?"
Callie smiled at her roommate, glad to have run into someone she knew. It helped that it was smeone who wasn't as dressed up either, helping make Callie feel a little less out of place. She didn't want to be the only one not completely dressed up, but it had been possible that she would be. "Oh, I don't know yet," she answered with a giggle. "I'm trying to think of which ones I liked at Halloween and the Yuleball, to try and pick similar ones," she was sure a lot of them were the same, just slightly different designs on them.
Marley nodded and smiled happily when Callie wasn't sure yet. Marley giggled with her a little. "That's ok!" Marley says with a nod and smile. "I'm sure they'd be good snacks," Marley said with a nod. She vaguely remembered having some of the snacks from the Halloween feast and thought they were good. "How bout we try a few of these and rank them out of ten?" Marley suggested as she gestured at the snacks in front of them. She thought it would be fun but didn't mind if Callie didn't like the idea either.
Callie nodded eagerly in agreement. She felt certain that the snacks on offer in front of her would be nice, that she would enjoy them. The idea of ranking them was good, though she worried a little about wasting the food. "Okay, but not too many, I don't want to waste anything you know," she replied, hoping that Marley wouldn't mind her saying and wanting to do that. "Maybe we both pick three and then split them to rank?" she added already spying a couple that she would want to bring to the rankings.
Marley nodded her head in agreement. "That's ok! I totally get not wanting to waste anything," Marley said happily. She was happy that Callie had agreed to this ranking game. "Sounds good! What ones did you have in mind?" Marley said with a small giggle, as she too had some snack ideas on what she wanted to try, but she wanted Callie to pick the one first or decide on which ones she wanted to try first.
Callie was glad that Marley didn't think her weird for not wanting to waste anything. She then glanced around at the snacks. "Maybe this meringue thing," she picked it up, it was a pink meringue, in the vague shape of a heart. It wasn't too big, and she should it looked real tasty. "Anything you spot initally?" She asked, already vaguely thinking about what she'd take next.
"Ooh! That looks quite yummy!" Marley says happily with a nod as Callie picks up a pink meringue. It definitely looked yummy, but they had to test it out first before they could make that decision. She looked around the snack table at the different options that they had. There were so many Marley couldn't decide which one to pick. She then decided on the pink iced cupcakes that had heart-shaped sprinkles. The sprinkles had shining sparkles from time to time too. "How about this cupcake? I'm not sure what flavour it is, though," Marley says as she holds up the cupcake and shrugs.
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