Harri and Hollie

Harri laughed "Seriously? We loved good old Keller! Shame he left in my opinion!" she said honestly, "And didn't you like drinking the potions? You did do that right?" she asked, "Wait till you have Astronomy, you'll soon cahnge your mind," she said grinning.
Hollie smiled.
"I'm sure he was a great teacher," she admitted, "it was just... well, we had him in his last days when he probably wasn't focusing completely on lessons. And we didn't do a single practical!" She smiled as she remembered drinking the potions. "Yeh, we did that! It was really fun - best lesson! What colour did ya choose and what happened?"
She smirked when Harri mentioned Astronomy.
"Yeah, I probably will. There's no wand work involved, right?"
Harri thought hard "Well mine was turquoise and it made me all flexible! Like I had no bones in my body!" she siad laughing at the memory "How about you?" she asked, "Oh and did you the making up your own potion? Like just writing it down?" she asked."Yeah no wand work! I mean some lessons I can cope with that! But others..." she trailed off with a whistle and shake of the head.
[[sorry i haven't replied in ages, been busy]]

Hollie laughed with Harri, and then went crimson as she was asked about her memory. She cringed.
"Urm... well, I got a tail and flippers, and looked like a mermaid, although not beautiful, like the ones in fairy tales," she said, hastily. "I never knew mermaids looked so... well, ugly!" She shuddered at the thought of her appearance. "It was freezing, as well, like all the warmth was gone."
She remembered back to the lesson where she'd made her own potion.
"Yeah, we did that too!" She said, beaming; her hatred of potions was fading a little as she looked back and realised that some of their lessons had indeed been fun. "What did you create?"
((thats okay!))

