- Messages
- 669
- OOC First Name
- Emzies
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Seeing Somebody
- Wand
- Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
- Age
- 10/2022 (39)
Remember me to one who lives there ,
she once was a true love of mine
Say Hello to
Are you goin' to Scarborough Fair ?
parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme ,
Remember me to one who lives there ,
she once was a true love of mine

Say Hello to
Are you goin' to Scarborough Fair ?
parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme ,
My full name is Graeme Blair Fergusson
My ma was always really open to me about the meaning of my name. Mostly because it would be harder to come across a more scottish name than that. The first part of my name, Graeme, spelt, G-R-A-E-M-E, rather than G-R-A-H-A-M means, "gravel area; gray homestead". It's old english, but also a fairly common name, where I'm from. The next part, Blare, which can be both a girl's name and a boy's name is the name of my mother's father's brother who died many years ago, he was in the Highland army, and well died in battle. The name Blare, means, plain. So, forgiving the pun, it's a little plain. But, it's also spelt in a slightly different manner. Spelled as it should be pronounced. And the last part is Fergusson. Now, this name is an old family name. It shows that I, Graeme belong to old Highland clan of Fergusson. Something which hasn't really mattered since the fall of the Jacobite in the 1700s, but, it's still pretty cool I think. Fergusson means, is a patronymic surname meaning "son of Fergus." The given name Fergus, comes from Fearghas, derived from the Gaelic fear meaning "man," and gus meaning "vigor." So, all in all a pretty interesting meaning I find.
I couldn't be sure as to why for all of the names. Since my ma always changes it up a bit. Graeme, as my first name has no sort of reasoning other than it being my ma's favourite boys name. While pregnant she had a lot of time on her hands, and so picked up a baby name book and just found ones that she liked. Then, when I was born, the name, just seemed right. Better than all the others she had thought about. Which I like. I like the name Graeme. While a little more common than I'd maybe like, it suits me. And I would never switch it for something else. Really. The second part, Blair, as I said before is my great uncle's name. My ma was pretty close to him in the time they spent together which was why had I been a girl, the middle name would've also been Blare. I don't really use that name much. It's just a name I have that I barely use. It's good. I like it, and I love the idea of my great uncle being a great soldier, carrying the name with pride. The last part, is Fergusson. Which has origins in the old clans of Scotland, so I guess that's where it's from. I don't know if I'm a direct relation, but in any case, I like the name. While I would maybe prefer to have my ma's name, I'll happily stick with this one for now. It's one of the only real connections I have with my dad, so I'm not complaining.
Considering my name is pretty short, I don't exactly have one. I sometimes get called Bike. Which is mostly because I cycle everywhere. It's a pretty small island, but my ma has to use the car for her work, and has no way of getting me to school. So, most of the time I cycle. Even if I end up being late, because the roads are icy or things like that, the teachers are good about it. They understand that it's hard for my mother. I get called that, mostly by the folks who I don't really know all too well, and would sort of feel odd calling me by my actual name. But, beside's that, everyone just calls me Graeme. I've had a few call me Grey. Which is odd, and I didn't really like it. But it was something that happened.
I recently turned 18 years old.
I was born on the 5 October 2022, in my grandparent's old home in Skye. I was born really late at night. But, my ma says it was really simple, like took no time at all. Which she says she will always be thankful for.
When Graeme dropped out of school before the start of his seventh year, he joined the Pride of Portree quidditch of which he's remained a part of since then as one of their chasers. When he was eighteen he was also accepted on to the Scottish National quidditch team. He enjoys playing for both teams, though the work can be quite demanding. CHILDREN
Graeme has one child, Fraser Corby Fergusson, born to Maya "Corby" Fergusson, he didn't meet the child until a little after their third birthday. He was brought to Graeme after something happened to Maya. They had been divorced for about four years, and it seems to Graeme that Fraser was part of the reason she left.
Colin Fergusson. That's my dad. But he's not much of one. I barely know anything about him. He's a wizard, from a pureblood wizard family. He attended Hogwarts Scotland, or Durmstrang. I don't know. He looks sort of like me, but not really. I've not seen him since I was three years old, and frankly I'm alright with that. I don't want to know the guy who ditched me and my ma.
