It was a warm morning as Spring was creeping into Summer, and a wave of perfectly tempered air washed over him as he stepped out into the morning. Perhaps if Greg and Adrianna had not been up most of the night talking, among other things, he would not be feeling so bone-weary on the day that he was meant to change for the first time. But in the end, would it really matter? Nerves were pounding in his still very-human skull. Why did I ever think I could pull this off? thought Greg as he began to worry at his lip with a sharp tooth. The grass was warm against his bare feet, since Adrianna had warned him not to wear any unnecessary clothing before the change. There was a pause before he shrugged, and pulled off his shirt entirely as well, taking care to fold the white cotton and place it on a lone bench beside the back door. His glance towards Adrianna was thick with nerves, and he wriggled his toes in the dirt.
"It's taken a while to get to this point, hasn't it?" commented Greg vaguely as he stared out into the dawn. That much was true. Transfiguration had been his worst subject at Hogwarts, so why now did he think he could beat the anti-talent and become an animagus? With a sudden whirl of movement he stepped quickly over to Adrianna and took both of her hands in his. "Maybe I'm too tired for this in the morning. Let's try again tomorrow, shall we? Tomorrow's fine... yes, we'll try then, okay!" he blithered, trying to shuffle back into the house.
"It's taken a while to get to this point, hasn't it?" commented Greg vaguely as he stared out into the dawn. That much was true. Transfiguration had been his worst subject at Hogwarts, so why now did he think he could beat the anti-talent and become an animagus? With a sudden whirl of movement he stepped quickly over to Adrianna and took both of her hands in his. "Maybe I'm too tired for this in the morning. Let's try again tomorrow, shall we? Tomorrow's fine... yes, we'll try then, okay!" he blithered, trying to shuffle back into the house.