Graphics Request [C]

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Finnian Rosenkranz

Well-Known Member
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
I would like Georgiana or anyone else to fill my request.

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Finnian Rosenkranz
Banner Type: (Standard/Blend/Complex/Linked) up to you :D
*Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion) Anything that you see that fits...
Celebrity you're using: Kanata Hongo
Images on banner: (For blends please include at least four images) here,
*Background Image: what ever you think that suits
*House Crest/Dark Mark:
Text on banner: (Be sure to specify if you want your character's name on it or not)
-Finnian Rosenkranz
-"Something once lost will never return..."
-"At this moment, my body and soul, to the last hair, belong to my master."
*Fonts on banner: (from ) anything cool or gothic...
*Colour Scheme: Dark or light colors will do
*Border colour/size: I leave it to you :lol:
So let me know what you think, i found bone font for the name which i think ties in the whole message alittle bit, i don't know. just well let me know if you want something changed :)


edit, i didn't relieze how hard it was to see the text some what so i edited this one and you can take which ever you like best or have me edit it,

It's need to edit it again... really thankful for making my requests... I've been asking too many graphics from you..sorry ... Anyways, thanks again!:) :)
no you haven't and it's not a really big deal i just don't do my homework for school because of you, just kidding! i enjoy making people banners they like, it's much harder to make ones for my own characters.
Haha...real thanks to you... I appreciate every banner you make.. :) :) Maybe I'm becoming to much of a bother.. :) I Hope not.. :) haha.. just kidding
You're not, I'm always happy to see a request for me to do!
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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