hanging out

Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa had just gotten her dress for Yule Ball but sighed because she probably wouldn't get a chance to wear it. Arisa decided to go for a walk in the forest to think things over. Once she was outside in the forest she kept walking deeper and deeper into the forest, her and Sern's forest. stop it, your just causing your self pain she said clutching at her chest. She decided now was a good time to stop and next thing she new she was on the forest floor curled into a ball.
Kida hadn't been into the forest for a long time, she spent most of her time inside reading, studying or sleeping. Kida thought she would need some fresh air, and the best place would be the forbidden forest, Kida slipped on her boots and made her way down to the forest, she wore a Butterfly Shirt with jeans Kida did a quick look around her before she broke into a slight jog, that jog turned into a run, she ran through the forest and quickly headed to a tree, with a quick jump she grabbed a branch, swinging her legs up and over to stand on the branch "still got it" she said as she jumped off the branch, grabbing onto another one and swinging fom Tree to tree, climbing higher and lower, she shot from Tree to Tree swinging herelf from branch to branch, Doing multiple front and back flips. Kida Jumped from one tree to another when she saw Arisa on the forest floor in a ball, Kida looked down at her and forgot about the branch she was jumping to, before Kida knew it the tree branch hit her square in the stomach, Kida winced a bit, she was flying towards it very fast it could have broken her ribs if she hit up any higher Kida didn't have anytime to react the throbbing pain was clouding her brain from stopping her from falling, Kida could feel the wind flying past her as she fell to the ground, the ground hit her hard just near. Kida let out a loud groaning sound as the pain slowly escaped her body
Arisa heard a thumping noise and looked up to see Kida on the ground with the wind knocked out of her. Arisa got up and crawled over to her, "Kida, are you okay?" she asked looking her over. Why must she always swing from the trees, this is what happens when you do she thought with a mental sigh. Arisa looked down at her dress and frowned even more then she already was when she saw that it was covered in dirt.
Kida let out another groan and rubbed her head "ow" she said before she sat up and stretched her back "that hurt" she said before leaning back and springing off the ground, Kida dusted off her shirt and jeansbefore looking back at Arisa "i'm not looking at you next time i'm flying through Tree's" she said jokingly, before holding her hand out to Arisa so that she could stand up "why on earth where you curled up in a ball" she said as she stretched her arms out again
Arisa helped Kida up with a small laugh. She coughed awkwardly when Kida asked why she was curled into a ball, "I was thinking of Sern, Kida please tell me something. Why did he just leave?" Arisa asked in a helpless voice.
Kida shrugged "its complicated" she said to Arisa, "i can't tell you, i.. i'm not allowed sorry" she said givng Arisa a warm smile, "Sern is fine though, you don't need to worry about him" Kida rubbed her stomach slightly before lifting up her shirt and looking at it, there were a few small grazes and it looked like there was going to be a small bruise but other then that it was fine.
Arisa felt hopelessness fill her again, she wasn't allowed to know if something important was happening to the guy she was crazy in love with? "W-why can't I know? I'm going insane here!" Arisa exclaimed. It wasn't fair, how could they expect her to be fine with not knowing. Arisa felt like crying out of pure frustration but didn't. "How can I not worry about him, he just leaves one day with no word no note, last time I saw him was the end of last year" She added.
Kida shook her head "don't worry about him, i'm sure that he will write" she said smiling "he is perfectly fine, i'm just not allowed to tell anyone why he left" she said "he will be back"
Arisa screamed and started pulling on her hair, "FML" she said before walking over to a tree and slamming her head on it.
Kida walked behind Arisa and pulled her away from the tree, before crossing her Arms "Arisa, understand, I Can't tell you got it" she said frowning, "and by the way your acting, you should just dump him" Kida pulled out a magazine out of her back pocket "You Snogged Ti, and apparently other people aswell" she said scowling at him, "so don't get all lovey dovey about him, and then go snog someone else OK" she snarled at Arisa before throwing the magazine infront of her
Arisa scowled at Kida, "so what if I did, it meant nothing just joking around, and for you information he was the only one, I can't believe you would read that rag after what it said about you" she said in an annoyed voice. "and you know what, maybe I will dump him since I'm obviously not important enough to even know whats going on with him," she added.
Kida pursed her lips for a moment as son as Arisa finished talking Kida screamed at her "YOU STILL KISSED SOMEONE ELSE WHILE YOU WERE DATING HIM" Birds seemed to fly out of the trees whie other animals fled the scene "My Cousin and i are Close and you are Cheating on him, even if it was just joking around and didn't mean anything, you STILL did it, thats cheating in both forms, and DON'T you start Crying because you will get no sympathy from me" she said "Fine GO AHEAD and dump him, because he OBVIOUSLY isn't Imporatant enough to you if you can go around and Snog Someone else"
Arisa growled at Kida when she finished, "Do you have any idea how worthless unloved and heart broken i felt when he just left with out a word!?" Arisa asked. "Excuse me for proving that no guy will ever make me his play thing and just think everything will be fine!" she yelled. "A real boyfriend, who loved me like he said he would, would have at least tried to contact me! How hard is it to write a damn note and send an owl!? So OBVIOUSLY he doesn't give a sh1t about me anymore!"
Sukie wandered into the Forbidden Forests. Ever since the first day of school, this is where he would go to think, or just to keep to himself. Although, from the first day till now, he would get in trouble because the Forbidden Forests were not a place to be. Then again, Sukie didn't care. He liked dangerous things, and pitied people that were weak and afraid of this place. Laughing to himself, he sat on the ground, crossing his legs somewhat, and leaned against one of the many trees that made up part of the Forbidden Forests.

