Haunted Forest Partay!

Carlisle had been playing around and swinging through trees when he came across a party. A party.. in The forbidden forest. Dear god.. They were damn lucky the centaurs hadn't shown up to spear them or something.. Or maybe the centaurs were at a meeting at the other side of the forest this week.. or was that next week. They were second years.. all of them. Well he couldn't go gatecrash the party. They wouldn't take to kindly to that. Instead he decided that he might as well stay up here and make sure none of the idiots ran off on their own. More then centaurs lurked this forest. His eyes glinted gold for a moment before returning to their usual blue.

And sure enough some girl decides to storm off further into the forest. Two others went after her but he could tell they wouldn't go to far in. He followed along silently beside the girl for a few more minutes until deciding that she certainly wasn't going to turn around any time soon. His eyes flickered blazing gold in annoyance. Fsh. The swirl of the leaves around him was the only thing that would have told anyone he had dropped by a foot ahead of her. "A little far from the party aren't we..?" Please don't make trouble.. please don't make trouble.
Avrille watched as the idiots spoke to themselves, before standing up quickly. God I hate humanity, she thought, murmuring cold remarks in Russian to the people she passed while leaving the party. "Hogwarts is moronic. I should be in Durmstrang," she scowled to herself, still speaking Russian.

The Ravenclaw was thoroughly peeved with herself for not shredding that invitation to tiny pieces instead of coming. Avrille decided that, although she wasn't going to stay at this sad excuse for a party she would not leave the forest just yet. No, she enjoyed the peacefulness of the Forbidden Forest, but she doubted that she would get it tonight because regular humans distracted the eerieness of it by riducling the trees and creatures by celebrating quite inappropriately in it.

I figured no one was going to talk to her, but if any of your characters would PM me and we'll start a thread :D[/font]
Sam turned to see Hoshi standing beside him and Vivienne and another Hufflepuff who had joined them, Neita? Sam punched Hoshi's arm in greeting, "Hey." He grinned at her. Then Sam heard Ariannas voice, she had returned back from the the inner forest. Sam couldn't help but let a wave of a relief wash over him though he noticed that she didn't return with the girl she set out to find. He was about to question it when he saw that she seemed a bit distracted, in fact a few people seemed distracted. Sam looked over his shoulder to see a boy whom he vaguely recognized and a girl who he didn't recognize at all. They were so sickly sweet Sam had to turn away. He hoped he never acted that way with Toni, at least not in front of so many people.
((Kind of. Hoshi is 4"11' but usually weres shose that shoot her up to 5"0'-5"2'))

Hoshi looked at the girl kind of wierd but then smiled. She was right, Viv didn't show up at the first year blow out. The girl was small and that was saying something because Hoshi was not that tall. Then again Hoshi often gave the impression of being a giant. "Totally fun. I had that music on loud and everything." Hoshi said with a wide smile. Hoshi reseved the hit from Sam which made her punch him back in her tomboyish way. Hoshi was about to crack a joke about Sam hitting like a girl when she saw Ares and Efeyenia?

Hoshi ducked behind Sam as she doubled over in laughter. "I thought Ares-kun knew better." She said still laughing. There was no way this was going to last. One there was the chance that Ares felt about her the same way Hoshi flet about Henric and Efeyenia was a Glamie. It would take long for her friends to get on his last nerve not to mention all that Glamie yuck was going to clutter up his brain. Then again it wasn't Hoshi's place to tell Ares who to date more over she had set her sights on someone else too.
Arisa followed Ari back to the party glad that she had decided Kida would be okay. Arisa looked around at everyone that was there, she knew a few people but they all seemed wrapped up in there own conversations. She went over to a tree and sat down at the base of it silently watching what was going on.
When Hoshi looked up at the boy and girl she ducked over laughing. What was with that couple that seemed to be disrupting everything? He looked over his shoulder again at them, he still didn't know who they were and why they were causing such a stir. "What do you mean?" He asked her in confusion, the girl was pretty, even Sam who had a wonderful girlfriend had to admit that. "Whats wrong with her?" He continued though this time in a lower voice so only Hoshi could hear him.
Hoshi looked at Sam as if deciding weather or not she should bag on Nia when Sam didn't have a mean bone in his body. She decided that Hoshi was going to be herself even if she did look like a witch for it. "That's Efeyenia the Glam Squad's only second year. I know what your thinking she's pretty. I'm not taking that away from any of the Glamies but I'm betting that her head is emptier than an old tree." Hoshi said shaking her head. Hoshi made it a point to bag on the Glam Squad when ever she could not because she had anything in particular against them except for Hive Mother Isabella and the Snow Kitten but because Hoshi thought it was funny the way their lips twisted.

