Gregory the Lion Heart

Gregory White

Well-Known Member
It was a warm morning as Spring was creeping into Summer, and a wave of perfectly tempered air washed over him as he stepped out into the morning. Perhaps if Greg and Adrianna had not been up most of the night talking, among other things, he would not be feeling so bone-weary on the day that he was meant to change for the first time. But in the end, would it really matter? Nerves were pounding in his still very-human skull. Why did I ever think I could pull this off? thought Greg as he began to worry at his lip with a sharp tooth. The grass was warm against his bare feet, since Adrianna had warned him not to wear any unnecessary clothing before the change. There was a pause before he shrugged, and pulled off his shirt entirely as well, taking care to fold the white cotton and place it on a lone bench beside the back door. His glance towards Adrianna was thick with nerves, and he wriggled his toes in the dirt.

"It's taken a while to get to this point, hasn't it?" commented Greg vaguely as he stared out into the dawn. That much was true. Transfiguration had been his worst subject at Hogwarts, so why now did he think he could beat the anti-talent and become an animagus? With a sudden whirl of movement he stepped quickly over to Adrianna and took both of her hands in his. "Maybe I'm too tired for this in the morning. Let's try again tomorrow, shall we? Tomorrow's fine... yes, we'll try then, okay!" he blithered, trying to shuffle back into the house.
Adrianna smiled as she felt the warm air grace across her face. The air was heavily scented with the smells of flowers and their pollen. She looked over to her love, whom was busy fretting over his change. Surprisingly enough Adrianna was very calm inside. She took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Beneath her skin she could feel the prickle of the snow leopard's fur. She couldn't help but watch him as he took off his shirt. His body nicely sculpted. His skin was darker than hers, but hers was considered very pale. She frowned when he suggested waiting till tomorrow.

She grasped his hands when he tried to walk away, holding on with a strength most people would never believe she possessed. She stepped closer to him, and brought a hand up to cup his cheek. They had gone over it so many times she was sure he could do it. He just needed faith. Her voice was soft and gentle as she leaned in to talk to him. "Oh my love. You can do this. I know you can. I'll be right here with you." She kissed him oh so softly on his lips, slowly going through the motions, dragging the kiss out.
His twitching and little movements towards the house slowed, and Greg looked into her eyes with furrowed brows. "But-" he began, but was silenced by a kiss so sweet that he lost his breath in that one moment. Now he realised the truth of his fear, and it was not what was expected. For Gregory knew in his heart that he could change; he was strong and capable, and well practiced under Adrianna's careful guidance. Yet he had no knowledge of the feelings that the lion could express. If he lost control ... Greg could not bear to think of the consequences. The still nervous man glanced down and looked at the punctured scars peppering his ribs. For a tense moment, he felt Adrianna's pain at hurting him so, for he would feel that and a hundred times worse if he were to hurt her.

He wondered what goblin blood would do to the change. It only ran thinly through his veins, but was it enough to turn something very wrong in the transformation? I can't think about this now, he thought desperately, and finally pulled himself away from his lover's calming kiss to step far away into the middle of the lawn. The sun grew hot on his bare back, and the golden light painted colours all through his skin and hair. It was unnecessary to close his eyes, but it gave Greg some measure of comfort as he started the change.
The words he spoke were whispered as all of these kinds of spells were, for they were ancient and secret. Do not lose heart now, or you could be stuck in between, he warned himself silently. The feeling of muscles shifting and of bones grinding was fairly unpleasant to say the least, and worse when his entire spinal column changed his upright position. Greg fell to his knees that were no longer knees, and rather than growing smaller he grew larger. He opened his eyes.

Carefully the lion kneaded the doughy ground with two enormous paws. He was much warmer than he had been, but Gregory didn't feel any different internally. He was still himself, but ... he wanted to play. With a sudden movement that would have startled anyone, he threw back his enormous head and roared so that the birds flew out of the trees in scores. The colours and the sights were all to beautiful, but they couldn't be right; the lion snuffled down at its own paws, and Greg noticed that he was white and not yellow. The heck ... ? He lifted the white-framed face and blinked at Adrianna with his golden eyes.
Adrianna watched him change. There was a small shimmer, a ripple, around his body and in its place stood a large, white lion. His fur shown beautifully in the sunlight. She felt her heart relax, and she felt truly happy. A tear slide down her cheek as his roar swept through her body. Inside her snow leopard shivered with delight and struggled to break free. She kept her beast at bay and walked over to him.

