Graduation 2031: The Ceremony

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Ava King

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Ava Davershire glanced fondly around the Hall, trying to keep her mind off the inevitable. It was a bitter-sweet moment; a moment of sadness, that a number of great students were leaving Hogwarts. No year was ever the same, no student alike. But it was a moment of great pride. Ava was proud of every single student that was graduating. She was proud of the Professor's for teaching everyone well enough for them to pass. The Headmistress was also proud of her daughter, who was also graduating today. Ava watched the graduates and their guests making their way into the hall and each taking their seats. The Professor smiled at each one, knowing that she had to have a brave face for each person today; she could have her own tearful moment with her daughter later.

Once everyone was seated, the Headmistress made her way to the front of the stage, smiling nervously to the crowd. "Welcome parents, guests, and most importantly, graduates. Thank-you to everyone who made it here to join us in celebrating and honouring the graduating class of 2031." Ava focused her attention on the students graduating. "Graduates, remember that this is not the end, it is simply the beginning. You are going into a world where anything is possible, so dream big, and work hard. I'd now like to welcome up your Head Boy and Girl, Jeremy Thorne and Briar Rowan." Ava finished before moving away from the podium and clapping for Jeremy and Briar.

OOCOut of Character: Important Information
This thread is for Graduates and Speakers to post in. Graduates please do not post until the Head Boy and Head Girl have posted. Guests and Spectators can post in the 'Guest' topic.
Today was the last day at school. Briar woke up that morning and realised that it would be the last night she would be waking up in Gryffindor tower tomorrow she would most likely be waking up in her bed at the Margeras house, her home. She then spent the morning with her sister and brother and her other friends in enjoying the last day in the castle, not thinking about whole speech she would have to give later on. All to soon she had to return to the dorm to get dressed with the rest of the other girls into a gold dress that Iris had sent her to wear, there was a funny atmosphere in the air as they brushed their hair and applied makeup, the girls even managed to get a little on briar, something that had only been achieved once or twice before. She then slipped on her shoes. something she really dreaded wearing. she had never worn heels before and she just hoped that she wouldn't trip up on them or something just as embarrassing. Finally a last smile at herself in he mirror to give her confidence and she left the dorm. making her way to the great hall, her sister on one side and brother on the other and a roll of parchment containing her speech held in her as she walked she tried the best that she could to get used to walking in the shoes
The head girl was sat at the front with the rest of the graduates and listened as the ceremony was started and the headmistress gave her speech. All to soon it was time for her and Jeremy to go up and make their final words to the school with the rest of the school. When it was her turn she took her space at the podium and looked at the audience, placing the parchment on top incase she forgot what she was meant to say or something but she planned on doing some of it on a wing. There were a lot of people there, all the graduates, their families, and then the professors and prefects. She took a deep breath her mouth suddenly dry. She didn't want to mess this up. Then she started talking, "Umm, what can I say. There was nothing in the job description about having to give a speech on graduation, or maybe it was in the fine print and I missed it. Either way I am meant to say something so I had better get started. I hope it comes out okay." she started a little quiet but by he time she had finished that section she was feeling a little more like her normal confident self. She glanced over at Jeremy before she said the next part as he was featured in it.
"A few months ago Jeremy asked me if I was ready to graduate. I almost said yes without thinking. Of course I am ready to graduate, I have been looking forward to my life after school" she said looking back to the audience. Just then she saw someone sitting near the back that made her heart skip a beat, was it really who she thought? she paused for a moment longer than she should have trying to work it out before continuing with the rest of the speech. "But then I realised, there is more to it than that. As Hogwarts has done more to us than just got us ready for respective careers. For within the castle walls, or at least those of the grounds we have all gown. I know if someone had told me I would be up here giving the graduation speech aiming for a job in the ministry, I would have probably said that they were a crazy twohoof, and ran as fast as I could from the place, but here I am." she said smiling slightly to herself as she slipped in a word that had been used in her childhood, but few people here would know exactly the implications of the word. Her gaze roamed the audience until they met her sister and brother sitting in the crowd. "We have also met great people. Friends that have become closer than family, who have stood by you when you needed them most, and will continue to do so for life. even if you may not have always done the same for them." she said making eye contact with Madlyn as she said that last bit as she had not been there for her sister two years ago when she really should have been.

