Happy Birthday Violet!

Lemina Troque

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 3/4" Black Walnut/ Maple Essence of Silver Thistle
((I know I said I sent invites, but ignore that. I'll PM some people tomorrow, but feel free to join just now, anyone who knows the birthday girl! ))

Lemina ran down to the lawn and pulled out a rug. On it she lay all sorts of sweet treats for Violet's birthday party. She had sent invites to a few of the third years, hufflepuffs and other people who she knew Vi was friends with. For her present, Lemi had bought her friend a necklace, which was safe in her bag for now. Pulling out some party poppers and bottles of juice, she waited for everyone else to arrive.
Twisting her hair around her index finger, Violet strolled out to the grounds. I'm fourteen today, she thought to herself, somewhat amazed. She was perhaps the oldest third year, having her birthday so early in the school year. And fourteen seemed like such a responsible age. Fourteen. Not like thirteen, which was awkward, the start of the teenage years, often seen as an irrisponsible age. Being fourteen made Violet feel so much more...mature.

Normally, a day like today would be a perfect opportunity to get some more study done. But it was her birthday. Besides, lessons had only just started. She'd catch up on her homework. Now, she could just take some time out to relax and celebrate in style. Even if celebrations meant just sitting on the lawn or by the lake reading the letters from her family.

Upon reaching the lawn, Violet spied Lemina, who had set up for a party of sorts. "Hey Lemina!" Violet called, wandering over to her. "What's all this, then?"
Andromeda had been walking across the lawn when she spotted Lemina and Violet, it was only then she remembered the owl that arrived earlier. Her head just wasn't screwed on right lately. With a pleasant smile she walked over to the two Hufflepuff girls and greeted them warmly.
"Hi you two. Happy Birthday Violet" she made a terribly awkward attempt at a hug before stuffing her hands into her pockets and shrugging, "Unfortunately I don't come bearing gifts but I do so promise that on our first Brightstone weekend I will buy you the biggest jar of Honeydukes candy. I just didn't know until I got Lemina's owl, sorry".
She hoped her apology was enough and that Violet truly wouldn't mind. Andromeda did something she didn't think she would, she turned around looking for Vi's brother who she had met the year before. Angus. He had made quite an impression on her and she thought it would be nice to see him again after so long. As it was he was no where to be seen, but she didn't mind until other guests arrived she asked Lemina and Violet if there was anything she could do in the mean time.
Lemina saw Violet approaching and ran up to her and hugged her. "Violet!" She grinned, "Happy Fourteenth!" Although Lemina was a year above Violet, they were only about six months apart. Lemi exactly wasn't the oldest in her year, having a March birthday, whereas Vi was basically a few days too late to be the year above. Soon Andy also joined them. "Andy!" Beaming, she waved to the girl in third year - who was now a prefect.
Rhyspa walked down from the dorm that she shared with Violet and Lemina to the lawn. Lemina had told her that she was hosting a small party for the Third Year and told Rhyspa to come. She hadn't really gotten Violet a present, but she made a card for her. Violet seemed like the type of girl who felt awkward when receiving presents she didn't ask for, like Rhyspa did at her party. She'll never forget the badger Bruin had charmed for her, it was perched on her headboard in the room. Soon Rhyspa saw Vi, Lemi, and Andy sitting around a blanket.

