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Felix Layton-King

Advocating for the rest of us ꜱᴛᴜᴅᴇɴᴛ ᴄᴀᴍᴘᴀɪɢɴᴇʀ
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
or so he thinks
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
09/2050 (13)
Felix had already tried to help by signing up to the Brotherhood. Merlin, he'd even tried to speak to Minister of Magic at the careers fair. It wasn't enough though in the grand scheme of things, to make an active difference to the day to day lives of the students around him at school. Felix had struggled when he'd first joined Hogwarts over a year ago, and not only because he'd been bullied by his older sister. He'd also seen enough of his classmates struggling to know there was clearly a gap at this school when it came to support but as far as Felix could tell, no Professor seemed to be interested in filling it. Therefore, despite feeling invisible when he'd first come to school, Felix had taken it upon himself to become a new student campaigner and bridge the gap between other students and what they needed most.

The Gryffindor had set up a table just outside the Great Hall in the hopes that throughout the day, students from all years and houses would be able to walk past and see what he'd done for them. The stall wasn't very large, but there were posters up on the stone wall behind him with "Have your say" painted in bright pink, with leaflets that Felix had spent days putting together spread out across the table in front of him. It was simple really, he just wanted to hear about what other students struggled with around the school. Once he had the issues that were right in front of them, he could find a way to fix it or at least approach someone else that could help fix it. If the Professor weren't going to pay attention to their own students in class then Felix would take it up with the Headmaster directly. Either way, Felix wasn't going to just sit back and watch his friends continue to struggle in silence.

OOCOut of Character:
Felix wants to become a voice for students that struggle around the school. Feel free to come and have a chat with him or any of the other students helping out (you're welcome to join him behind the stall too) and let him know what your character is having trouble with!
Amory was on his way through the Great Hall when he spotted his best friend with a stall of sorts, he did recall the Gryffindor mentioning something like this in passing so the Slytherin sauntered right over. "What do we have here, Mi Lord?" He asked with a lazy smile as he settled behind the stall, with every intention of helping in anyway he could.
Felix's head bounced up when he heard Amory's voice, and he grinned at the Slytherin. "I'm trying to make something of myself Amory," he said, sitting a little higher in his seat. Perhaps he was joking but there was still the underlying truth beneath it. He'd wanted to do this for some time and he was proud of himself for taking the next steps. "Either I'll write down the problems that the students are having, or if they don't want to speak it out loud," which was a legitimate concern given the number of bullies this school seemed to have, "then they can write it down and put it in this box," the Gryffindor tapped the post box style cardboard box beside him. He knew his sister's new shoes would have come in helpful to him eventually. "Want to join?" he offered, knowing there was still an empty space beside him.
Amory watched who he considered to be his best friend with intrigue. He was impressed by the Gryffindor, he had put thought into this and went with it. "Oh, that's a good idea and I'd love to join." He said rounding the stand and taking up the space. "Just tell me what you need me to do I suppose, or if nothing I'll just stand here." The Slytherin offered, patting Felix on the shoulder. This was a good thing he was doing.
Felix was glad when Amory seemed pleased to join the cause, "Mmm, just be ready to listen to students and look pretty I guess," he already had one of those things in the bag. He didn't know if some students would be harder to talk to than others, or not willing to share their experiences. For all he knew there would be others that would also try to shut him down, but he would do what he could to help those who needed it.
William was used to seeing unusual things when he entered the great hall but seeing Felix and Amory behind a stall was a surprise even to him and it wasn't something he could ignore. "What you up to Fe?" William asked heading over to the two boys behind the table.
Felix was trying to make his hair look better by swiping his fingers through it when William joined their table. "Hey man," another grin appearing on his face. "I'm taking notes!" Felix pointed in the direction of the large banner behind them. "I want students to know that if they want someone looking out for them, well then they've got it." Perhaps it would take time to get the ball rolling, but the Gryffindor was serious about wanting to help them. "Anyone you've got beef with Will? Share your beef! Stick your beef in this box and I'll get it fixed up for you. All tender, no juice," he winked.
Amory grimaced at his best friends way of well presenting his cause. Well that was certainly one way of putting things. "Hey Willy boy, come on join us on our righteous cause. No but seriously please do if we look official enough surely someone will be comfortable approaching, no?" He offered with a shrug, gesturing to the plenty of space around both of them.

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