She then looked back to the graduating class as this was who the speech was for, and this bit was for them. "Hogwarts has become a home, a haven, and a hell at times. But if anyone was to leave cross the stage here for the last time and say that they have had no good or no bad experiences here or made a single friend since they started the school. I would say that you are lying. Even if your highlight of the time here was the treacle tart served one Wednesday in winter, or the closest friend you had was the person you always partnered with in defence against the dark arts. In your second year." she said trying to make eye contact with each of them in turn, weather it be dorm mate, or someone she had hardly spoken to, or even people who she knew disliked her, and she wasn’t the fondest of. "Seven years ago then we started here we came in through the doors and across this stage to have the sorting hat placed on our heads in order to be divided into houses, but also united as students of this school. who would have thought that we would be who we would now sitting here ready to cross the stage once again to graduate, it was some impossible place, to far in the future to think about." she said pausing a moment to let it sink in. before continuing to the point. "Here we all are, we survived it, maybe with a few bumps and bruises but that just adds character don’t you think? Today we will cross as students of Ravanclaw, Hufflepuff Slytherin and Gryffindor houses and leave as Hogwarts New Zealand Class of 2031." she said, smiling as she heard a few chuckles about the bumps and bruises, she had certainly had her fair share of each on the quidditch pitch, as well as bites and scratches. But she wasn’t just talking about the physical, but also the emotional blows.
She looked up again to the face she thought she had seen earlier. If it was real, and not just a fragment of he nervous mind she hoped that he would understand a what she meant by the next bit. "Today we start a new path in our life’s journey. It is a time when we can decide to turn our live around, make up for the mistakes of the past, put it behind you and start again." she said now looking at the hall as a whole. "whether your life is planned in front of you like a highway, or a winding footpath with a general idea of the direction but taking the scenic route, or even not visible and you make your way through the darkness and see where you end up, just know there are no wrong turns, just different directions. Whichever way you to take on route to the future, there is no way of disguising the fact that today is a day for new beginnings, but the past should not be forgotten, you are only who you are now because of where you have been. People you have known, and experiences you have had have changed you, even if you didn’t ask for it, wether that change be for the better or worse depends on that you make of it" she said her eyes now looking at all of the guests. The professors, and other staff, the prefects from the lower years, and the graduates friends and family. She once again saw the figure at the back Yes it was Dederick. She was sure of it, though he looked different. She wasn’t sure how he had gotten there, or why he had come the last time she had seen him she had threatened to jinx him, but she was glad that the he was there she smiled before continuing "there are two ways to cope with change, believe me I know I have had to face some pretty big changes over my time here, for starters moving half way across the world and secondly becoming a werewolf before my sixth year, neither of which were easy, but they have both made me who I am today" She said waiting for the slight muttering that came at those words 'yes that’s right, the head girl is a werewolf' and the likes to pass before actually making her point about it "My point is that you can either hide from change and be afraid of it, pretend that it hasn’t occurred, or you can accept and embrace it, make the most of it and not give a damn what people think. You will be marching to your own drum, some people will call you crazy, mad, dangerous even, but surly it is better them calling you crazy and hating you for what you are, than having people like you for what you are not. Though I can see where the advantages in that also fall" she said realising that the speech had actually become quite long, and as much as she did dislike writing she had gotten carried away with the speech, as she had wanted it to be perfect so as to prove that she had been a good choice of head girl. Thankfully she was onto her final bit. "Hogwarts has been a perfect foundation wherever you wish to end up, both academically and with the wider experiences that have been had. My final piece of advice to each of you is to go for your life enjoy the journey, as that is what really counts not the destination and most importantly get lost." she finished smiling widely at the end. She couldn’t help adding that on the end, and it fited, she just hoped no one would take it the wrong way, it had been meant as a joke, sort of more get lost in the world than a literal get lost. She smiled at Jeremy as she stepped down. she knew he was nervous about the speech but she also knew his was going to be great.
Jeremy Thorne stared at himself in the mirror. Today was really the day. The day he would graduate and no longer be considered just a kid, just a student. Today, he would join the ranks of students who became Alumni of the school. It was a bit unnerving to think that he would soon be expected to find a job and become a productive member of wizarding society. Finishing up with his tie, Jeremy turned down the collar of his shirt and picked up his cap and gown. He put those on quickly and headed out of the room, patting his pants pocket to ensure that the speech he had slipped in there hadn’t decided to run out on him. A bolt of apprehension went through his body as he stopped on the first floor landing and saw all the people milling around; all of the people who would soon be inside and listening to his speech. There was nothing he could do now. He’d been Head Boy the entire year, and he’d known that part of his duties would be to give this speech so he’d had plenty of time to mentally prepare for this moment. All of that mental preparation seemed to go towards the enchanted ceiling as he entered the Great Hall and took his seat beside his girlfriend, Alyss, giving her a quick chaste peck on the cheek and a smile as he did. He wasn’t in the mood to speak much, but contented himself with a quick glance towards the back to see if he could spot any of his family. It took a moment, but the sudden wave in his periphery drew his attention where his father was seated. His father gestured to his right and following it, Jeremy soon spotted his mother and sister.

