Open Hands Full

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Caleb Thorne

broomsticks server | duelist | reckless | '60 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Swishy Applewood Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
06/2042 (21)
Caleb loved Halloween. It wasn't really something he had a lot of experience with before Hogwarts but he loved the costumes and getting a chance to be someone else for a night. He usually put in a decent amount of effort in his costumes but this year he wanted to go all out for the last time. But he didn't consider how hard it would be to actually enjoy himself with his bulky gloves on. He considered taking them off to get something to eat but it would ruin the effect of his costume but the food was one of the best parts of the whole thing.
Renata had put a lot of effort into her costume, but hadn't really considered that it made it hard for her to walk around. Her legs were basically stuck together with the tail extended out, meaning she had to hop around if she wasn't just crawling on the ground, and the fact that she'd decided to jump into the bath beforehand meant she was kind of cold with her wet clothes on. It was impressive, but way more exhausting than she thought. She looked over and saw one of the boys with a really impressive pair of gloves. She thought it looked somewhat familiar, and hopped over to him, barely able to keep upright. "You look really cool! But, also thought more about the look than the practical...?" she trailed off, clinging to a table's edge to keep herself from slipping over.
Caleb heard someone approaching by the wet sounds of their clumsy steps. But he was so focused he didn't look up until they spoke and he noticed the girl gripping the table for dear life. She considered her comment but wasn't particularly bothered. "Well it seems I'm not the only one to make that mistake." he said as she seemed to struggle just to stay upright. "Unless you're just pretending you haven't got your land legs." he joked.
Renata shrugged, as much as she could anyway, avoiding shivering again as drops of lukewarm water ran down her arms. Thankfully, her balance was pretty restorable even with her feet as close together as possible in the tail. "Phew, okay, I think we're good," she said, half to herself. "I can't take off the tail or I'll probably get in trouble for being underdressed," Renata admitted, though she at least had leggings on. "Um, did you need me to get you something? Cauldron cake? Drink?" Between the pair of them, there was at least one set of legs and one pair of hands, they could work something out.
Caleb raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that?" he asked warily as she seemed to find surer footing. But it wasn't like he could be much help if she did fall over. Since not being able to use his hands was the source of his problems. "Right." he said dryly at her joke about being underdressed. Maybe someone could charm her to float around instead of having to walk. At least movement wasn't a problem for him. "A drink would probably be most practical." he said unenthusiastically. The cauldron cakes looked so good but eating it would be a challenge and he'd probably look like an idiot. At lease he could hold a cup between his palms.
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