She ran her finger through his fur, keeping a watchful eye just in case he didn't take well to the transformation. His white fur was think and soft. She sank down to her knee, a soft smile on her face. She buried her face in his fur, happy to know he still smelled the same. Still, his scent felt as if it were more wild. Inside her snow leopard wanted out, she could feel the want to play, to jump. Mostly she could feel her beast's want to teach him how to hunt. She sighed, stepping back so she could change. She felt the familiar sensation of her skin slipping, her bone moving. It felt good to take off her 'shell'.

She walked up to him, her white and black fur glimmering like his. In a show of submission. She wanted so badly to be his. Her tail slid back and forth with excitement as she looked up at him with bright blue eyes. She could feel a purr building in her throat. Her ears slicked back, and she debated if she would have to role over on her back. She whimpered softly, expressing how much she wanted to play.
Gregory could smell Adrianna in human form, and that was lovely enough for him then. He would allow this human closer, but her touch irked him slightly. This was a human, not another lion, and he did not know how to react to fingers in his fur though it felt heavenly. Perhaps if he just lay down for a moment she would keep stroking him. A rumbling purr thrummed deep in his chest, and he rubbed his face on her legs and nearly bowled her over with his enthusiasm. But he had to pause as the woman stepped back, and he shimmied and stretched his way to his feet once more to watch. This time, her smell changed from subtle to roaring, but the lion continued to move back from the change. This was not right. Humans were humans, animals were animals; then what was this?

By now Greg was well out of range of her scent, for this was too strange a sight for the lion to comprehend. All of a sudden there was a new animal there in the human's place, a cat. He had caught the whiff of female before he backed away, but this one was not of his species and therefore not welcome. The purr morphed into a rumbling growl, and he bared his long teeth at the strange cat before him. It wanted to play; but Gregory was having none of that, and slid his claws out to match his flicking tufted tail. Stay back... warned the lion inwardly.
Her cat instincts triggered, and with in a matter of seconds she was on her feet and several feet away, every sense in her body was screaming kill. Her fur rose all over her body, making her look twice as big. She unleashed a terrible ground that shook the ground around them. It was so low it was barely audible but the effect was still the same. Her body was trembling with the excitement of having such a strong adversary. Still she couldn't help but feel the unmistakable pull toward the white lion.

She dug her claws into the ground, reading herself to attack. Her powerful back legs tightened, and her body slimmed down to the ground. Her tail flicked wildly. Her bright blue eyes shown with a heat that couldn't be explained. Besides, he was on her turf, she was alpha here. She growled again, another warning.
But ... but this was his home, not hers. It was true, he could smell the scent marking of this foreign female everywhere, even on his own skin. The female tensed and began to growl, giving off such a powerful scent of ownership that the white lion almost backed down there and then; but he could not lose to the small cat, he would not. Greg lowered his stance and splayed his paws wide, head ducked under and poised to strike at any moment. This was strange, for the male lion's instinct was to fight against other male lions and not the females. The lionesses would fend off any other attackers, but the lion felt that he had no pride in this area and so was alone, fighting a cat that was not his species with her own territory that he had invaded.

Back, back, back! roared his scent to her, but he was merely fending off the coming battle. Greg knew that he was in the wrong here, and it was not worth injury.

Then the wind changed, and with it came a scent that literally knocked the male lion off his feet. He fell out of his stance and flopped onto the ground, only to scrabble up and stare at the female. The breeze had brought the true scent of this female, which screamed 'Mine' of a different kind. He let out a burst of heavy pheromones that were full of joy, trotting up to the female despite her tension and gathering pace. Within seconds he leapt, and was upon her. He wrapped his enormous paws around her neck and flattened her, entwining their tails even though she was rigid with adrenaline. Mate, mate, mate... he sent smell after smell at her. The lion bathed the female's face in licks, rubbing his scent glands all along her body and burying her nose in his fur. She could strike him then, but he would not care.
With out realizing it with in moments she was on the ground, the white lion on top of her. At first she thought it an attack, then she realized he was licking her. She felt her tail entwine with his, and she held it tightly. His scent was so over whelming that she couldn't help but rub against him. Her body felt so alive, her heart was beating so fast that it felt as if it would burst. She had been right to send out mine. Because he was hers, and she was his. She rubbed her scent all over his fur, lapping at his cheeks, his neck. She wiggled beneath him.

