Open Happy birthday!

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Blair Bianchi

Italian; Ballerina; Model
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly, 9", Acacia, Essence of Belladonna, Unyielding
February 14, 2040 (23)
Blair wasn't exactly having the fun about Valentine's Day and about dances, she had better reasons to be there. She was celebrating her birthday and all the weird house elves, fountains of punches made it all even more worth coming here. She had already taken a lot of snacks with her and sat in the place that was actually meant for couples but she was sure that no one would have problems with her being alone here. It was just the beginning of dances, everyone was dancing, who would sit on the side if they had love of their life? Of course, she was skeptical about it, love didn't actually exist, it was just lies to make their attraction to someone seem more reasonable. Actually, she was quietly judging all the couples, who would care about this day like the day of love? Why it was actually needed? People just wanted an event and that meant they could even make an event for such things as sadness and joy, and it didn't make sense.
Branson hadn’t made any plans for this Valentines day. He could’ve probably figured something out, but he didn’t think there was any harm in spending the evening alone, or starting the evening alone and then finding some friends. He wasn’t sure which it would be this time around but he didn’t mind. Branson had put on the same suit as the yuleball and was moving around the hall just watching others. He eventually stopped at the drinks, got himself something and went to just lean against a wall and watch it. He didn’t mind being alone at it, he couldn’t dance as others did when they were alone, but he wasn’t bothered. Eventually the night would pick up, it was still young. But as he stood he noticed a girl a little older than him stood alone. He decided to go over, people made friends by just talking to people, "Hey," he greeted nervously with a shy smile.
Blair was watching people as they danced and were having fun with a lot of thought like why did they need it? What was so special in all that? However, she was sure that she won't find the answer, her mom tried to and she failed, Blair didn't want to repeat mom's mistakes. But she got distracted from her thoughts as she heard someone's voice, she looked at him and warmly smiled. "Hey! I'm Blair," she immediately let out her name and tried to make it sound a bit softer, easier to pronounce for people who talked in English, but her accent didn't really help that out. She hoped that she will seem friendly enough to make it easier for them both. "Want some?" she finally stretched out snacks and awkwardly smiled, she wasn't sure what to say that wouldn't make it difficult with the language barrier, but she tried to show that she is up for spending time with him.
Branson gave a smile, reassured that she immediately introduced herself, ”I’m Branson, Bran,” he said, he held out his hand to her in greeting but wasn’t sure if she’d shake it. After all she then offered some snacks to him. He had a drink in hand so he nodded and took one of the snacks. He was beginning to gather from her accent that she maybe wasn’t from New Zealand. ”Thanks,” he said. ”Are you here alone?” he asked, he wasn’t trying to pry or make her feel bad, ”Cause I am,” he was quick to add, surely that it would at least soften the initial question make it seem perhaps a little less harsh.
Blair would let out a relieved sight if she thought that it was fitting for that moment but instead she just shook his hand as he offered it. "Nice to meet you, Bran," she knew that it was probably the most typical answer for that but she tried to keep up with a simple formality, at least for some time. As he added that he was here alone, she laughed, it was sweet. "Well, I am here alone too but I came here because it's my birthday," she lightly sways in the rhythm of the music and grinned. "I am not a fan of Valentine's day actually, I just love? No, I like dances and I love birthdays," she admitted to not seem like she was there to find the love of her life and live her happily ever after.
Branson gave a little smile at the girl, Blair and then was surprised when she said that she was alone, and that it was her birthday. He couldn’t help but be very surprised that this poor girl was on her own at this celebration for her birthday. It seemed she liked both but it was still something to be alone during it. ”Well, happy birthday!” he said to her with a little smile. ”Since it’s your birthday, is there something you’d want to do for it?” he wanted to make sure that she was having fun. He knew he’d just met her, but it wouldn’t be fair to know it was her birthday and not try to do stuff for it.
Blair managed to get only one friend in this school and the same was on the date, she wasn't sure that on a romantic one but still a date, and it showed up in her mind as she saw his reaction. "Thank you," she loved getting congratulations. "Oh, it's a sweet offer," She took a second to think. "There is only two things that I want to do but I already was at snack table so I am pretty sure that if I will go that way one more time, my dress will rip. So wanna dance?" She put out a hand for him as saying that she will lead the way to the dance floor.
Branson smiled at her and then nodded. He thought the first thing she’d wanted to do was perfectly fine, he didn’t think she’d burst out of the dress. ”The dress looks nice,” he said, blushing slightly, half refreting his words though he did mean them. He just nodded, and took her hand as she held it out to him. ”Dancing sounds good,” he agreed and he’d let her take them out to the dancefloor, where hopefully they’d have a good time unmarred by his slight awkwardness.
Blair looked down at her outfit as he complimented it, in that moment she forgot what she was wearing. "Спасибо, it took me a while to choose," she admitted that. She wasn't the biggest fan of fashion, she loved looking nice but usually, she wasn't the one to actually spend a lot of time on that, but in the last school, she also loved asking friends for help with that. It sucked a bit that she didn't exactly have friends in this school but she always said that she has a reason for that. "Yay!" she didn't keep that back as he agreed and even put his hand in hers, she led them to the dancefloor. "Боже! I love this song!" Blair excitedly moved in the rhythm of the music overly excited about the chance to dance with someone. "Кстати, you just didn't want a date or like? No, I mean you seem really sweet, I am sure you could get a date pretty easily," she just hoped that she wasn't saying already too much, she always had trouble with understanding when to stop. "Don't get me wrong, I am happy that you are here with me now, just.. wait.. oh, here it is, I was just curious."

спасибо-thank you
Боже-Oh God
Кстати-by the way
Branson frowned a little, not sure what some of the words she was saying were. He wasn’t even entirely sure which language they were. He just got some of the sentences. They began dancing and he blushed lightly at her question before giving a light shrug. ”I didn’t have anyone I wanted to ask, figured I could just as easily either meet a friend or like maybe a friend,” Branson gave her a shy expression as they danced but it was the truth. He wouldn’t at least admit in that that he’d really struggled to make and keep friends. He wanted to return the question but felt it had already in part been answered and he didn’t want to make her feel bad on her birthday.
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