Closed "Hanging Out"

Roo Vader

Aspiring Reporter // World Traveler // Debutante
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 8 1/2 Inch Swishy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
October 3rd, 2038
Roo Vader was more than excited to be getting a meal with one of her few friends in Oceania. She hadn't really met a lot of friends, especially being a journalist - no one wanted to be friends with someone who got into others business for a living. Roo was accepting of that though and respected that others might not be as keen on her job as she was - but Daemyn was. He was sort of her friend not by choice but because she lived so close to him. It was a good match though, Daemyn was so interesting and knew so much and he was kind and owned a neat shop that he often deterred her from going to... she loved a good mystery!

Roo waited outside the restaurant for him to show up. She was early of course, she couldn't help herself. Her hair was curled into big tresses that flowed down her back, and Roo couldn't help but think she got prettied up for this hang out session. She wasn't sure why, but she was even wearing some light makeup - clear lip gloss and mascara. She just hoped he didn't think less of her for dabbling into makeup when it was just a meal with a friend.
Daemyn Knight was still questioning why he was doing this. Going out on a date, though he was wondering if he was very clear with his intentions. After all, Roo Vader seemed to be very innocent, and she might not understand what he wanted to do. While he asked her to go out to dinner with him, he did not ever say that it was a 'date' so it was possible that his words might have been taken too innocently. Daemyn sighed as he realized that this might case as he put on his leather jacket and headed out of his apartment to meet her at a restaurant. It was in the magical community, so he didn't need to worry about dropping either of his wands or anything like that.

The duelist arrived but paused before getting Roo's attention just to take her appearance in. Her dress was modest enough, but it was still his favorite color. Was this on purpose? Shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants, he approaching the brunette, still wearing that poker face he had normally. It softened slowly for her over time, but it was still common for people like him. "You look gorgeous, Roo," Daemyn complimented easily - especially since it was true. Her hair, dress, face... Everything was perfect. Since when did he get attached?
Roo, upon seeing Daemyn, smiled wildly her lips closed still hiding her teeth. She was never usually one to smile with her teeth after all. The brunette flushed at his compliment, and smoothed down her dress slightly. "Well thank you, you look rather dashing yourself, sir." She said, her ever present southern accent muddling her words if one wasn't listening. She looked toward the restaurant. "Would you like to head inside?" She didn't figure he wanted to stand outside but if he did that was okay. They were hanging out sort of on his terms, and that was okay with her! Roo didn't often like being in control, of plans or of anything else. She wasn't used to it. That could of course be blamed on her sheltered childhood where she was not forced to make decisions or do things she didn't want to.
As much as Daemyn enjoyed seeing her smile, he wondered why she would not show her teeth. Was she not that happy or was she embarrassed? That would be something to ask down the road. He would not do that just yet. Though her calling him sir made him shift in his stance, a little embarrassed by it but managed to keep from blushing. Control was so hard. “Yes, of course.” He approached her to gesture for her to walk in first and he would walk in behind her and they would be seated. Daemyn made sure that they were seated in a corner and away from others since he didn’t want to be interrupted. “I hope this is acceptable, Roo. I would hate to give off a worse impression than what I have done before with accusing you of stealing my package or following me.” Daemyn knew better now, but he still felt bad over it.
Roo smiled as he motioned for her to head inside. She did so and the pair were seated. it was a nice little place, and their seating was secluded and private. The brunette appreciated it but wondered just how much he valued his privacy over other things. After all, he seemed like quite the mysterious person - she liked that though. As he commented on this being acceptable she laughed gently. "No, you didn't give off any sort of impression, really. I mean I thought you might be a bit crotchety but that was part of your charm." Said the southern woman. "I appreciate the effort to ask me to come and hang out though, really. it gives me the opportunity to get to know my new friend better." She spoke almost innocently, as if she had no expectations on this being a date - which she didn't. In fact, Roo wasn't sure what a date was supposed to look like because of her sheltered childhood.
Daemyn sat down in his seat, and took off his jacket. It was only polite, though some of his tattoos were visible with his arms now exposed. At least there was nothing ridiculous like the Dark Mark. He listened to her explanation of the first impression, though raised an eyebrow at the word ‘crotchety’. He had never heard of adjectives like that to describe him. He knew several times, people called him ‘demon’ but he made sure they didn’t do that often. Daemyn didn’t take anyone calling him anything. “Never heard of anyone describing me that way before. You really do have a way with words.” Daemyn glanced up and ordered a bottle of aged wine for the two of them. “Hang out? New friend? Roo, I asked you out on a date. Not a hang out. Is this what you think this really was?” Daemyn could hardly believe it, but as he thought about it. Maybe he should. She was very innocent.
Roo couldn't help but stare a little at his tattoos. Those must have hurt. She didn't have so much as a scar on her from her pampered debutant life, so she couldn't imagine the pain of a tattoo. She almost wanted to touch them, would they feel different than regular skin? She smiled and looked back up at him when he said she had a way with words. "Thank grammar school." She said jokingly. After he ordered a bottle of wine she thought about mentioning that she really didn't drink. She had two bottles from her father's vineyard up in her cupboards that were mostly untouched for that reason. But she was ever polite and would accept a small glass.