Turning back to the front as the Headmistress began to speak, Jeremy had a smile on his face, glad that his family had all made it. He listened to her short speech, nodding his head at what she said. And then, she called Briar and him up to the stage. Jeremy was glad that Briar was much more extroverted and he was happy that she went first. He listened to her speech carefully, a smile on his face as Briar mentioned the conversation that they had at the beginning of the semester. It was a long speech, much longer than his, but he was glad for that. It distracted him from the fact that he would be standing in her position in mere moments. He glanced towards the other students, his eyes going to Alyss more than any other. As Briar began to wrap up her speech, Jeremy could feel his pulse quicken and his palms grow sweaty. He tried to take a deep breath but it was impossibly difficult to do. Clapping, Jeremy slowly stood. He wore a tight smile on his face as he stepped front and center and looked out at the crowd. He had pulled his speech out from his pocket as he’d walked so now he unfolded it and started, his eyes looking nowhere but at the words that were written. He began, his speech quick but slowing as he got into his speech. ”When I first started here seven years ago, my only thought was about getting a proper wizarding education because I thought that was all school was about. Now, at 17, I can see how silly that idea was. I don’t think that anyone sitting here can say that all they got from the school was an education. No, we’ve gotten something a bit more important than that… though education is, of course, important too. “ He looked up briefly, surprised to discover that with the light on him, he couldn’t really make out anyone in particular unless he looked hard enough. He looked in the general direction of his parents, hoping they weren’t too horrified at the thought that there were more important things than education. “We’ve gained experiences, experiences that are going to guide us through the rest of our lives. Think back: Remember that first time your potion didn’t turn the proper color? Or when you were bitten by a fanged geranium? How about your first Yule Ball? Or your favorite Halloween costume?” He looked at his fellow seventh years, a more genuine smile on his face as he continued. “We’ve all had good times and bad times, times where we thought hearing about OWLs and NEWTs one more time was going to drive us mad, and times where we were enjoying ourselves so much we didn’t want things to end” he stated, remembering when he had experienced each one of those things. ”But all of those things have helped to shape us into who we are today: students who are ready to become graduates and head out into the ‘real world’.” He took a breath before continuing.

" As I stand here before you all today, I'd like to thank my parents, my professors and my classmates for giving me experiences that I may not have understood at the time, but that I know have and will have an impact on who I become. I hope that all of you graduates do the same. And, I wish all of you guys success in life. Best of luck in the future and congratulations class of 2031. We did it!" he ended, looking up as he folded his paper back up and stepped away from the podium. Jeremy headed back to where the graduates were located and took his seat, a huge weight gone from his shoulders now that his speech was over with. Now, he could truly begin to enjoy the rest of this epic event in his life. His entire demeanor was relaxed as he sat to wait for his name to be called so he could collect his diploma.
Ava listened to Briar's and Jeremy's speeches, smiling proudly of who they had become. The Professor hadn't taught them both since they started - only starting during their Fourth Year but had seen them grow during the years she was here for. Once they were finished with their speeches, Ava enthusiastically clapped along with the crowd and approached the podium as the two graduates made their way back to their seats.
"Thank-you Miss Rowan and Mr Thorne for your amazing words of encouragement. Class of 2031, remember this day fondly, but keep keeping on. Don't ever give up. Congratulations students." Ava finished warmly. As she called each student up, and shook their hands, Ava wished each and every one of them luck, hoping the best for their futures.

