Closed Happy Dances

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Branson Archer

bookworm; good-natured; literary agent
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 16 1/2" Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
5/2041 (20)
Branson had invited Blair to the dance, but after doing so wasn't sure if he'd been clear on whether this was like a date date or like a friend date. He wouldn't really mind either way, he did like Blair but he wasn't sure he liked liked her, and hoped that she wouldn't think too much of it if she did. But he was sure that this was just a friend thing and that she was very aware of it. The ravenclaw walked to the great hall and was standing waiting for Blair. He was quite excited about it, though he had some worries about what this might make them he was still looking forward to spending the time with her. It was going to be good.
Blair had agreed to go with Branson to the ball and honestly, she didn't expect that she would spend that much time getting ready for it. It even lightly started to frustrate her but in the end, she even liked the way she looked. And honestly, she was stressed out about going back to her dad on the break, so she actually just tried to take her mind off that. She didn't think of this as a date date only because she totally dislikes the thought of dating anyone, or having a crush on anyone, so she was just excited to see her friend. "Heeeey!" She easily said out when approached him. "You look really amazing," Blair wasn't really a fashionista but she actually thought that Branson looked amazing.
Branson looked towards Blair as she joined him and gave a little smile. "You too!" he liked the colour of her dress, it wasn't maybe a typical colour but he liked it, and thought that it suited Blair. He gave a little smile and looked to the room. "They've changed up the style of the room, it's a much more New Zealand style christmas than you'd probably be used to," he told her. He wouldn't have mind either way how the room looked, but it was nice like this. "What do you want to do first?"
Blair sweetly smiled back and then carefully listened to what he was saying about decorations. "I have never ever been in New Zealand style Christmas... It looks good even if I am still used to snow on this holiday. What traditions do you have that is drastically opposite to ours?" She used her chance to learn more about New Zealand traditions, especially if she was going to stay there, she felt like she needed to know it. "Uhm... That's a good question, what about presents? Or you wanna start with dancing?" Blair still left him a choice as she actually didn't know where to start, there was a lot of things to do.
Branson nodded and gave a little smile. "Probably the more drastic one is the summer aspect of christmas," since everything about christmas was done during the summer and that meant all the summer things were also done at christmas. He glanced around at the different things at the presents or at the dance floor. "Hmm, maybe we could dance, then get the presents and then have a drink?" he offered, since that would be the most logical way of doing things in his head to ensure they got to do as much as possible.
Blair gave a slight nod. "It's also the coolest one. I think that Christmas in summer is amazing because it's the best holiday ever," she admitted. Christmas time had always been the best time of the year for her and she tried to not let it change, what could be better than Christmas, right? "Sounds like a plan, let's go! It's such an amazing song, we can't skip it!" she excitedly put her hand out for him to take it, so they could go and dance.
Branson laughed, "I think it would be cool to have snow and all that," he countered, "I guess if one things all you know another would be interesting and cool," he liked having christmas when he did. That it was in just in the summer and that made it really fun. He nodded and took her hand so that they could go to the dance floor. It seemed at least that this song was a good one, he didn't know it but it was easy to dance to with Blair.
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