Rosemary Macleod. I love my ma. She's the best person that I know. She's in her late thirties, and incredibly loving and kind. She looks young for age. She went to school in Skye but attended University in Aberdeen, where she trained to be a nurse. She took time out of her work to have me, but went back to work when my dad left us. I'm always super glad that she's my mum and not someone else.
My families pretty small, my ma's had boyfriends before but they've never lasted too long. So, she's never had any children apart from me. Which makes me an only child, and while I don't mind it. It would be nice to have someone to play with every once in a while. But, I am an only child and am happy to deal with such a thing.
Grandparents on my ma's side are the ones I'm going to go live with during school. I didn't want to. They are pretty old, and I don't want to have to be the one to deal with them all the time during my holiday's but, they helped look after me when I was young. So I figure that I sort of owe them a little. They are both lovely people, incredibly open minded and kind, but they are old, and going a little insane. Which makes things hard for me, because most of the time I don't know what's going on. I've seen it get worse and worse, but they've always refused to do anything about it. They moved to New Zealand a few years back, so I've been stuck on this sort of place where, I'm looking forward to seeing them again, but from the phone and video calls, I'm sort of thinking it'll resemble a riot of some sort.
I have my whole dad's side of the family, but since, he doesn't really want to know me, I'm not that keen on meeting them. I'm just not interested, so I kind of am just happy to be alone with my ma and her parents.
I have a little munchkin cat. It's a tiny little thing. It's so small, and it's got tiny little legs. It's a ginger little thing. I've had this cat for about two years now, and even though it's really small because of the type of cat that it is, it'll always be that small. Which I'm half happy about, half sort of sad about, because if it got bigger I wouldn't have to be sure I always knew where it was. Unfortunately though, the cat won't be able to come to school with me. At least not in first year, because of the fact that it can't fly, or wouldn't be able to for until after like 6 months of being in quaratine, and I'd rather not do that to him. He's my favourite thing in my life.
I'm half blood. My mother is muggle, as is all of her family, and my father is magical like all of his. Though I've grown up as a muggle. My mother was always open with me about what she knew about the magic world, as was the few letters I got from my dad, so I know bits, but, I'd say I'm more muggleborn than I am magical.
Well, I don't really have many thoughts on this, mostly because it's never been a thing for me. Only recent has it, being a real problem come to light. Okay, I guess that's a bit of a lie. Since my parent's aren't together because of the fact that his pureblood family forbade him to be any part of my ma's life and therefore mine. Which is a little frustrating, but that's hardly to do with my blood type and much more to do with his. I don't understand why those people can be so narrow minded about it. My ma's a wonderful person, and it's there loss.
Since I sort of live in the middle of nowhere, literally, I'd say my residence is Skye. And while I do have an address, it's only really close to Dunvegan, that's the nearest "town" of sorts. It's super small so you can't really call it a town. Our closes neighbours are at least a ten minute drive. It's good. However, since I'm moving to live with my grandparents that would be my current residence. I also don't really know where they live, but that's mostly because on the only map I have of New Zealand, it's not really marked. But, I'm nervous about it. Any thing will be so much bigger than what I'm use to. Even the biggest town in Skye is much more a minature town in places like New Zealand. I think. It'll be a change. But I heard at least the weather's sort of similar so that'll be good.
It's really not much, it's in the middle of nowhere. Because of the nature of that, it means that my hometown and my current residence are sort of the same. But, the house that my mum and I share is a small place. It's three rooms in total. I sleep on a makeshift bed which folds in the corner of the living room. My mum has a small room, and we share one bathroom. The kitchen, and the living area are sort of in the same room. It's not massive, but since it's just ma and me, I don't mind. It's just the right size for us. Even if whenever my ma gets drunk she always tell me about how she wanted to have an extra room for me, because she feels bad. I don't mind it at all. Sure, it's a little small, but I love ma. I trust her.
Both my parents are Scottish so that makes me Scottish as well.
Well, since I'm going to be living in New Zealand for the most part during the year, for at least the next few years, the place I'd want to live the most would be back in Scotland, back in Skye. I love seeing the world and all that, it's an amazing place, don't get me wrong. it's amazing, but I love Skye. I love my home.