OOCOut of Character:
It's time Graduates, you can now RP your character coming on stage, getting his or her diploma and then sitting back down until the end of the ceremony.
It was it! The day that Rakas graduated, and he was not really looking forward to it. He had some memories here, but none were very good. The only thing that he enjoyed was the friends that he had made (whom all moved away to different places) and then the explosion that turned his hair forever red. That is, unless he used something to fix his hair back. It was nice though. He liked his red hair. It was very unique. His green eyes looked around the place as he was dressed in formal dress robes, looking for his family. At last, he found his family, where he waved to Grezhen with his own newly dyed red hair - definitely influenced by Rakas himself, and then Grezhen's friend, Callisto, whom naturally had red hair. Now that was something! Rakas turned his attention back to the front, where he listened to the Headmistress speak to the seventh years, and then turned the attention over to Briar Rowan and her speech. It was a lengthy one, and if Rakas was not pumped on those cauldron cakes that he had decided to divulge in just moments ago, he would have fallen asleep but that would have been rude. Rakas clapped having tuned out of the speech, but only following along with the others. He listened to the Head Boy's speech, which was rather short. That was nice too. He liked his speech. He clapped for him as well. His emerald eyes looked at the Headmistress, and the time had come. They were going to get their diplomas. Rakas could feel his stomach turn into knots. He waited patiently for his last name to be called, and soon enough, it was. He walked up to get his diploma, before he flashed a smile at the Headmistress, and shook her hand while reaching for his diploma. He then turned and went back to his seat, until everything was done, and he could mingle and celebrate with his family.
After giving his speech, Jeremy's job was done. He sat back, a relaxed expression on his face as the Headmistress began to call students up. He had a ways to go since his name started with a 'T.'. As his classmates took to the stage to collect their diplomas, the Head Boy clapped for each one, even the students he didn't know particularly well. They would always be a part of the class of 2031 together after all.

As he heard his name called, Jeremy stood and adjusted his cap. He walked slowly to the stage and then headed to Headmistress Davershire. He had never been truly fond of the woman, but her enthusiasm and cheer seemed appropriate today. A broad grin crossed his face as he shook her hand and collected his diploma. The feeling was amazing. In his hand, he held proof of his seven years of wizarding knowledge. He looked towards the crowd, spotting his mother who was dabbing at her eyes while his sister sat in her usual calm manner. Heading back to his seat, Jeremy clapped the back of several of his classmates, congratulating them before he took his seat again. The Head Boy was high on life right now and he couldn't wait to begin celebrating.
Briar listened to Jeremy's speech, it was a nice one short but very good not as though she had expected any less. she then headed back to her seat as the head mistress said her final words to them once again short and sweet. Had she spoken too much? she wasn't sure but what she had said had been said. she clapped as each of the other graduates got up to collect their diploma, some she knew well but many she didn't even after seven years. eventually her name was called "Briar Rowan" she got up and made her way onto the stage. she crossed thinking that this really was it. she would no longer be a student but at the age of eighteen she would once again be looking after herself.
By this time she reached the head mistress she smiled at her as she shook her hand "Thank you" she said before looking over to there her family sat and smiling widely nodding before heading over for the next student. as she left the stage and headed down the steps the thing that she had dreaded happening happened to her. not used to walking, or even wearing heels she somehow managed to catch it on the step and stumbled over a little thankful that she grabbed the handle to stop her going all the way over. she rolled her eyes, at least it wasn't when she was one of the only ones on stage, as hopefully by now everyones attention was on he next person. even so she felt her face heating up as she headed back to her seat. to watch the rest of the ceremony. once it was over she congratulated her friends and former classmates before going over to find her family.
Graduation. It was once a dream and now it's really happening. Sui Chin couldn't believe all the years she'd spent in Hogwarts New Zealand would end so soon. The friends she'd met and the lessons she'd learned. Everything seems so surreal now, though at one point she'll shed some tears later on. Tears of joy. For the last time she wore her Gryffindor uniform and robes, scarlet and gold. And for last time she hugged her robes and uniform, her fingers tracing the threads. This would be the last time she could hold them on, the last time to be in Hogwarts as a student. After a few minutes she opened the box her parents sent for her, the formal dress she'll wear for her graduation. She could have just made one herself but her parents wanted to surprise her, to give her a gift. Gently, she held out the dress. It shimmered in light and she kept her gaze stuck to her dress. Black as night. They even gave her some adorable shoes to match, she was fortunate, very fortunate. As she wore her dress, Sui Chin twirled around in front of the mirror. She looked so gorgeous, so fresh as a flower during spring. Simply Stunning. For a few more minutes, she looked at herself in front of the mirror, dazed at herself. The color of the dress, emphasizes her fair glowing skin. She got her red lipstick and painted her lips red, to match her heels as well.