She relaxed, just laying there for a moment, his huge body felt so warm to her. She closed her eyes happily, trusting him not to kill her. Happy she sent back, "Mate." It was so soft, but it was strong. She felt so content just to lay there with him. She could stay like this forever. Something felt off though. She remembered, her human self, this was her mate. Her true mate. She lifted up and stared at him, wondering if he felt his human side too.
She accepted! That meant that the lion was right, that he had smelled correctly and that he had a mate. This cat smelled divinely good, and he buried his nose into her furry chest , paws flopping onto her shoulder and relaxing like a male lion should. Every now and then he would lick her, or nudge her with his nose and breathing in the smell of mate. It felt as though they were not two cats, but one. His fur seemed to melt into hers, the exact same shade of white so impossibly perfect that it could have only have been born of their human love ... human. Human?

What did the lion know of humans. There were only cats there, it seemed. He smelt whispers of humans in the breeze, and sniffed the scent of male even in the grass under his paws. His tale flicked his mate by the nose every now and then and he stretched, hoping to explore this area now free of humans. But Adrianna had the right to be worried if she was, for Gregory was long gone beneath the instincts of the powerful lion animagus, and it had consumed him in the instant that he had smelt the snow leopard's fur. He wanted to frolic, to hunt and to roar, but he did not want to change back and touch her skin because he could not remember. He was lost.
The snow leopard looked up at him with knowing eyes then rubbed her head along the bottom of the lion's jaw. She hefted a sigh, and wrapped her paws behind his strong neck. Her body was significantly smaller than his but her tail was much longer and thicker. She loved the way there fur blended together. You could only tell where she ended and he began because of the gray and black rosettes that covered her. She touched her nose to his and closed her eyes. Concentrating her magic, she forced it to flow threw her and into him. She tried to guide him back to his human self. She could feel the familiar sense of her fur fading off, her skin slipping, her bones moving to their correct places.

She lay besides him, her human form running along the length of his white fur. Adrianna caressed his mane with her hand, running her fingers threw the soft fur. She pressed her face in his furs speaking to him softly, keeping a steady feel of magic between them. "Come back to me love. Remember whom you are. The wild does not consume you. remember all the food you like to cook. With your fruits, and veggie's?" Her voice was almost cooing as she talked to him. "Come back to me love, hold me in your arms once more."
They were comfortable, wrapped within each other's furry paws and the lion wanted to stay like this forever. He could happily sleep buried in his female's warmth, and their magic flowed through to each other, connecting them. But what sort of magic was this? The lion did not like this feeling anymore, and he began to feel heavier and weighed down by flesh. His mate's nose nose touched his, and he licked it extravagantly and tried to nuzzle her ear, but the female was changing. Within moments a new being lay next to him, and the lion could smell 'mate' of a different kind. He wanted to join her again, but they were separate. Gregory shook his enormous mane and gave a half whimper, half groan as he pawed at the human's body, confused.

There was a steady pulse of magic running through him that called him back to flesh. But a lion was a lion, all lion's knew that. Humans had skin, lions had fur. Humans were weak and lions were strong. Adrianna was the lion's mate, and she was... Wait, what? inquired his human mind. Adrianna was both human and snow leopard. So what am I? At the moment, he let out a quiet sigh and melted back into flesh.

Now his strong arms were wrapped around his lover's waist, pressing their skin together and feeling as one. "I am so confused," groaned Gregory into her hair with a touch of amusement at his own bewildered mind. His eyes were still closed but when he began to seek out her lips with his, he met them instantly. They shared a deep, fiery kiss that was unlike any other that they had shared before. There was belonging, worship, wholeness and love, all intertwined around each other and flowing freely between them. Sunlight bathed their bodies, and Greg rolled so that Adrianna lay on his bare chest and he could observe her covered with the sun. "Lovely," he whispered.
Adrianna felt the lion let out a sigh, and then she felt a shift. Within the span of a second her lover was beside you, no traces of the white lion remaining. His strong arms held her tightly. She heard him say that he was confused, and she couldn't help but remember her own first. It had been hard for her too. He kissed deeply, and she couldn't help but moan softly against his lips. She let out a sigh of content as her hefted her on top of him. There she lay for a moment, there warmth wrapping them, and listen to his beating heart. The sunlight drenched them in a golden light, with shimmered of the remnant's of magic on their skin.