Sukie was about to fall asleep there when he heard shouting. He wanted to just ignore the voice, but it got louder and louder. Sukie soon got pissed off. Who the hell made so much noise in the Forbidden Forests? Wasn't it a place of tranquility and serenity? Sukie sighed.

Following the noise, he realized it was Arisa and a friend of hers. He decided to ignore them, since they were arguing. Sukie was about to walk away, when the scene soon got worse. Sukie had to do something, and fast!

Sukie walked up to the girls. "Ladies, I'm sure we can always settle the problem, but no shouting please. I'm sure we can all agree on that," he said in a firm tone.
Kida snarled at Arisa "HE ISN'T ALLOWED TO TELL YOU WHY HE LEFT, NONE OF US ARE" she snapped her Hazel eye changing to a green. "and having a boyfriend means you don't go snog someone else" she snapped. Kida heard another voice enter the area that they were in, she looked at the boy "Shouting seems like the only way i can get through to her, And since when is it your buisness" she snarled
"HE COULD HAVE AT LEAST TOLD ME HE WOULD BE LEAVING" she screamed fighting off the urge to attack Kida. She was being completely unreasonable! Arisa's eyes were turning a violent purple with every word. "I can't even count as a f*cking kiss, it was a peck on the lips, something you would give to your brother, I'm done with this bullshit! Tell Sern that if he wants me back then he'll write me, you said he could theres no excuse. Cause for now, I'm not dealing with this were over!" she yelled before showing Kida her hand with the ring Sern had given her. She took it off and stuffed it in her pocket, "I'll be waiting" she added before she realized Sukie was there, "come on Sukie, we have better things to do" Arisa said offering him her arm before glaring at Kida.
Sukie turned to the girl in front of him, the one Arisa was arguing with. "So now you're both fighting about boyfriends?" he asked, with a big sigh. "Oh, when its my business you ask?" he replied, looking into the girl's eyes. "Well, I was about to have a good rest after a tiring week right next to that tree, but someone seemed to make so much noise. So I decided to come here ask both of you to at least turn down your volumes! It won't be my business if you both just shut up or just get away from here! I'm sure the animals would be grateful too," he replied, glaring at the girl.