Once everything was set, Sui Chin head to the Great Hall to attend the graduation. She knew her parents would meet her there later on, to watch her get her diploma. Different students crowded the hall, every color of dresses spun the room. Everyone looked so lovely. As they all sat, she smiled at Briar Rowan their Headgirl. Out of the few friends she'd met, Briar was one of them. They didn't got the chance to actually hang-out since they had their studies and peers. She then looked at the others, one thing did entered her mind though. She will surely miss the writing for the Hogwarts Monthly, since it was a big part of her student life. A few students would wave at her and she did the same in return. A round of applause for the speakers and the two Head people, then after that would be them receiving their diploma. Sui Chin knew she would be the last to collect hers, since her family name ends with a Y. While waiting she looked over her back and saw her family, her mother, father and even sister Xia Lien who made it. She knew that her schedule with the showbiz world was strict but gladly she came to her graduation. Clapping her hands as her fellow classmates went up the stage as well. Then it was her turn, Sui Chin stood up and walked gracefully up to the stage, as she got her diploma a wide smile covered her lovely face. Just the feel of the parchment against her skin made her smile more, as it was entwined in her fingers. The seventh year returned to her chair and waited for everything to end, if only it wouldn't be too soon.
During her first year in Hogwarts New Zealand, all Milena wanted was to graduate and it's finally happening. There were some regrets that entered her mind though, but all this vanished once she looked herself at the mirror. Her whole seven years spent in Hogwarts changed her, not only by her looks but the way she sees things. How she thinks of the world and how she acts. Still there were a lot of questions inside her mind, all of this were set aside. Graduation would be happening any minutes now and here she is looking so beautiful, with her peacock dress and matching shoes. Thankfully, her mother wouldn't be here to see her inside the room but she knows she'll see her in the Great Hall. There was no time to waste, so the blonde left her dorm as she was done dressing up and braided her hair into her side. Milena's steps echoing through the corridors, soon she arrived the hall. Just in time to hear everyone's chatter up, she then saw her mother and grandmother waving at her. She'll approach them later on, not now.

As everyone took their seat, she followed. The Head people had their speeches and everyone clapped, even though it was against her will, she clapped her hands. A dozen of students swarmed in the hall, and a few remained seated. She watched the others smile, cry and just drool. Milena's arms and legs crossed, waiting for her turn. The blonde knew she'll be called in the middle, L.F. Hopefully this time they'll get her name wrong, Milena not Melina or Milina. She hated when everyone would say her name wrong, even during some rumors spreading about her and Dante. It's been long since she saw that boy, but this day wasn't about him or them it's about her graduation and the other seventh years as well. It didn't took long for her to be called and she slowly stood up , her chin tilted high and got her diploma. Her emerald eyes scanning the crown as she was on the stage, a few glares and a few scared faces. Obviously, there weren't a lot of people who liked her, she didn't mind. Though her mother didn't looked shock at her candid fierceness, she got it from her father if so.

