Have they learned their lesson?

Justin Cliffeton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
It had been an entire semester since they had punished the group of students that had been responsible for the attack on the Ravenclaw Common Room. Since then he hadn't heard from anyone that they had been a pain in the ass, but he was sure that if they were going to do something they would have been careful. He would let them tell their story though, and since Styx was going to be in attendance he knew that there would be very little chance that they would be able to get away with a lie. He'd sent notes to Professor Kingsley, Professor Styx, and the three students asking them to come to this office so that they could get this over and done with so that they would be able to resume their lives.
Wyatt had gone through a particularly difficult winter break and was only now finishing processing the information he'd received. He wanted to do this as privately as possible which for Wyatt meant being solitary so the boy was not only annoyed to be called into the idiot Professor's office simply for the fact of it all but because he felt he needed to be alone. He didn't search for Marisol or Asaiah as he walked towards the office, as he just wanted to get this meeting over and done with. The boy would not be surprised if the professor was trying to show his strength by accusing them of other things that had gone on over the year or attempt to convict them twice, completely disregarding the rule of non bis in idem which was not just a legal term but a social one as well. He hoped to be surprised but with the way things were changing for Wyatt he had no hope that Professor Cliffeton would have any sort of sympathy. He was a truly horrible person as far as Wyatt was concerned. His only possible defence was a woman who didn't care enough to expel him as he so wished to be which left him certain that he was doomed. Still he knocked on the door of the office, glaring straight ahead of him.
Asaiah knew that sooner or later they would be called into the Deputy's office, but didn't worry about anything this time around. The three of them hadn't done anything wrong during last semester so there was no reason for the Professors to keep them from doing their favourite activities. He hoped that they could soon leave this behind them so the three of them could enjoy being free again, especially so he could hang out with friends such as Tesla again since he hadn't seen much of her at all last semester. Asaiah smiled as he approached the office and saw that one of his best friends was already standing there waiting for the door to be opened. ''Yo, dude.'' he said, patting his pal on the back.
Marisol was glad to be back at school where she could finally be free to hang out with her friends again, but she had forgotten that the terms of their punishment technically still needed to be discussed to see if they had 'learned their lesson.' She walked down to Cliffeton's office and smiled when she saw her best friends there, especially Wyatt because she had been afraid that he wouldn't come back this year - a fear she kept to herself. "Hey," she said grimly, wishing they were reunited under better circumstances. She waited with them for the professor to invite them in, already dreading this meeting. If she could never see Cliffeton's stupid face ever again it would be too soon.
Professor Kingsley was surprised to get a note from the deputy headmaster and was even more surprised by its content. The man didn't typically invite her to discussions where her students were involved. She would just find the housepoints lower or hear grumblings of a detention or worse.