Hoshi stopped though. "That and Ares-kun, the boy that's with her, just finished telling me how much I meant to him not too long ago. Really I wish him the best but come on that little bit of fluff." Hoshi said rolling her eyes. Hoshi turned back to Viv and away from the two that where that where spreading so much sweetness that it was taking away from the creepyness of the party. "Hey do you think the host of the party would mind if I changed the music a little bit?" She asked. Hoshi felt like she had to brake up the love fest a little bit with something she knew would make people scream.
Sam looked over at the girl as Hoshi explained her to him. He couldn't help but laugh and turn back to Hoshi as she said that her head is emptier than an old tree. "How nice of you." He said sarcastically. Though when she explained about the boy Sam raised an eyebrow, "So what you are trying to say that he is attempting to make you jealous?" He smirked, after the gossip magazine everyone knew that Hoshi had a thing for Henric to put it in small terms. What was the point, he seemed to be just hurting other people and making a fool of himself. "I'm guessing its not working in the slightest." He added with a low chuckle.
Leia had received an anonymous invitation to a dark themed partay in the Forbidden Forest. Curiosity peaked, who was Leia to turn down the invitation? She made sure to follow the rules and wore a black dress with black lace tights, hoping that it wasn't too cold that night or that she didn't go overdressed. She had no idea who would be there, let alone who sent her the invitation so she was a little apprehensive as she followed the lanterns in the dark. Once she got there she saw a whole crowd of people and sighed in relief, feeling less nervous about showing up after hours knowing that she wasn't the only one. She walked around for a while, not really knowing who to say hi to exactly but when she saw Sam and Vivienne she decided to go say hi to her fellow bandmates. "Hi," her voice rang out musically, with a small shrug.
It was late when Alyssa heard Nia leave the dorm room for some odd reason. Since Nia rarely ever did anything like this Alyssa felt she should follow her and keep an eye out. Throwing on a Casual-Cute Outfit Alyssa quietly left the dorm room and followed Nia. Alyssa was extremely surprised when she ended up following her younger friend outside and towards the Dark Forest. She hadn't known that Nia even knew where the forest was, but still continued to follow the young girl anyways.

"Lumos." Alyssa muttered as she drew her wand out and continued to follow Nia into the Dark Forest. Once Alyssa had gotten close enough she saw what appeared to be a party of Second and First years. With a confused look she lowered her wand and walked iinto the clearing so that everyone could see that she was here. "What's going on here?!" Alyssa demanded slightly annoyed and curious. It appeared to be a party, but who knew with the younger generation on students.
Nia rolled her eyes at Ares words, "Of course it will darling." she said continuing to giggle. This was going to be fun. What a better way to show the public that she and Ares were now dating, so to speak. It seemed their presence was already causing a stir among a few of her fellow seconds years. From the corner of her eye she could see Hoshi talking to Sam after looking in their direction, could it be working already? She hoped so and hopefully the same effect would ork on James soon.