Since I have lived in the same place all my life, this will only become true when I move to New Zealand, and I've not yet done that.
FIRST HOME: My first home was the one I've spent most of my life in, it is a small one story, one bedroom house. It's at the foot of a hill near neist point in Skye. It's got a little garden, and wood fire, it's good that homey smell, and everything that we could need, though often the power will go out due to high winds.
SECOND HOME: Much like my first house, my second doesn't differ much, I got it just after being accepted on to the Pride of Portree quidditch team, it's a slightly bigger house with an upper floor which has a magical charm that will enlarge when needed to. It's a pretty decent sized home, likely smaller than most would really enjoy but the perfect size for me.
Apart from being allergic to milk, nothing. I have no medical conditions that are known to me. I'm as fit as a fiddle.
Hetrosexual, Graeme has never really questioned his orientation, he has never been attracted or taken much pleasure in the male form, so he much prefers girls.
Graeme is divorced. He was briefly married to Maya Corby but she left one night and never returned.
I had a small crush on the girl who lived not too far from us when I was like five. My ma said it was adorable since, I was so young, but I was practically in love with her. But, nothing happened and she moved away.
His first kiss was with Maya Corby
Again, his first french kiss was with Maya Corby
Graeme married Maya Corby, she and Graeme met in Hufflepuff and have always gotten along, until in his last year of school, Graeme finally plucked up his courage and asked her out. Graeme does love Maya even if he's not the best at showing it.
None yet
None yet
Born in the late evening of October 5th, Graeme came screaming into the world. He was born in his grandparent's old home, near Lower Breakish in Skye. They had been on their way to the nearby hospital, but everything had happened so quickly that there had been too little time for that. Graeme was born with a small tuff of brown hair, and the bluest eyes. He was not a quiet baby. He cried and cried, louder than anything. It was only after the third night of seemingly endless crying that, Graeme's mother managed to make the young boy be silent. The birth itself was relatively quick, and over almost as quickly as it began. During this time, Graeme's father was with his mother. They both held the young crying baby, and travelled back to their home. After that, Graeme grew up pretty quickly. By the age of one he was much more advanced than most little children. And ultimately inseparable from his father. His father was the only member of their family currently working, as his mother was not. Things were fine during this time. His father spent less and less time with the family. Spending more time out late. Graeme was a growing child who was restless and ran around the house a lot. Sat outside and spoke to many of the people who ended up passing the house. He was a chatty young child. Not in the slightest shy, and seemingly always looking for adventure. From the age of two, Graeme's parents got into more and more heated arguments. Mostly over the fact that his father spent less and less time at home, and was bringing in almost too little money to feed a growing child. These continued on into the nights, Graeme while young at the time, can remember the constant shouting. He doesn't ever remember what they were about, but he remembers the shouting. Things got worse and worse as the year progressed. Graeme became more quiet barely talking to anyone, and being a lot less active.
After his third birthday, his father went out to work one day, and then simply didn't come back. Graeme barely remembers his father, and much less what he looks like. His father takes the time to send him a postcard every so often, but that's all. A week after he left, his mother got a job, and split her time between Graeme and her job. She worked hard, and was glad for the local nursery and her parents who helped her out a lot. Since the ending of his parent's relationship, and the fact there was no longer any shouting in the house, the young boy began to be more like he had been. An active young boy who was chatty and friendly. Doing things he shouldn't because they seemed fun. He would climb over all the furniture. At one point he tried to climb up the chimney, there was no fire on, but he managed to fall back down and badly sprain his wrist. He started primary school, and this was a real relief. He was doing full days and aftercare. Which his mother could then fit her schedule around. Which was good because just after Graeme's sixth birthday. His grandparents who helped look after him decided to move to New Zealand. This was a huge move, and Graeme was very upset when they left. Though he had even at that age noticed that both of his grandparents were getting very old and not as able to look after him. This however left Graeme and his mother in a bit of a jam, as neither was that able to bend their time to fit the other. Graeme had school, and she had work. Graeme took the bus to school some days and on others he took his bike. He'd bike home, and just be home alone until she got back. This home alone has lead to Graeme having an incredibly vivid imagination, leading to really awful nightmares, and really clear dreams. As he grew older, he spent more and more time helping out around the house. Cleaning and tidying as he went along. Happy for the fact that it meant that she could just come home and spend time with him. Because of this, Graeme has become very independent at a young age. Which may not bode as well upon arriving at Hogwarts. His mother was always honest with him about the magic. With the first sign when he was a little over six, and managed to stop the plant pot from breaking as it fell off it's stand.
