Open Green.

Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell

🐺Dragonologists , Sweden dragon reservation🐉
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Austin ❤️
Pear Wand 11 5/8" Mermaid Scale
21(10June, 2038.)
Jenna wa waiting Sebastian and why not started eating Slytherin house food? It was the same as always right? So, Jenna was eating and it was nice and mayby she find Nicole here.

@Sebastian Kane
Sebastian never skipped any eating time and not because he was obsessed with eating but more because he always focused on healthy eating, he tried his best to not give any weakness and in the past years, he was successful with it. However, Seb was slowly getting used to being in school, even if he was disappointed that Char wasn't here, he wasn't used to being somewhere without her. He also tried not to bother Casper since he was one of the leaders of the art club, so it ended up with him accidentally befriending Jenna. Or to be more specific, she befriended him, he just had no other choice and it wasn't like he tried to decline it. "Hey, who are you waiting for?" he quietly asked as he sat next to her and started to choose what he was going to eat.
'' I am waiting that you can give me please, that sandwich'' She giggled and looked for one sandwich. She was sure that he don't mind if Hufflepuff house student was sitting on his table her.
Seb lightly frowned as she told him what she was waiting for. "Why couldn't you take it yourself?" he asked while reaching to the sandwiches. "How much do you want?" well, Sebastian didn't min her sitting at his house table, not like it changed anything, there was still enough place where to sit.
"Well, i don't see you long time!" Jenna smiled him and then talked again. "Two please, how are you? She asked Seb.
Seb gave a light nod with pressed together lips, he still didn't understand why Jenna couldn't take them herself but didn't bother himself with the answer and just accepted what he got. He took two sandwiches for her and then took one himself and put it next to his chicked and salad. "I'm good, you?" he also didn't bother to give long answers, especially when nothing really happened to him.

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