"Oh wow! A mermaid!" Harri said grinning, "What do you mean ugly? Did your appearence change as well?" she asked. "I created 'the utimate disguise'!" she siad grinning "It gives you a quick disguise with just a simple sip," she siad laughing "And what about you?" she asked.
"By ugly I mean the webbed hands and green hair - yup, I got that too!" Hollie said, laughing. "In the fairy tales they tell you as children mermaids are always described as beautiful with shiny scales and curly blonde hair! That was what I would have expected, but I suppose nothing's as good as in stories," She concluded, thoughtfully.
"Wow! I could do with some of that when I go home of the holidays - it would give me a bit of peace! I created an Anti-Aging potion - gives you knowledge as well as a recovered youth!" Her smile faded slightly. "I didn't know what else to do - for all I know, that potion may have been invented already!
"Webbed hands?" Harri said laughing as she imagined the picture, "Yeah, thats how I always imagine them," she said nodding. "Wow! Thats a really good idea, I don't think it has been created!" she said grinning, "Yeah I would love to be able to actually of made it, it would be really useful!" she said nodding. "So you still hate potions?" she asked, thinking everything they had spoken about made the subject seem thoroughly enjoyable.
Hollie smiled resignedly.
"No," she admitted, sticking her bottom lip out. "I guess not. Now i've looked back on the classes... well, I guess they were better than I originally thought. But I didn't appreciate Professor Keller's abruptness with us." She hesitated. "But no, I didn't hate them!"
She then remembered her question...
"What kind of disguise did your potion give you then?"
Harri laughed as Hollie stuck her bottom lip out, "Knew you'd come around," she said grinning. "And Professor Keller rocked!" she said laughing as she remembered the conversations herself and Andy had had about him, she smiled a sad smile before snapping back to the present. "Well I was thinking just like the good old muggle one!"she said laughing "Moustouche and all the rest, A little silly now I come to think of it," she said side smiling and scratching the top of her head. "How did you think up an anti-ageing one?" she asked curiously.
Hollie laughed along with Harri and nodded as she listened to her friend explaining her potion.
"Um... well, I dunno. I just thought, 'oh heck, what am I gonna do?' I sat there for ages contemplating various ideas and it just came to me. The aging potion. And then I realised it was like, you know, already invented, so I simply added the word 'anti' on the front!" Grinning, she faced Harri. "No special inspiration, just me being bored."
Harri laughed "Well who needs inspiration anyway?" she said grinning. "So what blood are you?" she asked curiously.
"Ahh cool," Harri said smiling, "half blood," she said, "Though I was bought up as a muggle, cause I never knew my dad untill recently," she said matter-of-factly.
"Not nosey at all," Harri said chuckling a little, "Well my mums a bi..." she began, stopping suddenly, "My mums not the nicest person in the world," she rephrased finding this more appropriate, "She didn't let me see him alot. Only a couple of times a year. He was practically a stranger, he wrote and stuff but it wasn't the same, she won custody over me the first time they broke up, and I'm too young to remember. She shut him out, punishing him for the marriage break up with not being able to see me. Then they got back together, and thats when I really started to get to know him. It's strange because, I knew my uncle, my dads brother, my whole life and my cousin lives with us. She had nothing against themjust my dad. me my uncle and my cousin stuck together through it all. They're my rocks. " she said quietly, recollecting the memory, "It was only a year or so before I actually came here, so I never really got to see that much magic," she said sadly, "But now I get on with my dad so much better, and I live with him," she said happily.
"Oh gosh sorry, sure you didn't want to know my whole life story," she siad laughing feebily and scratching the back of her head in an embaressed way.
Hollie listened in fascination.
"Wow!" she breathed, amazed. "No, don't worry, that was like... woah, a big story! I can't believe your mum didn't let you see your dad!" She stopped there, not wanting to accuse Harri's mother.
"My parent's have just split up - I got a letter a few days ago. Were you terribly angry at your mum?"
"I know, and I will never be able to truely forgive her for it," Harri said shrugging.
"ahh I'm sorry to hear that," Harri said symphateically, inwardly praying it would be no where near as messy as her parents divorce.
"Yes of course!" she siad laughing "I'm still not really speaking to her," she trailed off hoping not to sound heartless, but her mum had badly hurt her.
Hollie nodded, trying to understand. She could see Harri's reasoning and thought that if her mother had done that to her, then she would have probably run away.
"Aww, don't worry about it," Hollie said, shrugging. "Mum wasn't exactly being very faithful to him, so my brother and I dropped a hint during the hols. It's kinda a relief it's ended, to be honest. The two sister's that I really don't get on with have left with her, which must make a nice change for my other siblings. It'll be a big change for everyone though."She broke off, a million thoughts of what this divorce might bring racing through her mind.
Harri nodded "Yeah sometimes it makes it easier." she siad a with a small shrug "But you'll miss your siblings that went a little?" she asked, trying to imagine being parted from Tommy, he wasn't her brother but he was as good as, and finding it hard to even imagine.
Hollie hesistated.
"Yeah, I suppose, when I get home. I mean, I have no idea what's happening at the mo, but when their absence is a little more noticeable... then yeah, probably. But the others... well, I'm glad they stayed. I'd be lost without them!" She smiled.
"I guess going from a family of 9 to a family of 6 will be very different - and it's three women we've lost which could make it more noticeable - not that either of them did very much!" She laughed, thinking about her mother's useless household skills.
Harri nodded, "So where do you want to stay?Like with who?" she asked, "Woah 9! Thats a huge family!" she said laughing a little. "Whos the youngest?" she asked.
Hollie smiled, and answered with certainty.
"Definitely with my dad. Mum and I never had an chemistry, you know? She is just not fit to be a mother. The best meal she ever cooked me was beans on toast - and I'm not joking!"
She laughed at Harri's astonishment.
"Yep, there were nine of us," she said, smiling. "Seven of us children, and them mum and dad. And then there's the dog. My sister Madi's the youngest - she's just seven."
Harri nodded, "Thats what its like with me and my mum," she said, she used to adore Brooke untill she had seen her through fresh eyes.
"That must be fantastic!" she said grinning, "Aww, hows she coping with everything?" she asked, knowing it must be tough for someone so young.
Hollie shrugged.
"To be totally honest, I really have no idea. In some ways, she'll be relieved, because she never thought mum was amazing and she was mocked no end by the two 'ugly sisters'. But I s'pose she's also feeling rejected, considering she's only seven and she's spent the least amount of time with that woman who crowned herself mother." Hollie sighed. "But, I really don't know at the end of the day. Hopefully she'll get through alright."
Harri nodded, "It's going to be hard for her." she said, "Make sure you look out for her ehh? I know she looks up to her big sister!" she said nudging Hollie. "How about the rest of them?" she asked, "Everyone takes it differently don't they? Personally I was quite relieved, but I know some kids its hard." she said.

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