She lifted herself up slightly so she could see his face. She curled one of her hands in his hair, it was soft against her fingertips. She smiled sweetly, knowing that nothing would ever keep them apart. Her sigh came out half moan, half yawn. She smiled down at him. "It will be hard for a little while, but soon you will be able to separate yourself and the white lion." She leaned down and kissed him again.
Gregory was beginning to adore the feeling of her fingers in his hair, and let out a very animalistic purr at her. His smile, once warm and enraptured, now became mischievous. "I think I could really get used to being able to turn into a lion," he grinned, and rolled them over once more to attack her neck with delicious kisses that sent shudders through them both. Strangely enough, now he could smell other things on her beautiful skin. One particular musky scent that he now associated with his lion form clung to her body. It was a good smell; of earth, sun and of furry animal. With sudden clarity he pictured the ragged carcass of a rabbit, blood spilling onto the leaves and then the rush of air as a snow leopard leaped onto his fragile body.

Gregory paused in his ministrations to stare, thoroughly unnerved by the vision that had interrupted his passion for Adrianna. He was elevated above her by his arms, and now he sunk down to lie beside her. To distract himself, he answered her comment. "It's the strangest feeling. Technically I've not done anything that lionish yet, but it was as though I had no other person but for my lion self. " Greg frowned. "I don't want to feel that again. The panic I felt when 'ye lost yourself to the snow leopard was far greater than the pain." He turned his head to her, both imploring and reassuring. "I will not do that to 'ye." Adrianna then kissed him once more, and he blushed in surprise, then blushed harder at his blush. Embarrassed, he shuffled closer to Adrianna to kissed her sweetly on the lips.
Adrianna felt her blood rush as he turned her over and kissed her neck. Her body heated up and she actually looked around to see if anyone could see, in case she wanted more. She smiled at his purr, and returned with one of her own. It was light and delicate compared to his. She couldn't help but keep smiling. She felt her skin blush even more. Then he mentioned the attack. She felt herself go immedately pale and stiff. She could make the tears stay in and a few escaped as she kissed him. She muttered an I love you against his lips, then surrendered herself to his arms, willing him to take her from her pain.

Her body had started to shake with out her knowledge, and her teeth clicked behind her lips even as the warm air graced her skin. She felt as if she were freezing, and dizzy. She broke their kiss to let out a small whimper as her body up against his. She couldn't make the shaking stop. She moan in a pleading tone. "Oh Gregoy."
Adrianna went rigid in his arms, and he knew that he had said the wrong without thinking (again). Wasn't this just what he had been trying not to do the entire time? Adrianna was sensitive to his words, and the memory of his pain was bearable for him but not for her. "Oh, curse me!" swore Gregory at himself, gathering his love close in his arms. She began to tremble, and his heart beat faster as remorse and panic set in to his body. "No, no, no," mumbled Greg into her neck, scrunching his eyes shut against the the wave of fear for her. "Adrianna, 'ye must stop this, for my sake." he said in a heated tone, not angry at her but at himself. "Ye must stop, I cannot bear this anguish from 'ye."

Without thinking, his body melted around him and his bones began to grind, changing position entirely. What had been smooth pale skin was now albino fur, and Adrianna was now cradled between the massive paws like a dove. To Gregory's further panic the change had been involuntary, but that was not going to stop him from comforting her with everything he had. It was probably not the most hygienic thing to do, but he gave her shoulder an enormous lick, the huge lion whimpering and snuffling at her face as he flopped his paws over her body. Adrianna's body was cold even through the thick fur, and with the utmost gentleness he pulled on her shirt like a father picking up his cub and drew her to him. Dearest, let us hunt. Let us do something else, for I have nothing to fear from you and you have nothing to fear from me.
The cold seemed to seep through everything, even her lover's embrace. She had stopped trying to keep track of his words, and was only hearing tones. The sadness, fear, and anger deep set in his voice. She whimpered, huddling next to him, not entirely sure as to why she was feeling so much pain. She felt him change around her, his hands becoming paws, a strong tail wrapping around her waist, the tuff tickling her skin. She leaned against him taking comfort in his warm fur, the strong heart beat of a lion that is his music. She could feel the magic flowing between them. She let go, willing the change to take place. Her bones move to their new spots, her skin melted into place, her white fur sprouted, growing gray and black rosettes to cover her from head to toe.

