Grow Alden, Grow!

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Alden Ater

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rigid Blackthorn Wood Wand 13" with Chimera Scale Fragment
Ok.. Alden is going to grow and be seen as a character if it kills me! >.> Hopefully it won't.... -coff-

So... friends, enemies, Girlfriend perhaps? Lay it on me..I'm up for a rp whenever :lol:

He's Reeaallly the laid back kind of guy, easy enough to get along with... Rather unlike most of his family. His eating habits are.... Well... He can eat a seven course meal.. not that it makes him fat or anything, actually, he can even do it looking civilized. Anyway yeah... Laid back until you get him angry and then there is all hell to pay.

Oh...and he's 24 btw >.>
I don't mind rping with him, At this point I'm looking for friends for Maya, right now she a shop keep and someone guardian (seven year old Pixie Day) She will be adopting her soon and she also Morgan Le Fey niece, its up to you if you want to rp? I don't mind serving up a rude customer, whatever fits works :)
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