Graeme got his letter when he turned eleven, and after receiving the letter, his mother told him that he'd be living with his grandparents while at school. Graeme is sort of hesitant about this, with his own fears about how his grandparents will be. He loves staying with his mother. During this year too, he has achieved some fairly high positions in his school. Much to pleasure of his mother. Graeme hasn't heard from his father in over a year, though he doesn't care, or says he doesn't. He'd like his father to care about him. But, since he's not even around, he thinks it's a pointless little wish. Graeme is very ready to make the move to New Zealand. Even if it means leaving behind all his friends, and the mother he loves dearly.
on the side of a hill ,
in the deep forest green
on the side of a hill ,
in the deep forest green
I have naturally dark brown hair. It can go slightly different shades depending on the weather but I just have dark brown hair. It's not like my ma's at all. She has the blondest hair I've ever seen. If it wasn't for the fact she dyed it really often I'd think she was like a platinum blonde or something. I figure that, it means that my dad is also dark brown in hair colour. However, my ma likes to tell the story of how she was absolutely convinced that I would be ginger. My ma's ma was a ginger, as was my ma's dad's dad, so they thought that I'd be the next ginger in the family. Thankfully I wasn't. But, I do have the really pale skin that comes with being ginger most of the time. I wouldn't mind being a ginger, but, I'm sort of glad I'm not. Since, there's this one kid in my primary class, whose ginger and he get's called like carrot top and all that. Rather glad I don't have to deal with that.
I'm young, and a guy. I don't think I'll be dying my hair any time soon. Or at all. Maybe streaks. Always thought it would be cool to have blue streaked hair, or have like blonde strands for the hell of it. But, I'm not wanting to do that right now. I'm sort of happy with my hair, and since I'm happy I'm not in the mood to change it. My ma's always been really open about the fact that if I want to try different things she'll always let me. Which I'm glad about. She thinks it's like reverse parenting, by the fact that she accepts it, it won't ever be something I could rebel over, so it would be a win for everyone. But, she alway's tell me to always be myself, and if that means I want to try different hair colours then I should.
My eyes are a silvery/grey sort of colour. In the early pictures of me they were a light blue colour, but this changed when I got older and they became the colour they are now, which is grey. I have my dad's eyes as well as hair. My ma's always telling me about how we have the exact same eyes and that's pretty cool. I guess. My ma has the bluest eyes, and while I've sort of wished for much more normal eyes, like hazel or blue, I've been stuck with grey and I sort of like it more and more. With each day, I guess I sort of just get a little bit more used to it.
I'm small, but I'm also young. I guess I'll grow and for that, I'm happy. I couldn't imagine being small all my life. But, I guess I'm possibly just always going to be average height. my ma's not overly tall, but she's not short either, sort a good inbetween point. I hope I'm taller than at least her. Which might be possible if I grow much more over the next few years. Which I'm hoping will happen fairly soon. I'd like to stand a little taller by the time I start school. And it makes buying uniforms for school easier.
Apart from a few little freckles on my nose, and a few beauty spots. I have nothing. A few small scattered scars from falls from my bike, but nothing major and nothing overly noticeable. Which I'm happy with because as much as they'd make me stand out. I like the idea of me being completely and utterly normal. Not that I'm overly different from most, but, I do like fitting in with a crowd. I would hate to really have that much more. My mum's the same. We look very alike, with very clear skin bar a couple of freckles. We also have the same sort of small nose which is funny.
I'm a thin guy, I'm young and I exercise a lot, so that means I burn a lot of energy and well, I stay fairly thin. I also think that the winter's get so cold that I store up food for then, and then end up losing all the weight I may have gain over the year. I'm not too thin though. Like with my height, I sort of look normal for the age I'm at, and the stage I'm at. It's better than anything else. I couldn't imagine being either too thin or too fat.