The snow leopard opened her eyes, her white lion holding her close, their feline bodies pressed against each other intimately. She lick his lips, understanding one thing between their bond. Hunt. She nuzzled against him then stood, unfurling herself from his paws. She stood her full height of 2 ft. She knew that her mate would dwarf when he stood but that was fine with her. It made her feel safer, having sure a strong lion to protect her. Her body felt warm again, and she felt a lust for blood. She looked at him excitedly, happy to show him one of her greatest joys.
Gregory was ecstatic when Adrianna finally rose, this time in snow leopard form. Her shivering body made every strand of fur on this body quiver along with her, and he was terribly relieved to feel her lick on his muzzle. The lion in him particularly liked giving kisses, and he leaned up playfully to coat her nose with his own licks, batting her with a huge paw in order to get her to play. Was his mate feeling better enough to hunt with him?

The area around them was alive with activity, and he could smell deer, snakes, rabbits, squirrels and all a manner of woodland creatures darting about, their hearts thumping slowly or wildly. Their calm would change when they realised that two predators were on the loose this afternoon. With his human mind, Greg knew that there was only enough game in the forest for Adrianna, and he didn't particularly relish in the idea of shaking an animal to the bone and tearing at their flesh. Lions couldn't eat vegetables, but if it meant he went hungry while she hunted then he would for her sake. This was about them, but even more so it was about her.

Finally he rolled to his feet and towered above his mate, white mane blowing softly in the breeze. He gave a snuff of anxiousness at her feet and looked into the grounds, smelling prey everywhere but not knowing how to take it. Teach me? sent his smell to her.
Adrianna huffed slightly, it was a light and happy sound. All of her human ailments were lifted from her shoulders. She pranced around him, catching teach me along their channel. She stood in front of him and lifted her paw, then gently sat it down, showing him how to walk quietly. Then she hunched down on her four paws, her body just barely inches above the ground. She padded silently, showing him how to hide behind bushes to stalk his prey. She came up to him, and licked his jaw. Her way of asking him to show her how well he moved. She laid down so she could watch, folding her paws in front of her much like she would when she was in her human form. She wasn't sure how steady he would be on his feet. A long, think tail meant balance. Her tail was very wide and was just as long as her body. The white lion's tail was barely comparable. She still found the tuft on the end attractive though.
Gregory snuffed loudly, causing a few sparrows in a nearby bush to take flight. Watching his sweet and beautiful snow leopard mime each action amused him greatly, but he still made sure to pay attention. Several times he was distracted by the flick of her bushy tail, and ran his nose along it several times before shuffling away in an embarrassed fashion. His mating instinct was running high, and he made a mental note to change back before he leapt at her next time. Now it was time to focus on the hunt. Her soft lick encouraged him to copy her, and suddenly the lion felt like a cub who was being taught by his mother to hunt. Gregory responded by puffing up his chest with pride, then remembered to meekly try her steps.

He kneaded the ground with his fluffy toes once or twice, then stepped up and down to pad onto the grass. They made loud thumping noises as each massive paw hit the ground, and even under the white fur his blush was evident. He gave a huff of impatience at himself, and closed his eyes to let instincts take over. Suddenly the world changed again, and the lion roared silently within him. It was free to hunt, and he opened his tawny gold eyes and rubbed up against Adrianna. There would be no need to practice, for nerves and uncertainty meant nothing to the lion. He knew how to hunt. The lion flicked its tail across his mate's nose, urging her to begin the hunt.
She rubbed against him, hefting her shoulder into his side. As if to say lets go. She quickly took the lead, padding her way through the woodland trees. She stayed low, already smelling some near by deer. It would be getting close to rut soon, and then they would be too dangerous for them to take, but now they were still docile enough. She flicked her tail and stalked forward, motioning to Gregory that he should head the opposite way.

She took a crouch behind a large oak, her tail leaning up against the trunk so it would not be seen. Her sharp, blue eyes surveyed the field the deer were grassing in. There was an eight point buck, and a big doe. She smacked her lips hungrily and looked to see if she could spot any tail tell signs of her partner. He was doing good. The only thing she could see was the tuft of his tail, which wasn't that noticeable. She hunched down, ready to spring, and gathered all her energy.

Adrianna leapt forward, heading after the doe. She figured since the buck was bigger Gregory could have him. She could feel a non existent smile as her claw dug deep into the doe's skin. She brought it down easily, a clean kill. She looked up after breaking its neck to see how Gregory had faired with his hunt.
Gregory padded after his love, scenting smaller creatures darting away into the undergrowth with every footsteps, but scenting bigger game ahead. The leaves flickered and light danced across their white fur. The forest would be difficult to hunt in with so little camouflage, and the enormous albino lion was almost flattened to the ground in an attempt to hide his massive frame. Adrianna split off from their pairing just as Gregory scented the two smaller animals, and, understanding her message, veered off in the other direction.