Nia looked behind her when she saw a light, a Professor couldn't have caught them already? She breathed a sigh of relieve when she saw it was one of her friends, Alyssa. "It's a party Aly, what else does it look like." she said with a laugh. "Anyway, what are you doing here?" she asked confused. She wasn't aware that Alyssa was invited, as far as she knew the party was only for first and second years?
"Oh thank goodness," Vivienne sighed, when Arianna rejoined the group. However.. Arisa didn't appear to be with her.. where was she? Hearing an unfamiliar laugh, Vivienne turned to see Ares with his arm draped over a blonde girl that she didn't recognise. Shooting a knowing glance at Arianna, she was sad to see that her best friend didn't seem to be reacting well. Her face was bright red.. As Neita said something along the lines of 'what's wrong?', Vivienne gave her a subtle nudge. It was sort of code for 'Shh! Can we talk about this when we're not in front of so many ears?' She turned her glance back to Arianna, and gave her a reassuring smile.

Then, Vivienne heard Hoshi reply to her question. "Oh, cool! Are you going to be throwing one this year too?" she asked in return, trying to move the attention away from the obnoxiously loud couple behind them. "And yeah sure, I doubt she- or he! Would might you changing the music," Vivienne continued with a knowing smile. It was rather obvious that she was at least one of the people responsible for the party, but hoped that Hoshi wouldn't spill. If a professor arrived, having people shout 'It was Viv! It was Viv!' was probably not the best thing..

Vivienne again sighed with relief as Arisa returned to the clearing. But her smile turned to a frown as Ris went over and stood by a tree by herself. That was odd.. she was usually very socialable. "Risa!" Vivienne shouted over the music, giving her friend a beckoning wave. At that moment, Leia Evans came and joined the group. "Hey Leia!" she smiled to her bandmate. Vivienne's was not aware of what had happened between the younger girl and her cousin, so she greeted her the same way she would anyone else.

Just then, she heard a voice yell 'What's going on here?!'. Oh no.. Vivienne thought, presuming it was a teacher or prefect. She turned to face the person, and was extremely relieved to find that it was Alyssa, the third year that Vivienne had met at the ball. Obviously the older girl had not been invited, since invitations were only sent to first and second years. Ah well, not like Vivienne would march over and demand the girl to leave.. that would just be rude. "You don't seem to be following the dress code," she joked, noticing how the older girl stood out slightly.
When Neita asked what was wrong, Ari looked up quickly, hoping she hadn't been very obvious. Taking a deep breath, Ari put a smile on her face
"Nothing, sorry, I just... zoned out for a moment" she said, pretending to shake herself out of it. She caught Viv giving Neita a nudge, and gave her best friend a grateful smile. Viv knew her so well.
"I'm just going to get some punch" she said, gesturng vaguely in the direction of the floating bowl.

She walked quickly over to it, letting her long hair fall like a curtain and cover her face. Ari took her time ladeling punch into a cup, her mind elsewhere. Ari had no idea why seeing Ares with a girl was annoying her so much. Sure, they had had fun at the Lake the other day, maybe flirting abit, but Ari hadn't thought much of it at the time. Now though, something inside of her was hurting a little bit, and it wasn't helping that giggles kept interupting her train of thought. Making her way back over to her friends, she spotted Arisa sitting against one of the trees. Ari suddenly wasn't feeling much like pretending to be cheerful at the moment, so made a bee-line for her, sitting down next to her, and taking a drink of the punch.
Once Leia noticed that Vivienne too had worn a dress and tights, she was feeling much more comfortable in her own outfit. She smiled as her fellow Hufflepuff greeted her and randomly said, "Nice party." She didn't mean it towards Vivienne because she had no idea who had thrown it, so it was just a general comment she made since she had nothing else to say. Well actually, she did have something to say to the older Hufflepuff she just didn't want to, so she had said the first thing that came to her mind to prevent her from saying what she originally wanted to.

