Open Happily Ever After

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Professor Mallory Grayveson

Soft- Shy- Searching- Charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
8 inch sturdy Ivy wand with Fairy wing core
2/24/2031 (30)
Mallory found that she loved Halloween at school. The outfit she'd bought looked fabulous, she loved it. She made her way down to the Great Hall, finding it was beautifully decorated. She wandered for a bit, admiring everything, before stopping at the snack table for refreshments. It was nice to see so many students enjoying themselves, and she admired the different costumes. She took to people watching, sipping on her pumpkin juice.
Salem loved Halloween, the festive atmosphere in the hall, the costumes, the food. She couldn't help but let her eyes linger on Aubrey when she spotted her across the dancefloor, but Salem decided to leave her for now, they could maybe talk later. Things were awkward, sure, but Salem was intent on not letting their breakup completely ruin what remained of their friendship. It was just a little raw still. Instead, she skirted around the snack tables, hoisting her fake stereo higher on her shoulder as she admired the costumes. "Wow, Professor Corrins, what a dress," she said appreciatively as she spotted the Charms professor. "How can you move in that thing without tripping?"
Mallory smiled as one of the students approached her. "Good evening, Salem." She greeted warmly. "It is a bit of a challenge," Mallory chuckled. "Small steps are the key," She told the Gryffindor, running a hand over her skirt. "I must admit, I feel rather fancy." Mallory laughed lightly. "I like your costume, it looks rather comfortable." Mallory complimented the young student.
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