Closed Great Heights

Emma van Houten

Excitable | Loud | Older twin | Party Planner
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
1/2038 (24)
Emma was glad to be back at school, and as soon as she had a moment she made her way outside. It was still pretty cold, so she had wrapped herself up in a scarf and a beanie she had totally not stolen from her twin. It wasn't like Iris ever went outside, she didn't need that stuff as badly. Emma was exploring the grounds, something she liked doing whenever she had a moment. But after four years, she realized there wasn't that much she hadn't explored yet. She'd seen most of it, even the gardens and the rosebush near the lake. Starting to wander a bit aimlessly, Emma looked around until she spotted a tree that seemed perfect for climbing. Well, that was one thing she hadn't done here before, and she wasn't sure why. At home around the farm she climbed trees all the time, usually to hide from her siblings or avoid her chores. Grinning at the new plan, Emma got to work. She took off her gloves and stuffed them in her pockets, it would be easier to climb without. Then she got started, clambering up the tree deftly and settling on a sturdy branch.
Issac's holidays were okay, considering that he was always bored at home. He was, however, happy to be back, as he had so much more fun at Hogwarts, with seeing his friends and classmates. Issac had decided to go outside, to take in the fresh air like he usually did, seeing if anything outside of the castle had changed while he was back home during the break. But nothing had really changed in his eyes. Issac didn't like staying indoors in the cramped and dark areas of the castle. He had liked going outdoors, doing as many things active. Issac had walked around until he had seen someone start climbing up the tree. He had decided to see who it was and take a closer look. Issac then saw it was Emma, someone from his house and in his year. "Hey Emma, what are you doing?"
Emma was busy climbing up the tree, scraping her arms and legs a little against the rough wood. There was something satisfying about climbing higher and managing to do this on her own. It was something to do, but it was also fun. She heard a familiar voice, and looked down from her spot on the branch to see Issac standing there. She grinned at him, her red hair falling down past her face. "Climbing, duh." She said, making herself more comfortable on the branch so she could lean down more easily. "What are you doing?" She asked him in return, grinning down at him.
Issac shakes his head with a smile as he realised it was somehow a dumb question to ask what she was doing when it was very obviously on what she was doing. Issac looked around a little bit before looking up at Emma again. "Nothing," Issac says with a small shrug and laugh, as his hands were in his pockets and his feet making small circles on the ground. He then walked closer to the tree that she was climbing up. He had remembered when he and his sister would always climb trees in their backyard. It was one of his favourite things to do. "Is there room for one more person to climb up?" Issac says curiously, as he looked up at the girl, as well as looking around the tree branch to see if there was room.
Emma smiled down at Issac from the tree branch she was sitting on, still leaning down to get a good look at him. "That sounds boring." She told him when he said he was doing nothing. He approached the tree and then asked if there was room for one more. Emma nodded, grinning. It would definitely be more fun with more people. "Sure! If you can make it up here you can sit with me." She teased, waving down at him. "It's a very comfortable tree." She added, as encouragement.
Issac laughed when Emma had mentioned that him doing "nothing" was boring. He had shrugged as he had nothing on his plate at the moment. He smiled when she had answered his question that he could climb up the tree with her, and laughed a little when she had teased him "if" he could make it up the tree. He was an expert at climbing trees, or that's what Issac thinks anyways. He had done a lot of tree climbing when he was younger with his sister, before making his way to Hogwarts. "Well I'm glad that the tree is comfortable. Makes me have another reason to climb this tree" Issac says with a smile, and started to climb up the tree.
Emma smiled as she watched Issac climb up, moving aside to make it easier for him and to make more room next to her. "Another reason?" She asked him jokingly. "What is the first reason? Is it me?" She teased, grinning slightly. She wasn't sure what she was doing, but it was fun to joke around like this with a cute guy. Maybe it was something she should try to do more often, it was almost as thrilling as climbing to a dangerously high branch of a tree.
Issac laughs a little, as he finally manages to get up to the tree. "Maybe? Who knows" Issac replies to Emma with a small wink, as he finally sits it the free spot that was next to Emma. Issac felt slightly weird and flustered sometime after he winked at the girl. He hadn't really done that before. It was a slight difficulty getting up there, but he managed. He didn't know how people could easily get up trees better than he could, even though he was fit and sporty. But he guessed that climbing trees just really weren't for him, even if they were fun. Issac lets out a sigh of relief as he finally made it up. "How was your break anyways? Get up to anything interesting?"
Emma laughed as Issac made his way up into the tree and answered her question with a wink. It gave her a thrill, and she decided that she enjoyed this. The boy sat next to her, and Emma gave him a wide grin. She wanted to wink back, but had never been very good at it and didn't want to look weird. Emma patted his arm as he finally sat down next to her. "Good job." She told him, putting her hand back on the branch afterwards. "My break was okay. I mostly spent time with my oldest sister, because now she graduated I don't see her much anymore." She admitted. "And played a lot of Quidditch with her and my brother." She said with a smile. Without any bludgers to hit, Emma had taken to hitting tennis balls at her siblings. Sometimes even at Iris, who had just been reading in the grass nearby.
"Thank you, I tried my best," Issac says with a slight chuckle, as Emma pat him on the back. Issac did try his best, again, he wasn't much of a tree climber. Maybe he should stick to the ground. Issac nods with Emma explains what she did during her break. Issac could somehow relate about how she doesn't see her sibling as much. "I can relate to that. I tried to spend a lot of time with my older brother during the break as well. I don't see him much. He practically works most days and lives somewhere else" Issac says with a shrug. Issac enjoyed spending time with his brother, though, Harrison was rarely home, as he was already flatting with his friends, and had spent time at work and such, he hadn't really seen his brother. "Oh, yeah? Quidditch is always fun! You trying out for Quidditch?"
Emma nodded as the boy explained that he didn't see his brother much, it was something she could relate to. "At least I still have my brother and my twin here at Hogwarts." She said with a shrug. "But they're both nerds and both in Ravenclaw, so that kind of sucks." She said, frowning. She had long accepted now that Iris was in a different house than her, but it was still inconvenient. "My oldest sister works a lot too, she works at the Wildlife Sanctuary here in New Zealand." Emma said with some pride. She grinned as the boy talked about Quidditch, nodding enthusiastically. "DUH! Of course!" She said. "I already am an alternate on the team, but I'm really hoping I can get a permanent spot now that Jacob has graduated." She admitted. "Are you going to try out?"

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