He was heading towards a collection of shrubberies through which he could smell the pair of deer, and the larger buck caught his eyes as prey. Up periscope, giggled Greg internally as he raised his tail into the air to flick backwards and forward, and it was the only part of him that could be seen as he stalked. The lion instinct shushed him, and he deigned to focus on the hunt.

Finally the moment came to spring, and every muscle in his lower and middle abdomen flexed and released in one bound. Greg powered through the shrubs and was upon the buck in seconds, claws outstretched and landing directly onto the beast's back. There was no joy in the kill, only economy and efficient work. Gregory flattened the buck where he held it by the back of its neck till its thrashes slowed, then died. All the while he growled, deep rumbling thrums in his chest that was a by-product of instinct.
Adrianna walked over to her partner, whom loomed over his prey. She rubbed against him, flicking her tail under his chin as she did so. A small purr emitted from her throat, as she relieved the kill in her head, the amazing feeling of the hunt. She rubbed her head against his, and licked at his lips. Then she headed back to her own hunt, feasting like a queen. She ate as much as she could before heading over to a shaded area to wait for her mate to be done.

When her mate joined her she was still smacking her lips. All her troubles from before were gone from her mind, she only had one thing on her mind. The human side was annoying her. Saying how when they mated it would be in human form, the snow leopard huffed. All she wanted was to be with her mate, and if it had to be in human form, well that's what it would be.​
Gregory still held the limp carcass in his mouth, and continued to growl lest his mate decided to skeeve from his kill like a carrion. But he saw that she, too, had been successful in her hunt, and was feeding luxuriously from the doe that lay bloody beneath her paws. Now the human side of him became unsure as to what to do with his prey now that it was conquered. To his disgust, the warm blood that filled his mouth and spilled over his maw was enticing and sweet to taste, and he craved the flesh of the fallen beast beneath him. He was both ill with rejection and aching with hunger at the same time, and he let the beast free and have its kill. He began tearing long strips from the buck, and soon there was nothing more to be had.

Surprised, Gregory lifted his head when a soft tail flicked past his nose, and another deliciously wanting smell danced under his nose. Adrianna was finished with her meal and was waiting for him, and being both satiated exhilarated from the meal and kill, he was ready for a more familiar experience. The lion wanted the snow leopard, but reason smacked him in the face like one of Adrianna’s wide paws. Turn back, you fool! cried Greg inwardly, and he flopped to the ground as skin melted back into fur with the creaking of joints.
“Ow,” he commented out loud, and decided to ignore the fact that there were a few bloody stripes down his bare chest as he shimmied his way over to the relaxed snow leopard. “My dove,” he whispered, reaching out to stroke her head softly. “Join me?”
The snow leopard watched as her mate finished his kill off, and soon her ambled over to her. She could see the want in his eyes, but in a flash he was back to his human form. He came beside her and asked her to join him. The human inside activated the magic, and she closed her eyes, waiting for the feel of the change. Her skin snapped back, fur shimmering off, her bones fell into place.It was a painless transformation.

She opened her eyes, and wrapped her arms around her lover. Surprised to find he wasn't in a hurry to clean the blood off his chest. For his sake she lifted her arm and with one wide swipe wiped off the remainder of the blood. She leaned forward and gave him a long, luscious kiss. It left her lips tingling and wanting more. Her heart swelled. She wanted so badly to spend the rest of her life with this man. He was perfect for her, and she hoped she wasn't too bad for him. "You did well my love." She gave him another breath taking kiss.
Her kisses were sending shudders throughout his entire body, and with every touch of her lips he was left wanting more. Adrianna could not doubt his devotion to her now, for Gregory was completely entranced, under her spell of affection and want. He smiled against her lips and kissed back fervently till their flesh was aching. “Thank ‘ye,” he managed to reply in one breath before it was snatched away from him once more by another of his lover’s tingling kisses. They could not go on like this without abandoning their inhibitions and simply dropping to make love there on the forest floor. However romantic is might seem, they’d still return to the house with aching backs and leaves in their hair.

I’m not so sure that sounds as bad as I hoped it would, Greg chided himself inwardly, and winced with pleasure at Adrianna’s hot skin. Their movements were different than usual, filled with the same amount of passion but animalistic in their elegance. Greg drew his teeth across Adrianna’s neck and fought the urge to purr deeply. “Ah, the things ‘ye do to me, darling...” he said heavily.

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