Hatred of a House

Paul Skullebrew

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
It was getting dark outside. Paul should have been inside at this time as a first year, but honestly he didn't care. He wanted to explore. He had seen the Forbidden Forest, the Lakefront, a lot of the castle, and much more. Now he was at the Hogwarts Garden. He hadn't seen anyone and honestly kind of detested being alone. He wanted a little bit of company. Like his father always said: friends are what make you who you are.
It was cold out, but not too cold. He could still see detail in the garden. It was magnificent. Quite amazing. He couldn't believe how it grew. So many different plants. Some even deadly.

"I wonder how many famous wizards have walked this path." Paul said aloud, but to nobody in particular.

He walked over to a bench presently and sat down. The beauty of this place made him miss his dad. All the memories they had. It was so magical. He wished his mother had been a Witch. He wished his father had married a Witch. Living with a muggle mom was hard. Now he's with his aunt. Which is even harder.
Morrigan had her massive headphones on of corese. She was hardly ever seen without them and cosidering that they where the magical kind so they worked even at Hogwarts it was surpising she didn't have them on in class. Then again had she tryed she was sure they would have been taken away. Morrigan was singing to one particuraly over grown venimus tentacula. She knew what it was but it seemed like no one had been taking care of tdinghe patch making the tenttacula meaner than they should be. Still she was singing and bit of godmodancing out of the way of the tenticuls.

"Come with us is a s it's just fine, transelvanian concubine." She sang as she piruetted out of the waywhen the plant tried to grab her again. She had danced right into a boy who had been walking by observing the plants. The angry tentacula made another grab for her so in order to get out of it's way she epushed the boy into it. "thanks for letting me use you." She cried as she laughed and waited for the boy to do something

OOCOut of Character:
If there is a bit of god moding in there I'm sorry.
OOCOut of Character:
I'm not sure how to reply seeing as I was sitting. :p Oh well, we'll just assume I was standing by that plant.

Paul had to quickly jump out of the path of the over grown venimus tentacula. It scared the living hell out of him. First off he hadn't even been expecting anyone. And even if he had, who would have such nerve to do that? It boggled his mind as to how someone could have the guts to put one's life in danger to save their own. "Not a problem." He said coldly. Attempting to walk away. He really didn't need this poop. He wasn't one who usually got angry, but when people did this kind of stuff to him, there was really no stopping it. "You really are something aren't you? You have a lot of nerve. Why don't you just get away." Paul said as he walked away from where the girl was laughing.
OOCOut of Character:
guess I missed the sitting bit, Sorry.

Morrigan rolled her eyes. "You seem to be the one walking away bro not me. Better you than me you know and you where the closest thing." She said as she tossed a crumb of toast to the vicious plant then bowed to it as if it had been a glorious dance partner. She took off her headphones so she could hear when she went back into the castle. It was late and getting back at this time meant that the raven at the door was going to ask something nearly impossible to answer. Not that Morrigan minded it much. The harder the question the more Morrigan got a kick out of it when she answered right.

She watched to boy walk for a bit while twirling one of her blue locks. She didn't know what it was about him but she just wanted to mess with him. "Doomsday averted!" She said as she ran after him with arm extended so she could try to knock him over then turned around while still running to stick her tongue out at him. Morrigan knew it was a bit childish but she was just happy to be out in the fresh air and since she couldn't mess with the tenticula anymore tonight without pissing it off permanently and she had decided that she liked the plant for what it was. "But I guess not for you." She said practicably skipping backwards before turning again and getting her rat Phoebe off her shoulder so she could run better.
OOCOut of Character:
Don't worry bout it! I do it all the time.


Her arm totally caught him off guard despite her loudness and obnoxiousness. He was baffled as to why he out of all the people possible was chosen to be picked upon. This girl was obviously a Slytherin. Why else would she be so annoying and mean? "Don't you have somewhere else to be?" He asked colder than ever. He was usually a pretty nice guy. He really didn't mind the little annoying things, but this girl was just too much. So far he had only friends at Hogwarts. He really didn't want to make an enemy this night. So he asked, "What house are you from?" In attempt to start a conversation and end her annoying ways.
Morrigan was loud because she had to be. It was the only way that people could see her as Morrigan and not as One of the Graves Girl's. She counted Arthur lucky that he was the only boy in the family. The three girls had to somehow get distinguished from her sisters and Morrigan more often than not felt invisable. Not here though she would make sure everyone knew she was there. "I am of the Raven's brood good sir." She said as she fanned out her skirt as if she where curtsying to him. It was a mock though mighty lions and all even though Gwen - Gwen had gotten into Gryffrendor too. It wasn't the house that she had a problem with. It was this boy. Something about him just painted a giant target on him just screamed at Morrigan to hit. "By the name of Morrigan Graves. She added with the largest grin on her face.
At least she wasn't hitting him now. Her curtsy made him smile. She was actually quite entertaining. Annoying nonetheless, but entertaining. Her speech impelled him as well. It was stunning. All his life he had grown around illiterate people. It was kind of his pet peeve. He really didn't want to be like that. His dad actually helped him with his pet peeve and brought him to speech classes to learn proper speech. Even though he'd rather be off exploring and discovering, he went to the classes. Paul was an only child, or so he thought. One night 3 years back he had heard his parents discussing and talking about a boy coming back from Azkaban they knew. It boggled his mind, but he let his thoughts no longer rest upon what he had heard and simply moved on.

"Gryffindor." Paul said with a slight smile. "Hello Morrigan. The name here is Paul. Paul Skullebrew." He replied.
Morrigan nodded. "Skullbrew. Bit like being named Brain Stew no. But then again I actually like that song. Not saying much though I like most every kind of music. Wicked ****ie being my current love." She said then clapping her hands a bit set the beat that was now running through her head. "I guess I'll be seeing you around Skullbrew, if my little bro doesn't get to you, you can best be sure you will be meeting one of my sisters." She said turning away herself to go back inside. If she got caught she would be in trouble here too which she didn't want then again there seemed to be a lack of trouble makers in the school at the moment. "Have you heard of the Dark Elite mentioned yet?" She asked over her shoulder.
She was leaving already? He was actually wondering why he even cared. She was a bit of a nuisance to him and he'd probably just wished he never met her anyways. So why was he wanting her to stay? This gurl. She could babble on and on about anything! At least she wasn't boring. He kinda liked it. "No I haven't actually." He said calling back to her. Sad she was going. He had just met her. Perhaps he'd see her again. Or perhaps she'd stay. "Leaving so soon?" He asked.
Morrigan sniffed. She had wanted to see if anyone had some information on them to see if they where people that she wanted to give her attention or if she would just focus her energies on something else. School work was always an option but there wasn't any at the moment. She turned around and gave him a weird look. "Unless you want some verbal abuse which I would more than happily give Skullstew if it wheren't for the teacher on patrol." She said pointing over his shoulder to the tall cloak coming towards them. "Better you than me you know." She said giving him the peace sign turning into a rude gesture and then seemed to fade into shadows as she made her way back up the castle. She would be seeing this boy again. They would be having class together after all. Morrigan had just found someone who's life she wanted to make a living hell. Usually that was Arthur's job but well he wouldn't begrudge her a bit of fun.

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