When Leia heard someone ask what was going on the Veela girl immediately whipped her head around, her dark hair whipping behind her. She was afraid they had already been caught and she had only just got here! Thankfully it was just another student, an older looking student who seemed to think she was the boss of them just because she was older. Leia shrugged and turned back around to Vivienne as she finally asked the thing that was on her mind the second she saw her. "Umm, do you know if Noah, your cousin, is coming?" Leia hadn't spoken to him at all since her return to Hogwarts and in truth, she was avoiding him, but she still wanted to know if he was going to show up.
Vivienne nudged Neita and she suddenly shut up, theres something no right she realized she glanced at Ari But i guess they'll tell me later. Ari made up some excuse and Neita smiled along pretending to bye it.

Neita glanced over at her cousin and the girl he entered with, they seemed to have gotten alot of attention. She rolled her eyes, get a room the hufflepuff girl thought.

She noticed when Ari left the punch bowl she didnt make her way back to them, she watched her curiously wondering where she was going. She was her go sit with Arisa, Neita smiled polietly at the people she was with, she wasnt very social around people she didnt know and made her way over to Arisa and Ari.

She hugged her best friend "Hey Arisa!!" and she smiled at Ari as she'd been with her only a few moments ago. "Soooo..." she began. "What do you guys think?" she asked gesturing to the party.
Ares could sense a change off atmoshpere once everyone started to notice them, but he refused to glance around. He smiled at Nia, and squezed her hand.

A flash of light behind them and Nia turned around Ares froze and prepared to turn around with his hands in the air ' it wasnt me this time, i swear'. Before Ares could make an idiot of himself, he heard Nia talk to the person, so he turned around and smiled friendly at the familiar looking girl, figuring it was one of Nias' friends.
"In the Forbidden Forest....what a good way to get yourselves in trouble." Alyssa teased Nia as she glanced around. She wasn't going to ruin their fun but she definantly knew that this wasn't a very good idea, especially if some creature heard them. With a small smile when a girl came over and noted that she didn't to be wearing the dress code. It was then when she looked around and noticed the attire of all the other party attendee's. Although she felt somewhat embarrassed that she was under-dressed she hid it well beneath a sly smile. "Yeah.....well I didn't exactly know there was a party going on when I followed Nia here..." Alyssa smiled awkwardly.

Turning to Nia and softly nudging her, "I followed you down here to see what you were up to and....who's that" Alyssa asked as she pointed and eyed the boy Nia was with, she didn't know who he was but chances are she should probably learn. Alyssa was surprised she wasn't thrown out yet, either it was because someone didn't really mind, or no one but Nia had noticed yet.
Hoshi smied back at Viv "Yeah if I make it past second year I'm defently thowing a party to celebrate." She said then nodded as if to tell her that she secret was safe with her. She took something out of the pocket of her pants that looked like crystle filled with smoke. "It's called Path. What I have in mind is a sort of game that includes this." She said taking out what looked like a ball. "The point is not the let it hit the ground or be the one holding it when it... Erupts." She said a sort of mystiriose air to her. Hoshi bounced the ball on her hand for a bit before green flames sprang up out of it without warning. Though Hoshi was still holding it. "There is no danger of being burned because of the spell used to make the fire another thing is that you can't use your hands." She said with a wide smile. She let stay aflame while she started playing with it. She was in the mood to proform but if she did Ares and his little bit of Glam Squad would think that she was trying to draw attention to herself.