Sukie then smiled back at Arisa. "Oh yes we do!," he replied, taking Arisa's arm.
"A Bloody Kiss is a Kiss, you can't just avoid me because you get angry, or is that what you do with everything, once it gets to much for you, you leave, Pathetic" She said to Arisa as she walked away from her, Kida turned to the tree which she fell from Earlier and jumped up into it before quickly swinging from various branches and jumping down infront of the boy and Arisa "and This is a forest, i have been coming here AGES before you started school here, its big enough, if you DON'T like my yelling, find a different place to hang out, and if you think you have had a ba week, you know nothing yet, my God Father is in hospital, and i'm not allowed to see him, and guess what he is in Hospital because of HER mother, so don't tell me that you have had a hard week" Kida's now green eyes looked at Arisa "Guess what you can now to make out with anyone you want, and hurt my cousin at the time. you see, its a Family thing, we have been sworn not to tell anyone why he left, and that includes him, he isn't allowed to write to anyone at all, and i you can't accept that, then its great that your breaking up with him he doesn't have to stress every day and night how you might feel then" Kida looked at them both, "you can have your bloody forest back" she said as she jumped up grabbing onto a branch of the tree above her and climbing her way up the tree.
Arisa glared at Kida before grabbing her ankle and pulling her down to the ground, " You listen here Kida Frost. You have no idea how I feel right now, I'm crazy in love with Sern Summers, but I would rather not deal with his psychotic cousin and her crazy accusations, and its not my mothers fault Remus wasn't rational enough to think things over! She told me exactly what she said to him! Didn't he understand that her family comes first and that it would hurt my little brother to just force some stranger into his life, she even said, if you love me you'll wait, guess he decided she wasn't worth the wait and just blew his f*cking brain out" Arisa yelled. "Tell Sern I wont date anyone else while hes gone, but I'm not going to call my self his girlfriend for the time being, I'll be waiting to see if I'm worthy enough for your family when he gets back, I'll be waiting to see if I'm worthy enough to be taken back." she snapped using sarcasm on the word worthy.
Kida felt Arisa grab hold of her ankle and pull her back down, Kida quickly flipped back land on her hands pushing herself off her hands Kida quikcly landed on her feet, turned around and stood in a defensive stance. "yes cause people who are CRAZY IN LOVE with someone go around and Kiss other people. Kida was so tempted to slap Arisa until she understood that NO ONE in her family could tell her why Sern left, and she has to wait, not expect anyone to tell her why. Kida rolled her eyes. "Remus has a WHOLE lot of reasons to why he shot himself" Kida dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out a blood covered note. "No one has read this but me, he wrote it to me before he shot himself" Kida folded the note up and put it back in her pocket "and no one is going to read it, by Your 'mother' saying no pushed him over the edge, he is balancing SO many things right now that no one else knows about but me" Kida rolled her eyes before pursing her lips again "you know NOTHING about what is going on here, you don't understand that we can't tell you why Sern is gone, you don't know the True reason to why Remus shot himself, and you just expect everyone to tell you everything, like the world revolves around you"
Kida's green eyes went back to hazel, she looked at Arisa and shook her head "i feel sorry for you" she said before she jumped out of the tree again, standing on the branch clear ou of her view "don't lead him on a string, either dump him or stay with him, just don't expect any of us to tell you why he is gone" Kida Ran along the tree branch before jumping from branch to branch heading out of the forest.
Kida came to the end of the forest and pulled a back filp out of the last tree before walking out of the Forest and up into Remus' Office, a place where she knew no one would find her.
Sukie raised an eyebrow at the girl. "Don't you go blaming others without prove," he said to Kida in a rather firm tone. Listening to what Kida and Arisa had to say, Sukie began to understand things. "Listen here lady, don't go around scolding my friend here about her kissing some other boy. Its not her damn problem if her boyfriend leaves her suddenly. Let's be serious here lady, how can you expect this girl to be so good like a nun or something, when that boyfriend of hers just disappear without any apparent reason? I understand how you feel, about Arisa kissing other boys, but if you don't her what actually happened, why do you think she would give a damn about that mysterious cousin of yours?" he asked the girl.

Sukie watched as Arisa grabbed Kida's ankle, and pulled the girl to the ground. "And don't go blaming Arisa or anyone related to her because of what ever happened to that god-father of yours. I'm sure you really care about that guy, but don't go blaming others for nothing." he added sternly. Sukie was getting irritated with the older girl.

He watched as she disappeared, before turning to Arisa. "You okay love? Just forget the whole thing, I'm sure she doesn't mean what she said, she's just a little emotionally unstable. Both of you will be alright soon," he said concernedly to his older friend.
Arisa glared at Kida, "Oh I know things, Remus shot him self because hes a f*cking *******, I actually trusted him when he said I could, he promised he wouldn't be like all the other guys who have made my life hell, well guess he was wrong! He also promised he wouldn't hurt my mom, well guess what, shes f*cking heart broken that she did this to him, and he doesn't remember her, he calls her the evil death eater nurse lady!" Arisa yelled. She had actually believed Remus when he said he would be like a dad to her, and that she could trust him. She hated it when people went back on there word. Arisa hissed when Kida called her self centered, "yes its really self centered to be worried about your boyfriend and demand to know where he is" she said in a sarcastic tone.

Arisa then listened as Sukie told Kida off. A smile grew on her face a his words. She frowned slightly as Kida walked.... swung away. She turned to Sukie, "Thanks Sukie, your awesome, and yeah, I'm okay" she said with a small smile. "Kida has a tendency to be protective over her family, but we've never fought before" she added scratching her arm. "Wanna hang out, I think after that I need a little bit of fun" she said in a slightly cheerful voice.

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