Gryffindor Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
(Here is where you RP your character at the game. Professors, Staff and students are welcome! :D)
Professor Kingsley wasn't going to let a little bit of rain stop her from heading down to the pitch to cheer for GryffinPuff. The woman had played quidditch under similar conditions when she'd been a student in the school. Placing the charm on herself that would keep her dry and warm, the professor exited the castle and made her way to the grounds. She had on a hat that she'd enchanted to switch between sporting a Gryffindor Lion and being red and the Hufflepuff Badger in yellow. Heading quickly for the Gryffindor stands, the professor sat in the very highest seat where she could get a good view of the game. Cyndi had been to many quidditch games (her brother and sister-in-law were both pretty famous quidditch players), but there was just something about watching students play that was very exciting. Sitting quietly, the professor decided to conserve her energy for when the game began.
Madlyn sported her Gryffindor sweater and scarf along with a big banner she made couple days prior to the game. It was all fun when the students played Quidditch. Most of the players on the team she was very close too. She had her banner tuck underneath her arm, a charm repel the rain drizzling outside so the banner won't get wet. She put on a rain coat and headed for the stands. "Ello Professor Kingsley" she greeted the woman and sat down two rows up. "It's going to be a great game!" she unfolded the giant poster, both houses were in the display, in larger writing it read GO GRIFFINPUFF! She set the banner down till the game started and it was the right time to cheer.
Gwen had never been to a Quidditch game in her life but for some reason she couldn't stop herself from going. It could have been how excited her house had been about this game. They had won the last game and where hoping for another victory. Gwen was so excited about attending her very first game that she had forgotten to bring a book with her just in case she got bored but than again how could she get bored with all her housemates around her and one of her friends was playing today as well. "Good luck Griffinpuff!" Gwen shouted as the players started to come onto the field.
Although the house he used to be in at his school was a mix of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, Icarus was definately going to Gryffindor's stands and cheer for them. His little cousin was going to play for his first in the team and he knew that he would like some support. Being a flying professor, he was enjoying quidditch matches a lot, even played by students. The support at Gryffindor's stands was amazing with students dressed up with the house's colors, holding large posters with lions and badgers. He was also wearing a t-shirt with a lion on it.

He greeted his collegue, professor Kingsley and had a seat next to her. Although he wanted to shout out loud and show his support for the team of GryffinPuff, he decided to act more like a professor and not show yet his preference. Much like professor Kingsley. He just wished good luck both to Minoas and Briar, that were going to represent the team.
The professor smiled and greeted her fellow professor and the students who had decided to come support the team. It wasn't long before the game began and Cyndi was up and cheering for her house. When Briar had the quaffle in posession, Cyndi was out of her seat cheering the teenager on. When she scored, the professor let out a 'whoop' of joy and clapped along with the rest of her house. The rain was not much of a bother as most of the students and staff were skilled enough to perform the simple charm to prevent themselves from getting wet. There was nothing they could do to stop thunder though.
Everyone cheered when gryffinpuff scored, Madlyn cheered the loudest seeing that it was Briar. It maybe raining and the clouds were darkening every minute, it was worth getting drench in rain for. Although their repelling charm was keeping the rain away and the canopy above did it's job otherwise. "GREAT JOB GRYFFINPUFF! Madlyn cheered from the stands. She clapped and rooted for both their team. It looks like Slytherclaw had a great team against them.
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