Graduation is near

Tuska Wolf

Well-Known Member
Tuska looked around the Library she had made into her own little home away from home the oast seven years. She was now a seventh year and ready to graduate and go into the world. Especially that she'd be able to stay all year in her own country. She really disliked French, and french anything. She's spent the last seven years containing her dislike for the language and country spending most of her time with the other foriegn students. Of course she's hasn't ever really had many friends, the international students come and go ands she has always been the nerdy girl till this year. Now she dressed more like a Beauxbatons girl all pretty and dressed up, but it was more because she was a dancer and liked flowy things then trying to look nice. Most of the students in her year just used her for her smarts, having read most of the books in the library. She really was a bookworm and has plans to go and start up a bookstore in the nearest magical city near her home, or go and take control of another.
Ash was browsing through the library today. He had decided that it was time to locate a new book to start reading, seeming as he had already finished the new series he had started. He sighed to himself as he walked down an isle, browsing through names of different books. Nothing so far had taken his interest, and he was starting to give up. He didnt really have that much time to read anymore, so he had come looking for something to do in those rare occasions when he had nothing to do. "I suppose this is pointless." he sighed to himself as he searched the last shelf on the isle.
Tuska heard a voice talking on the other side of the shelf, bended her head alittle she looked over the top of the books and was met by the chest of a male. She was pretty sure he was in her year but they hadn't ever talked before. "What is?" She asked through the shelves. Though Tuska didn't like to offer her knowledge or give into pressure to help others cheat and use her as its happened to many times to count; she didn't like people to be confused with the Library. Prehaps it was her wanting to own her own bookstore that made her stay after class in Library and help the librarians.
Ash had been scanning the top shelf again when he heard a voice talk to him. He hadnt been aware anyone had been in here, which is why he had come in. He lowered his head to look through the shelf and was met by the face of another girl in his year. "Oh, hi... Um, i was just looking for a book... On quidditch." he lied. He didnt want anyone but Chloe know he read for leisure. He had to keep his 'cool quidditch star status'. "Im Ash... And you are?" he asked. He had only seen this girl a few times before.

(OOC: Sorry im posting short.... im having trouble thinking of things to write.)

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