Ground Rules

Professor James Cade

Father of 6 | Whole Again | Always
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
James was unhappy that he only learned about Ezra's successful transfer to Hogwarts New Zealand when he turned up to the station to catch the train. He knew his brother would be happy about it as he had been complaining about Durmstrang for a couple of years now, but James didn't want his brother anywhere near his school, near his friends, near Maddie. Ezra had already broken up one of his relationships and although he and Maddie were currently not speaking, it didn't change how he felt, nothing she had said to him changed anything. His brewing feelings for Charlotte, the necklace burning a whole in his robe pocket, didn't change what he felt for Maddie deep down. Ezra knew about Maddie, thanks to Jess and her big mouth, he would need to keep an eye on his brother for sure.

With the sorting ceremony over Ezra was now in the headmistresses office to find out his house destination. James knew his brother very well, he had an incline where he would go, which also made him nervous, Slytherin was the most likely destination for the Ezra he knew, Charlotte's house. Ezra didn't know about her, thank merlin, but it wouldn't take him long if James decided to pursue something, and if he was successful. Then there was the slim chance of Gryffindor, his worst nightmare. To be in the same tower as his brother, for his brother to be in the same tower as Maddie, he shuddered at the thought. After some time the door of the headmistresses office opened and Ezra walked out with a cocky smile. "Well?" James asked.
Ezra was grateful to his parents for keeping his successful transfer to Hogwarts a secret. The look on James's face when he turned up at the station was priceless. Ezra knew that James didn't want him at Hogwarts. The two had never really got along but ever since James walked in on him kissing his girlfriend over Christmas, their relationship had soured even more. He didn't blame him, frankly Ezra enjoyed it. James's dislike of him was a constant source of amusement and now that he was at the same school as his beloved brother, he was in a position to make his life even more miserable than he already did.

Following the sorting feast, Ezra was called to the Headmistresses office along with the other transfer students to be placed in their house. A little part of Ezra hoped he would be sorted into Gryffindor with James. His brother would hate it so much and he knew there was a girl in his house that he had a thing for, messing with him through her would certainly be a fun way to spend his spare time. When his sorting was over he made his way out of the office where James was waiting for him, no doubt eager to find out where his brother was heading. He grinned at him, "Slytherin," Ezra said firmly watching his brothers reaction closely.

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