Gringotts Account

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You should receive a Gringotts account in due course. You may already have one, if you check for your name in the students list of accounts, but if you haven't in all likeliness you will soon.

If, after about a few days or at the latest until sorting ends, you haven't gotten a Gingotts, just pm one of the Gringotts goblins such as Nasera, and it should be cleared up soon. Until then, I'd suggest not buying anything from Obsidian or Brightstone as the shopkeepers will have nowhere to post your finances.
Indeed. Don't worry about it. A goblin will get your account up as soon as they can (I believe Nasera is the only one opening accounts at the moment).
So just start shopping without the account, then as soon as the account is up you'll be good to go. :)

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