Just like my ma, I'm a B+ blood type. She told me that, and while I'm not quite sure what that means, I just know that I'm that blood type. I've never given blood, or been given blood, but my mum thought it would be good for me to just know, so that if anything happened, and she wasn't there, I could let them know. Like when I was in school.
Like most of the rest of the world, I'm right handed. It's the very clearly dominant hand, though my writing is pretty bad. I've attempted to write with the other hand, but it's so bad. I've never really done it for more than like one tiny word. I just can't. So, I'm right handed, and I couldn't even barely attempt to be ambidextrous. Like nah.
To come
Seeing as I was raised in Skye, in North Scotland, by my also Scottish mother, I have a pretty strong Scottish accent. I say things different. Leave letters out, and shorten words at random. Sometimes, my grammar's pretty bad. I'll say thing like nae, instead of no. Sometimes I'll say how, when I mean why. Mostly it's just a bit of a scottish edge to it. Pretty noticeable, I have tried to lose it, but I can't. It's really very much a part of me. I like it too. None of that normalness of English. I have my scottish accent, and I'm proud of it.
The school I attended in Skye was a Gaelic school, so I can speak Gaelic. I'll probably lose it while at school, but right now, it's only slightly worse than my english. When I do speak gaelic, it always I find makes me sound more Scottish, and as if I could like actually carry a tune, even if I can't. And I would be hopeless at singing. I like speaking Gaelic. It's one of those Languages that is sort of dying away. Even if it's everywhere north of like Loch Lomond. But, I like it.
I'm lactose in tolerant, and have been all of my life. It's a little annoying but I deal with it as best I can. It sort of means that I can't eat a lot of things. But, it's a little temperamental, because I can take goat's milk from time to time, but cows milk just doesn't agree with me. I do however really like Soya milk. It's the only thing I'm allergic to, but it's also the most annoy possible thing I could be allergic to. I really would love to eat like chocolate cake, or really cheesy pizza or something like that, and I can't. Which in part leaves me upset, but I guess it makes things like dieting a little simpler. Which is something I could at least pretend to be grateful for.
Xavier Dolan
Francisco Lachowski
without no seams nor needlework ,
tracing a sparrow on snow-crested ground
without no seams nor needlework ,
tracing a sparrow on snow-crested ground
I like a lot of things. I'm not that fussy a guy. I like to have freedom, I like my country. I like weather, more or less all weather types. I'm a huge fan of fantasy novels, and things like that. I enjoy reading a lot. I enjoy cycling, so you could say I like that too. I like helping out around the house with my mother because that makes her happy, so that makes me happy. I like having school work to do, because it keeps me busy. I like spending time with people. I like hillwalking and being outdoors. I love talking to people, and think it's silly to be nervous. I like doing stupid things where I know I might get hurt, because I believe in risky. I like running around and being with my friends.
I don't like a lot of things either. I don't like flooding, I don't like when the sheep get on the road, while I'm cycling I always end up skidding and falling off my bike. I swear, it's super annoying. I really only actually like my cat, that's the only pet I really like. I don't like when people are mean to one another, but I probably wouldn't do anything to stop it. When people start yelling at one another I really hate that. I can't stand it. It makes me want to cry like so much. I stop myself but, it makes me upset. I just. I hate it. I don't like when i'm forced to do things. I really don't like being restricted. And my ma hates this, but I really hate jackets. I just I can't stand them. I always wear jumpers and thermals, never a jacket. She says it's something I get from my father but, I just can't stand it. Pretty trivial, but I'm young what do you expect?
I would say that it would be flooding. I don't know why, but I get scared of that. That and deep water. I can swim. I'm a fine swimmer, but if the water is too deep and I register that a little too much, I panic, and I just can't deal with it. The same with flooding, in a way. I'm always really afraid that a flood will destroy my home, and that I'll be left with nothing. It doesn't ever flood bad enough that it even reaches my house, but there are times when it gets pretty scary. I'd just hate to work really hard to get everything perfect for it to then be destroyed by water. I feel so bad for the people in flooding areas where it can happen on a yearly basis. I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. I would have to move, like so far away from everything for me to be able to handle it slightly.