Heading down the stairs and hoping Wyatt and Marisol would not be late so this matter could be settled once and for all, Cyndi knew Kalif would at least be there as a bridge. Seeing the small crowd present, Professor Kingsley frowned slightly. "Pardon me" she said going up to the door and knocking (again ) without asking if one of the others had knocked. She assumed they hadn't since surely the professor would have answered and not left them in the hall if they had.
Receiving a notice was something that Kalif honestly expected. He felt that he needed to know who and what happened so he knew what to keep an eye on. This concerned Asaiah and his friends though, that much he was certain. Kalif strolled up from the dungeons with his black robes flowing around him. He saw the group waiting outside the door. Now, if anyone knew Kalif, it was his lack of patience. He made his way through the students, not sparing a glace toward any of them. He grabbed the doorknob with his gloved hand and twisted, opening it. He let himself in and stood in the corner. He wanted this done and over with.
Justin was glad that he hadn't had 5 different people knock on his door, and he had expected Professor Styx to let himself in when he arrived. He rolled his eyes in mock surprised and motioned for the others to enter classroom as the Head of House took a place in the corner. He flicked his wand to close the door once everyone else was inside, and took a seat behind his desk once again. "Thank you all for coming." He said before turning his attention to the three students. "As you should know, the three of you are here for us to review the terms of your punishment and decide whether or not you deserve to have those punishments revoked." He told them. "Have you done your best to follow the conditions that I decreed you follow when you were last here? Those being restriction to the common room except for during lessons, and meal times." He got straight to the point so as to not waste anyones time and knowing that they would probably not want to spend anymore time than they had too with him.
Wyatt felt this discussion was a farce and would easily have said so if given the opportunity to affect only his outcome and not the others but instead he stayed quiet after walking into the office. He'd heard through the grape vine that the Deputy Head punished people for expressing their opinions - even if they were wrong opinions about Quidditch. He nearly rolled his eyes three times as the man spoke but instead forced himself to look down otherwise he would've gotten into more trouble for firmly believing the child-man to be a true moron. As a question was asked of them he looked at the professor and arched a brow at him. They clearly hadn't had any other choice so the question was a stupid one so his answer was obvious, "Uh yeah." Although Wyatt had gone to the Owlrey to send letters to his family because as much as the idiot man believed him to be a parent he was surely not and so Wyatt had done that in exception and had been nowhere else. He'd even risked his education by not being allowed to go to the library but once again, he knew that Cliffeton didn't give two craps about students future unless it had to do with his precious Ravenclaw Quidditch team who were terrible anyway.
Asaiah didn't say a word as he walked into the Deputy's office. He did not want to screw up their chances of playing Quidditch again this year so thought that it would be better if he didn't let his dislike for the flying Professor come between him and his favourite sport. He sat down and turned to look over his shoulder at his Head of House. Asaiah had promised him that he wouldn't do anything he would regret doing later, except for not punching the crap out of Teagan when she and Isabelle had tag-teamed him at the start of last year's second semester. He turned back to Professor Cliffeton when he asked the three of them if they had done their best to follow the punishments he had given them. ''Yes.'' he told the man with a slight nod. Asaiah hoped that they could walk out of this office soon enough because he wasn't going to spend most of his time in the Deputy's stupid office while he could be doing important stuff instead.
Marisol walked into the Deputy's office and stood beside her friends with her arms crossed over her chest. She felt this meeting was a waste of time and could've easily been taken care of over a letter but apparently the professor wanted to ask them if they'd follow the rules. What kind of dumb question was that? Obviously they had been under strict supervision so they had remained locked up all year. And even if they hadn't, did Cliffeton really think they were just going to admit to it freely? Though of course Marisol didn't know about things like Legilimency, or even Veritaserum because she was muggleborn. In any case this question should've been directed at their heads of house, not them, but Marisol refrained from pointing this out to the oaf. It took everything in her to contain every nasty comment she had for the flying professor and simply said, "Uh yeah," a little more sarcastically than she intended. She was trying not to provoke the situation because she wanted to be free of this punishment already and stop going to her mandated therapy sessions which were a waste of her time.
It took Professor Kingsley a moment to get over her shock. The professor really had left them out there, whether as part of some power play or because he was that slow to move she wasn't sure, though she had her suspicions. The woman had heard many complaints circulating her common room regarding the man and the pleasure he took from punishing students , and she was wondering just how many of the stories were true. Stepping in behind the others, Cyndi listened to Professor Cliffeton speak and wondered why this hadn't been addressed with the Heads of House first. No doubt it was because she was present, and Professor Cliffeton didn't deign to lower himself to speak with her regarding important student information...even when it pertained to her students. She had to find out such things via owl or from Kalif. Cyndi had long since suspected the man disliked her for whatever reason, but surely he'd trust Styx to do his job. Styx would never cover for a student.

"Finch. Woods." She said their names harshly as a warning to their tone, her eyes narrowed. Cyndi didn't care about their personal feelings towards the man. She just wanted them to play nice so they could all be done with this event. Turning her attention back to Professor Cliffeton, the woman said nothing more as she waited for him to continue.
Kalif looked down at the Gryffindors from the back of the office. The nerve that they had. At least his seemed to know better. Although for doing such a thing, no matter the cause, Kalif's idea for punishment always lasted more than just a few months. He would have made it longer, or even permanent. Though going about it would have been different. Kalif softly tapped his arm as the stern man spoke. "Anything else to address before the start of the term?" Of course, should his student managed to do something so wreckless again with his temper, it would be implied that the punishment here would be considered favorable should he use his imagination. Though, Kalif doubted that he would hear from his for a while.
Justin listened to them speak, and held back an eyeroll when the two gryffindors answered back a little too sarcastic. Professor Kingsley warned them, though, so he didn't make very much of it and he was satisfied they hadn't been up to any wrongdoings. "If the two of you are happy with their answers then we can wrap this up and these three can be on their way." He said, looking at the two Heads of House.
"You would have heard from me before today if I thought they'd not kept up with your decrees" she stated, containing an eye roll. She'd become quite adept at that since becoming the Minister's wife. Really, she was just happy that this was going to wrap up quickly and easily. Cameron always told her about meetings that he wish had occurred via owl instead because of how much a waste of time they were. She realized now she'd just experienced the equivalent in her line of work.
The Slytherin Head of House looked to Cyndi at her comment, before shaking his head slightly. He likely would have notified the man too if Asaiah had not kept up with their deal. Though, Kalif would have likely taken over since he felt like he would have done a more memorable punishment. Kalif shrugged his shoulders, before answering, "We are done here then." Kalif figured that if Asaiah got into trouble again, well, what happened in the previous semester would become permanent, with added fun. He didn't need to voice that out. He opened the door to the office to allow the three kids to leave.

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