Open Hanging in There

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Leah Thorne

7th year 🧨 headstrong 🧨 bossy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 12 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
08/2046 (17)
Leah couldn't believe this was her last Yule Ball of her last year of school. She had been fighting off the dread of the holidays so well but of course the moment she finally crumbled it was in the middle of the great hall with snow falling down around her head. On one hand the freedom graduation promised her was so close and sounded so good but it came at the cost of leaving all her friends and potentially upsetting her parents. The later was nothing new but it was a cost she was hesitant to pay. So despite how much she wanted to enjoy the night and how lovely her dress was she found herself sitting at one of the tables, too in her feelings to really notice much around her.
Maggie and Bea had come to the ball together, but they had separated as Bea wanted to go ice skating, as usual. Maggie had decided to walk around for a bit, admiring everyone's outfits and the shenanigans ensuing on the dance floor. As she made her way to some tables, she noticed the girl who had been assigned as Bea's big in Heta Omega. She couldn't remember her name, but she thought it might be nice to be friendly to the older girl. "You're in Heta Omega, right?" she asked.
Leah was grateful for any distraction but she was a little surprised when she was approached by a younger girl who seemed familiar. The mention of Heta Omega made the wheels in her head start spinning faster and she realized it was her assigned little sister. "I am!" she answered a little too quickly in an attempt to hide how distracted she had been this semester. What a good example she turned out to be, she thought sarcastically. "You're my little sister." she said and tried to pull the name from some dusty corner of her mind but fell short. "And I'm a terrible big sister." she said with a laugh. "What was your name again?"
Maggie looked around and then glanced at Bea who was currently skating, unsure if maybe she had been mistaken. Was this girl her big sister the whole time. "I'm Maggie, but I think your my twin's big sister. Her name is Beatrice," she replied awkwardly, unsure who was right at this point. She shrugged and crossed her arms and then gave an awkward laugh.
Leah's enthusiasm immediately deflated as the girl corrected her. She groaned and buried her head in her hands to hide her embarrassment. "That's even worse." she groaned before taking a deep breath. "Sorry." she said. "It's bee a long semester." she added with her own awkward laugh. "But it's nice to meet you. And if you're sister is my sister then I think it all counts." Leah tried to do some mental gymnastics to try and save some face after mixing up the twins. But who could blame her for that? "Do you wat to sit?" she asked.
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