I'm sure mine would be a puffin. Which is a small bird which spends a lot of time in Skye during the summer seasons. I always go to see them, and feel really lucky that I can. They are small but sturdy and exist in many parts of the world.
This is a hard one. I have so many truly excellent movies. I think though, it would be my last birthday. I always get the day off, and my mother had taken a day off too, and the later shift the next day so we had all day to do whatever we wanted. So, I was happy to just spend the day with her. But then I got my letter. First thing in the morning. Long before the postman had arrived, and I got it. I was so happy. I was jumping up and down with my ma who was equally happy. We both ignored the fact that it would put us in two very different corners of the world. Instead we just spent the day together. We took the car to the fairy pools, and spent the day walking along side the blue water. I took a swim, and she took so many pictures. We had lunch, and then we headed to the west of the island, so that we could watch the sunset from the most perfect point. We ate dinner on the stoney beach, and watched the sunset over the atlantic. Heading home as there was still enough light to be able to make it easier. When we got home, we sat and watched tv, and my ma told me how proud of me she was. That no matter how annoying it was that the trait came from my dad that she was proud of me, and would always be proud of me. It was a perfect day. I've never had a day like it again.
To come
This is one of two things. It would either be my ma dead. Because she's the only person always in my life. Providing for me, making sure I have everything and being just generally a super person. She loves me, and I love her. We get along great, and I would be completely lost, if I were to lose her. Plus it would mean that I'd have to live with my grandparents for the rest of my life, and I don't like the idea of that. Also really good people, but they are a little more than insane. And, according to my ma, a bit of alcoholics. Which isn't great. And the other would be losing the house. Even though we've had some close calls, and the fact I won't really be living their next year. I'm sort of very apposed to the idea of no longer having even the option of going to the house. I love it. It's the best thing I have and I would hate to lose it forever.
If I had one truth that I would spill while under the influence of this, it would probably be that I really don't think I belong in New Zealand. I miss my home so much, I don't know why I'm still here and I spend a part of every day staring out of the windows of Hogwarts wishing I was back home. I don't know why I was sent to the school. So I guess I'd just talk about how much I think about leaving. I tell people I'm home sick, but it is so much more than that. It is so much worse than that really. I think about leaving, every single day. I mean, sometimes I just think about walking my way back to Scotland. It's ridiculous I realise that, but sometimes that is really all that I think about and it's the thing I hold closest to my heart.
I know it's somewhat cliche, and I don't exactly know why it's something I really would see, but I know I would see my parent's together. Happily together. Mostly my ma happy. And I'd be there. I'd have a few more siblings and we'd be a real family, living in some super large and nice house. That I'd learn simple magic now, and spend time with him. I would see my family, that I don't have, I don't know why. I love my ma. I love it being just the two of us. But there are days when I wish for something more. Just a little bit more than what I already have would be perfect.
I guess I like many, I don't really know my favourites. I guess I really like the smell of things like grapes, and apples. Fruit. I also like the smell of the fresh air, and the ocean. Even if most don't. I like the smell of grass on occasion. I like the smell of fire wood, and a freshly lit bonfire. I like when things smell of peaches. I'm not one of these people who has a really great sense of smell, so it has to be super strong for me to like even make it out. So most of the time, I don't. Which makes this hard to answer.
I don't have all too many people in my life that I can look up to. It's a sort of difficult question. I'm not one of these guys who watches tv and finds their idol there. I love my ma and I appreciate everything she does for me, but, she's not someone I look up any more than I should anyway. I guess really oddly for me, it would have to be the postman. I know you probably don't believe me, but I do. I know rain or shine, that man will deliver the post to everyone within a ten mile radius of where I am. It's pretty incredible. I always have a chat with him, if I'm in. He's a good guy. A friend of my ma's so we know each other any way. He's always been super kind to me. Talks to me like an equal and not like a little kid. He's got a great work ethic. I'd love to be just like him in years to come. Though, I'm not entirely sure if being a postie would suit me. I would only have my bike, and that wouldn't be great if I was suppose to be doing all the post in a day, and carrying it all.