Hoshi in the outfit that she was in there where little who could reconise her unless they really knew her like her friends. She looked like she was playing with a real green fire ball after a bit. Hoshi even over looked the fact that the Snow Kitten had just arrived. She thought this party had been only for second and first years but then there could have been some fun be had here. Hoshi took a moment to think about while making the flaming ball go through her unsinged fingers. There could be a lot of fun to be had here. There was a good risk of being caught but still that was half the fun of the forest party.
Arisa noticed Viv calling her over, Arisa smiled and waved back I really don't know any of the people shes with... she thought with a frown. Just then Ari showed up and she looked really upset, "whats wrong Ari?" Arisa asked in a concerned voice. Just then Neita showed up and hugged her, "hey Neita, kinda wishing I had just stayed at the castle, I don't know alot of these people, which is just plain sad considering there mostly 2nd years" Arisa mumbled.
Neita shook her head in mock disapointment, "Try Me," she told Arisa " I know you two, Viv and Immy" she said pointing to a first year. "And thats honestly pretty much it" she sighed "Although I can be really friendly, Im sooo shy around people I dont know well"
Oliver had been comtemplating whether he should or should not attend the Haunted Forest Party he'd received an invite to, and for a couple of reasons in general. Firstly, Ares was going with a date, so Oliver would most likely be alone. And secondly, though some might consider him closer to goth than glam, he was not one to dress 'dark'. Sure it was the theme of the party and that should make some exception. But it didn't; not for Oliver.
Deciding his thick black cloak would be 'dark' enough, Oliver descended the stairs that led to and from the Ravenclaw castle, and made his way to the Forbidden Forest where the lanterns he'd been told to look out for were clearly visible. The sound of loud music and people chattering drew Oliver to the crowd, and throwing the hood of his cloak over his head, he silently joined the gathering in the forest.
Ah, there was Ares, Oliver noted, chatting closely with the girl named Nia, whoever she was. Oliver had a lot of mingling to do, as there now seemed to be so many people he did not know, and more than a few others he'd forgotten.
Though he had only just arrived, Oliver found he was getting rather bored, and all too quickly. Pulling out his bag of dungbombs, Oliver spied out a random victim from the crowd and began throwing them at the poor person's feet. This could be fun after all, he thought evilly, as he waited curiously for the person to react.
When Sam heard that musical voice that he was getting quite used to he instantly knew that it was Leia. "Hey! Long time no see." He said kindly, he hadn't seen Leia in a long time, he guessed their band practice was the last time he had seen her. Then there was a flash of light like the one from a wand. Sam craned his neck to see what the comotion was about, he hoped they weren't caught, he was beginning to enjoy himself. Since it turned out to be a student who seemed to know Efeyenia he relaxed once more and turned away from them. Sam then listened to Hoshi explain some sort of game to them all, he laughed never had he heard of such a game but it was something tyical of Hoshi.
Ari sighed
"Nothing much" she said. Ari stood up, realising how much of a party ruiner she was being. She was co-hosting this party, and she knew that she shouldn't be moping around. Smiling in a brighter way, said hi to Neita when she came over.
"Come on guys, this'll be a chance for you to meet some people!" she said, hearing their conversation. She wasn't going to let anything get her down.
Wandering back over to Viv and Sam, she smiled genuinely
"I hope we don't get caught" she said.
Nia rolled her eyes playfully at Alyssa when she told her that she followed her down to the forest. She thought that it was nice that her friend was looking out for her because she knew the Forest was out of bounds, but what kind of Slytherin would she be if she didn't break the odd rule, anyway it's not like it was the first time she was in the Forest.

A small smirk formed on Nias lips when Alyssa asked her who Ares was. "Alyssa, I told you about Ares right, my boyfriend" she was trying her best not to burst out laughing at the inside joke only she and Ares knew about, "Well I'd like you to meet him. Ares this is Alyssa, one of my best friends." she said sweetly.
Alyssa nodded slowly as she kept her gaze on the Ravenclaw boy. She remembered Nia telling her about Ares back when they first arrived back at Hogwarts, Nia seemed excited to be with him so Alyssa didn't bother to ask what happen to James. When Nia laughed Alyssa playfully rolled her eyes before walking towards Ares and holding her hand out. She kept a sharm gaze on him, as if warning him not to hurt Nia or there would be a price to pay.

In the background Alyssa could hear lots of commotion and even the sound of an exploasion. Alyssa was tempted to roll her eyes and mutter how immature Second years were, but then she remembered that not only was Nia a second year. But Alyssa had once been a second year too.

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