The Slytherin then returned to her chair, waiting for all of them to be finished. She didn't mind to clap her hands for the other, since no clapped for her, only her family and few strangers she couldn't remember. There were still some thoughts and arguments about her future career, she still isn't sure. Though she will indeed miss playing Quidditch here, she quite hated the fact that she didn't had a chance to reveal herself. Explains why some students weren't that happy to see her, and she doesn't care to look at their ugly faces. As everyone had their turns and got their diploma's, everyone started to cheer. Milena on the other hand remained silent and just glared at some of them. She'll surely miss being a Slytherin and it's perks. When the ceremony ended, Milena scanned the crowd and caught her mother watching her. A smile spread on her face, simple and gentle. The celebrating now starts and everything will be fun and memorable.
This was it, the day Laura was going to graduate from Hogwarts New Zealand and be pushed out into the real world to look after herself. She would no longer eat breakfast, lunch and dinner inside the great hall, nor would she spend her free time studying in the library. Laura was torn, half excited to be finishing school to start a new journey, and half afraid of what the outside world would do to her. If she thought her life at Wizarding School was stressful enough, did that mean her life away from school would be just as stressful? The Ravenclaw knew she would find out sooner or later, but she knew she had lost the chance to stall her graduation. Soon enough she would have to face the world head on, and try to be something. The problem with this was she didn't know what she wanted to be. Clasping her shaking hands together, Laura stared down at her heels; she knew she could always take a year off to figure out what she wanted to be but that meant she would have to slow down and think. She was a practical person, who liked to keep herself busy so she didn't have to linger on how exhausted she was so the idea of slowing down seemed more like a nightmare to her than anything else.

At the mention of her name, Laura jolted up, and realised she had been in deep thought through most of the graduation ceremony. The brunette straightened her dress before making her way onto the stage, a fake smile spreading across her features as she ascended the steps. If nobody knew about her problems now, then she was going to continue hiding them with a smile. She gingerly took her diploma, and shook the pretty headmistresses' hand before leaving the stage to return to her seat. Obviously Laura's family weren't there, she felt pathetic hoping she would see their familiar faces within the crowd, but it was stupid for her to think they would attend her graduation when her marks weren't neat O's all year. At least the worst part of the ceremony was over.
Alyss stood in front of the full length mirror in her dorm, applying her pink lip gloss, and changing into her graduation gown. She decided to leave her hair down, letting it cascade into waves, and simply placed a pink headband on top to make it look girly. She couldn't believe that she had made it to her seventh year, and that she was graduating. Smiling slightly, Alyss left her door, and began heading up the stairs to the Great Hall. Watching all the guests mill outside for a bit and converse with each other, she glanced around looking for Sienna and Koboshi. Maybe they weren't here yet... Biting her lip nervously, she walked into the hall, and sat in her seat, crossing her legs.

When Jeremy entered the hall, and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, Alyss flushed slightly. If anyone had told her seven years ago, that she would have a boyfriend that wasn't from Slytherin, she probably would have laughed in their face. However, she really did love Jeremy. He was so nice to her, and she knew that he loved her too. They had been dating for five months now, and she hoped that they would be dating for a long time after that. She was nervous about meeting his family after the ceremony though.

She glanced over at him, and smiling gently, squeezed his hand. She knew that he was nervous about his speech. 'Good luck!' She whispered, as he stood up and headed to the stage. His speech was actually really good, and Alyss made sure to clap loudly for him, smiling at him as he descended the stairs. 'You did great!' She whispered.

Alyss waited patiently for her name to be called out, knowing that because her last name began with S she would be near the end. Finally Alyss Summers was called out, and Alyss quickly headed for the stage, and up the stairs, making sure not to trip. It definitely wouldn't be the best thing to do. Smiling at the Headmistress as she received her diploma, Alyss whispered 'Thank you,' and headed down the stairs again, taking her seat.

When Jeremy's name was called, Alyss clapped for him yet again, making sure that he would at least hear her if he couldn't see her. She definitely was very proud of him.
Elouise wasn't very well known around her class. In fact she wished she had the chance to invite the one friend she had made in the past seven years, Elijah. But she missed her deadline and therefore knew no one in the Audience was there for her. However despite this fact, the girl now woman was excited for the ceremony. She listened to the Head Girl, a fellow Gryffindor, and the Head Boy someone she didn't actually know very well at all. At first she was to impatient to really listen to the words but by the end of Jeremy Thorne's speech she was hanging on every word. Once they were down the Headmistress annouced each of their names. Waiting for 'P' seemed to take forever but once her name was called Elouise jumped from her chair and almost ran to the stage in order to get her diploma. She wasn't sure where life would take her after Graduation, however she knew it could hold new people for her to meet and actually know. Taking her Diploma and thanking the Headmistress she head past all the teachers, new and old, and thanked each of the ones she had classes with before taking her seat. Elouise knew her teachers most likely didn't evne remember her but she would remember each of them for years to come. The helped shaped who she is, and even though she still had issues being shy, Elouise was just waiting for that certain person to come along and break her out of her shell.
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