My home in Skye. I know that it seems like a really dull place, but I love the house I share with my ma. It's a super small, one floor house. With two bedrooms, though my room is a tiny little thing. I love the house. I love the way it looks the small smells. The way the main living area has a fire. The garden outside, and the hills that surround it. Never looking the same two days in a row. The way the house is just small and cosy. That it feels like this magical place where nothing bad can happen. That no matter the sort of day I've had, I'll always find comfort in it. I guess it's probably mostly true. Since it's home. It's the only place I've really known. Which is why, I'm going to really hate, in the beginning being so far away from it. I just don't know how I will cope being unable to always go back to it.
While I wasn't actually baptisted, I attended catholic school, and went to mass. I would say that I do believe in god. I believe in a higher power, that there is someone, listening to my prayers and that even if things go wrong, and I do things that are wrong that they won't turn away from me. I don't know how this will change when I go to the magical school, since I imagine it's pretty different, but, I'm hoping I don't lose it. Or stop believing. I know to some it can be silly, but knowing something is there is sort of reassurance that I'm never really alone. That there is someone who will always love me. I've believed in god my entire life. I don't see why it would make a difference if I would truly be in the religion officially, or if I'm practicing without a few key points. Most of the time, I don't go to church, as the church is pretty far away and most times I just wouldn't be able to go to it. But, I'm happily what I am. And while I don't preach about it, or talk about it. If someone asks I answer honestly.
People would probably quite right call me a nationalist. I love my country and I would fight to the death for my country, but I believe in the equality of the people in the world, and I believe in helping those that are the poorest. I feel like I'm open minded, I just also really wish for Scotland to reach it's full potential and I think for that sometimes it needs to independent.
I am a Libra, which means that my element is Air, the ruling planet is Venus, and stone is meant to be like Opals or something. I'm not sure. It's something odd, and something I don't quite understand most of the time.
Libran's Secret Desire: To live an easy, uncomplicated life.
Every adolescent Libran's fantasy is to find the Prince or Princess of their dreams. As their lives unfold, the experiences, false starts, dramas, broken hearts and disillusionment they encounter seeking this personal Holy Grail, often shapes their futures in the most extra-ordinary manner. Love and love-lost makes a big difference to the Libran although their often happy-go-lucky appearance against all kinds of odds may not reveal this as fact. Librans can switch off from the world around then and during these periods much more occurs on the deep innermost levels of the Libran's psyche, than their closest companions imagine. Many Librans after establishing a lifestyle that somehow falls short of their childhood dreams, manage to conjure up a most independent life and keep up an image of being dedicated to a "close relationship". They can escape into obscure role playing - and often this makes them extremely successful business people. When it comes to romance and love, Librans can be difficult to fathom yet in business many Librans discover they can not only be creative, but it provides an opportunity to express the more diverse sides to their personalities. Their charm can win jobs and provides powerful friends. But in both work and play, looking for peace and harmony, Librans often say "yes" when they should be saying "no".
I don't really like describing myself, honestly. I think it's a little vain. But, I will. I'm a nice guy. Well I try to be. I'm kind to people who are kind to me. I'm loyal to my friends. Only to my friends. I'm nice to everyone, and I'm chatty, talkative. I'll talk to more or less anyone. Even folks I don't know very well. I don't really have many boundaries in that way. I'm smart, and I know that I'm smart. It's not like I rub it in people's face's though. I try to be modest, just every so often I can be a little less than modest. I'm pretty out-going and I always get myself out of situations that would otherwise be tricky to get out of. I'm good in that way. I'm pretty OCD, I like having things tidy, and in order. Which is why I end up doing almost all of the cleaning in my house. Mostly because if I left it to my ma she would end up doing it in a different way, and I don't like it that way. I trust that she'll keep up my ways while I'm in New Zealand. I'm happy to help folks out. I'm always helping out lost tourists, my ma, my grandparents, teachers. I like making people happy, so I guess that's good. I really do like doing things like that for others. I don't make it overly obvious but when I see that I've made someone happy, especially if they were feeling sort of down, then it makes me super happy too. The only time I get upset or angry is when people start shouting at one another. I'm not good with that. And I guess when my ma's upset I'm upset. Things like that. I'm sort of super critical of myself a lot more than I am of others. I try to be kinder to them than I am to myself. Which is good for the most part.