Closed Got my note, sis?

Osiris Vale

adopted • pyromaniac
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Too Young to Care
Curved 9 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Acromantula Web Core
Nov 12, 2048
Osiris Vale could have laughed himself silly when he was sorted in the same house as his sister. Astraea must be living with how she was stuck with him. He decided to send her a note, a rather annoying one with a lot of misspellings so that she could decipher the code where he told her where to meet him, and at a certain time too. He was certain that she would like the challenge. Osiris lurked in the dungeons, in the dueling chamber where he sat on one of the dummies, and started tugging on its head in an attempt to tear it off. After all, he was all about decapitating dolls and dummies, but he did not have a weapon here at the school. He would have otherwise. He smirked as he heard someone come in and he finally managed to get the blank head of the dummy off of the body. Since he did not know many spells, this was what he could manage.
Astraea had a strong impulse to tear up the note as soon as she noticed its sender, but the misspelled puzzle forced her to hesitate. Her brother never failed to infuriate her; the fact that he possessed knowledge of what would pique her curiosity, yet also irritate her, only intensified her frustration.
After deciphering the note to reveal a specific location and time, Astraea tossed the note in the common room fire, unsure if she even wanted to meet up with him. As the clock ticked closer to the time, she emitted a frustrated sigh before abruptly leaving the common room and proceeding towards the Dueling Chamber.
As she stepped into the room, Astraea's gaze immediately locked onto Osiris as he removed the head of a the dummy. Astraea stopped at the door, folding her arms. "I suppose congratulations are in order." Astraea said, her voice devoid of any trace of a smile.
Ozzy looked up as his big sister walked to the Dueling chamber, and stopped at the door. He held up the head of the dummy and saw that it had more emotion than his sister. That was not surprising. Astraea was really good at hiding what she felt - if that was anything. "Yes, congratulations on solving my little riddle, Astraea." He jumped to his feet and tossed the head of the dummy behind him. "Tearing that thing apart was easier than anything we could have done to Ulric, but so it goes, right? Whatever will we do when we can't tag team against him?" Ozzy knew that she had more practice being away from both of them, so she could not lay traps for him or Ulric, and vice versa. "Are you happy that I'm in the same house as you? I always pegged you for a Ravenclaw, not a Slytherin like me."

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