Her thoughts were quickly disrupted by him speaking again. Then he said the word date. Roo's face became bashfully red, and she looked down at the napkin in her lap. "Date?" She squeaked out, making sure she heard him right. "You want to be on a date with me? I've never been on a date before..." She admits, her southern drawl slowing down her words slightly, though she whispered them.
Daemyn wondered what sort of school she went to if she went to something called a 'grammar school'. His education was all at Durmstrang and home, so her life was completely foreign to him. Daemyn sipped from his glass of wine, noting how red she turned when he mentioned that he had asked her out on a date. She repeated the word, which he just nodded once to affirm that she had heard him correctly. Daemyn set the wine glass down and pointed out, "Your experience, or lack thereof, does not change my mind, Roo." Daemyn wanted her to know that no matter what, he would not have his mind changed over the matter. Something about her drew him in, and he would not let that slip through his fingers. It did not matter what blood she had running through her veins. "I have not bothered with dating after school myself, but I believe that now is a good time, with someone who is as bright as the sun." Daemyn stopped for a moment, and asked, "If things were spelled out, would you have said yes?"
Daemyn's nod of affirmation when she uttered the word Date only seemed to make her a bit more flustered. She looked at her cup, before grabbing it to take a sip. She felt a little overwhelmed by the prospect that someone like Daemyn wanted to go on a date with her. Maybe even more than one! She could feel her chest practically vibrating from how her heart was beating. He called her someone as bright at the sun and she giggled. What kind of flattery was that? The good kind, the kind that made her feel special. He then asked a question and she felt like maybe she had made it sound like she was disinterested. "No! of course not I'm just... surprised." She admitted. "I'm happy for you to be my first date. And you chose such a nice place... This is nice." She said with a small smile. "So what do people usually do on dates?"
Daemyn most certainly noticed how flustered she was becoming, and it amused him greatly. It was as if she were a small mouse and he was a lion. It was a real shame that he was not a legilimens so that he could have read her mind to see what she was thinking. All he could do was watch and observe her body language and change of skin tone as blood rushed to and from her cheeks. "Why would you be so surprised? We have talked a few times. You should have known that this was a possibility." Daemyn did not really spell things out even then, since flirting and romance was hard for him. "Your first, hmm? I am honored. People get to know each other on dates, flirt a little bit, and at the end, they likely kiss - though not always - and part ways. If there is mutual interest, a second date is made." Daemyn was only saying what he had read since he had not had a first date in some time. Maybe he should contact Wolfgang to get some pointers.
Roo paused for a moment before starting to speak. "Well..." She paused again. "Where I'm from, the society I'm a part of, I am not really a great candidate for courting. Clumsy and a little less than professional. it's just never something i considered as a possibility. Plus my parents were always very strict about me not courting." She added. As he talked about what happened on dates, mostly the part of kissing, her cheeks pinkened up more. She looked down at her glass before sipping awkwardly to buy her time to think. "Well I happen to think that all sounds quite pleasant in theory... I just hope you agree." She looked at him with her big, hazel eyes, wide with wonder it always seemed. "So tell me about you then," She offered, giving him the floor.
