Old School Week Have no fear, no one should, the woods are just trees, the trees are just wood


Centaur, Groundskeeper, Intrigued, Lonely.
OOC First Name
a bow, arrows and a dagger
48 (08/2014)
Aspen was enjoying herself this summer was beautiful she liked to stay close to the edge of the trees so she could watch the human students at the school. Maybe one of them would notice her and say hello. maybe one would even be brave enough to come into the forest.
If there was anything Isaiah was keen on doing before leaving the school it was heading into the forest again. Who knew? Perhaps he'd make a new discovery of sorts. Or maybe he'd get another chance of talking to the centaur he had met once during his first year. Either way, he had made his way to the edge and now took his first few steps into the forest.
Aspen heard something before she saw the boy walking through the trees. this boy wasn't a foal, he was an almost-man. her hand wrapped around the stick she carried just in case as she approached him. "Hello. Who goes there?" she said.
Wish was usually in the forest when not holing up in the library. She'd gotten very good at staying quiet and out of sight and hadn't yet been bothered by any of the beings who lived there. Several bowtruckles were hiding in her hair and she couldn't leave the forest until they were safely back on a branch. Wish froze when she saw a centaur talking to an older student and hid behind a tree.
Isaiah had been taking a couple of steps into the forest when he heard a few branches snap, glancing up to see what was approaching him. "Uh- I'm Zay. Isaiah." He corrected himself, grinning when he noticed it was the centaur he had met once years before. "Hey, you're.. Aspen right? Your sister used to teach here? You told me that once I think."
Aspen listened as the boy introduced himself. "hello Zayisaiah" she said. "I'm... how did you know?" she said as the boy said her name. "Yes i have two sisters teach before Briar Wolfskin and Madlyn Giantblood" she said trying to place the boy to a previous conversation. but thinking it must have been a very long time ago. before he had groan from a foal. it was then she heard another noise. again too big to be an animal. "hello" she said instinctively moving a step in front og ave. eho who'se there" she said looking towards the the noise
Wish didn't want to eavesdrop but she also didn't trust herself to be stealthy enough to escape without notice. Either way was pointless though, as the centaur had clearly heard her anyway. Timidly, she stepped into view, careful not to dislodge her bowtruckles, and gave the two a nervous wave. "Sorry," she apologised, for everything in general, certain she was going to be in trouble with either the centaur or the older boy who she really hoped wasn't a prefect.
Isaiah grinned when Aspen repeated his name, not even sure he wanted to correct her. It sounded funny enough. "We've met before." He answered her question with a small shrug. "But that was, like, pretty much seven years ago." He added. Oh how young he had been back then. Just a kid. He nodded when she mentioned her sisters and looked up when she uttered another greeting, wondering whether she had heard someone else nearby. Zay was surprised to see another kid walk up, even more when she apologised. "Don't think there's anything to be sorry about."
aspen tried to remember the boy from seven years ago. back then he must have been a foal. but now he had grown and was an adult. "that was a long time. im glad to see you again" she said as the boy explained that they had met.
aspen saw a girl step out of the shadows with bowtruckles tnagled up in her hair appologising though she didn't know what for. "its okay. i like making new friends, I'm Aspen" she said. she was by means or of introduction

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