"Hello!" Rhyspa grinned. "Happy Birthday Violet!" Rhyspa hugged her and handed her the homemade card. "Hi Lemi, Hi Andy!"
Angus had his birthday over the Christmas break, which was always good - it meant he got to spend it with his family, and not have to worry about classes. Violet, however, had her birthday a few days after the start of the year, which wasn't very fun. They usually had a family party before they left for Hogwarts, but it wasn't the same as having an actual birthday party.
Hearing that Lemina - the Hufflepuff prefect who'd caught him raiding the kitchens with Isabella and Annamarie at Halloween - was throwing Violet a birthday party, Angus was very pleased. Violet was stressed about third year, and she hadn't even started yet. She was taking four electives, was a prefect, and felt she had a lot to live up to, being fourteen.
Wandering down to the lawn, hands in his pockets, he spied Violet, Lemina, another Hufflepuff prefect he didn't recognise...and Andromeda, which was a big surprise. She'd left early in his first year, and that had made Angus fairly miserable. He liked Andromeda. She was different, but she was really nice, and quite cool.
"Hey sis!" he called, grinning madly. "Said it at breakfast, but happy birthday!" he smiled, rushing over to give Violet a hug. "Fourteen, way to make me feel even smaller," he grumbled, jokingly. Violet was three inches taller than him, and 15 months older, and perhaps smarter - however Angus never really felt the gap between them. "And oh my, Andy!" he exclaimed, grinning. "Missed ya! Glad to see you back!" He smiled shyly at the other girls, he didn't know them that well. "Hi, sorry, don't think I've introduced myself properly," he said, more for the oldest girl - as he figured Lemina knew his name. "I'm Angus, a Slytherin...but please don't think badly of me," he winked.
Lemina smiled as Rhyspa joined them, "Rhyspa!" Soon after a young slytherin approached them, Angus, Violet's brother. She vaguely recognised him, struggling to remember where from. Beats me! She grinned when he introduced himself. "Hey Angus, I'm Lemina, as you probably gathered." When he described himself as a Slytherin she joked, "Aaaah, a nasty Slytherin, stay away! Only joking, Violet says your a nice little brother, plus I know plenty of friendly Slytherins." She beamed and wondered who else would arrive.
Rhyspa grinned and watched as a younger boy approached the group of girls. He also wished Violet Happy Birthday, calling her 'Sis". Rhyspa's heart tightened at the thought of her little sister, who would be the younger boys age. "Hello Angus," Rhyspa smiled. "I'm Rhyspa." She chuckled as Angus described himself as a nice Slytherin. She wouldn't have held that against him, he was Violets brother, not to mention absolutely adorable.

"Don't worry, I won't hold that against you," the older girl smiled. "It's where you'll do best."
Andromeda felt a wave of shyness creep over her which was a rarity, especially here at Hogwarts. She smiled at Rhyspa and greeted her before turning at the sound of another voice. Her smile spread, she couldn't help it. Violets brother was so like her in many ways, he had a positive air and kind soul. Never a bad word to say about anyone and had always made her feel... well, good about herself. She thought this slightly strange to even contemplate as she greeted him in return. It was nice to be missed, she hadn't expected him to say so but perhaps he was just being 'nice'.
"Hey Angus, it's good to be back" she stepped back slightly not wanting to appear as if she was taking center stage, this was Violets birthday bash after all. She listened as the girls welcomed him into the group and felt somewhat at ease in this mixed up group. Everyone here seemed to just get along, belong even. It was for lack of another word, a word she was beginning to hate now ... nice.
Violet blushed, as Lemina, and then Andy, Rhyspa and Angus all wished her a happy birthday. She beamed at the assembled group, glad that she had such awesome friends and glad, for about the millionth time, that she had come to Hogwarts New Zealand. "Oh wow! Thank you so much, guys!" she exclaimed, grinning madly. "So, um, how is everyone this lovely day?" she asked, as she pulled some brownies her mum had baked for her out of her bag. Her mum hadn't wanted to give her a whole cake, so she'd owled her a container of brownies this very morning - with Angus's owl, it was helpful to have an owl between the two of them. She was just going to eat a couple now and then share some between her and Lemina and Rhyspa, and perhaps some more of the Hufflepuffs later, but now she had a reason to share them out.
Andromeda smiled at Violet, it was good to see her again and Lemina. Being down here in the gardens reminded her of other times she had spent here with her friends. She was glad the day was nice and warm for Vi's birthday, wondering if anyone else was coming she turned back as Violet asked them how they were.
"Now you come to mention it, I'm pretty good" which was true, she hadn't had much reason to say it lately but could hand on heart quite truthfully say it today.
"Did you get much in the way of pressies from home then?"
Ceratus had been trying to get around to everyones party's over the last couple of days. He just loved birthdays and giving the students their gifts. So when he heard there was a girl named violet down in the lawn he quickly made his way to the kitchens.

Then, with a few waves of his hands brought the ingredients for a cupcake and put it all together, then after a quick cooking with magic, took a look at it. It was perfect. Beaming, he stuck a candle in it and thought of a present. maybe she likes violets....no thats just tacky. Perhaps... I spose it'll do.

Once he'd put the candle in the cupcake he took step from the kitchen table and. CRACK, he disappeared.

And with another CRACK, he appeared in the group with colourful sparks flying around from him and the cupcake in his hands facing who he presumed to be Violet. He gave her a warm smile and help out the cupcake.

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