Daemyn wondered what sort of upbringing she had that made courting so restrictive. He just assumed that it was an American thing at first, but Wolfgang was from there... Different areas, perhaps. But her blush remained prevalent as ever on her cheeks. It was quite attractive, and even Daemyn was not sure why that was. "You are no longer bound by the laws of your parents. You can think of yourself as 'on the market' now, if that is the phrase people use these days." Daemyn was not sure himself if he could even talk. He knew all about familial expectations. Although, he did not expect her to turn it around on him. Since his family was well-known, he had to keep it vague. "I now own Borgin and Burke's on Bleak Street. I have many siblings. My background is rather strict because I come from ancient wealth and status, so to speak. Old fashioned pure-bloods I suppose." Daemyn himself didn't care much about it. So long as people were magical, he didn't care about their backgrounds.
As he spoke about no longer being bound by her parents rules she wanted so desperately to agree with him. However she couldn't help but feel like no matter what she was going to need to follow their rules. She nibbled on her lower lip and looked down into her wine glass. Her face felt hot, hotter than just normal embarrassment. And she had these angry bees in her stomach that made her feel jittery. Mainly because she was coming to terms with the fact that he might really want to court her. He talked about his family and she sipped her glass while listening. "Your family sound prestigious. Like we've come from similar pasts but in different ways. I come from money, and have customs built around that." She shared. "I'm what they refer to in the states as a debutant." She then thought for a moment. "I'm not a pureblood or anything like that though." She added in case it changed his mind. She knew it did for some people.
Daemyn noted every little thing that Roo was doing. From the changes in her cheeks to the where her stare often went. He couldn't help it. Someone so sheltered and coddled was interesting to him. Roo gave him more information regarding her family, and how they were from wealth and customs, but not so much pureblood. He wondered if that would pose a problem with his father considering his father was a bit on the supremacist side. He was not put into an arranged marriage, so that was good for him. "A debutant? I will have to research that so I know exactly that that is. My knowledge on the states is very limited." He could probably name a few, but that was it. "I'm not a supremacist like many of my family members. As long as you aren't muggle-born, I don't care. And I only say that because muggle-borns don't last too long around us." Daemyn shrugged his shoulders. "That is why I changed my surname. I want to get ahead in life, without those connections. I have to admit, I might be better off if I kept it."
Roo was flattered by him saying he'd research what her title meant. It wasn't really anything special she didn't think. She was just from a high mannered society with a lot of expectations. He talked about his surname, and how he wasn't a supremacist like others would be. He mentioned muggleborn and she shook her head to signify that she wasn't, though she didn't know how well it sat with her that he might judge someone if they were. After all, muggles and muggleborns were so interesting! The American girl sipped her drink as he spoke and nodded along so that he knew she was listening. "You have such an interesting life, deciding not to take the nepotism you're offered." She remarked. "I think it's very noble." She added. "I want to know more about you but I don't know what to even ask on a date, just tell me what you want to." She offered, her starry eyed expression trained on him.
Daemynmost certainly did not want her to dig more into his past, but she wanted to know more, and didn’t know what to ask. He smiled subtly and motioned with his hand, “That is all for another time. Right now, I just want to learn more about you, and your hobbies. Then we can go on a second date and discover more.” Daemyn assumed that his answer was general and vague enough for her to go along with it. As someone who was sheltered, it was quite easy to make the conversation go his way. And thus, it did, and his first date with her was a success.


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