Gossip Gossip Gossip

Kailey Harrington

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 1/2" Firm Fir Wand with the essence of Dragon Heartstring
Kailey was sitting under a large tree out on the great lawn. She saw the lake out in the distance and decided not to venture any closer to it. She had broken up with Njord Two days ago and the gossip magizene had came out the day after that. So needless to say Kailey wasn't the happiest camper right then. Her and Demitris had been keeping up correspondance through owl which didn't help her case any, She felt guilty about the whole thing but it was too late and she didn't feel any pull to try to go back to Njord again even if he would have her back now. Demitris was taking a place in her heart from just one meeting and loads of letters. She realized it hadn't been the distance between her and Njord if a guy thousands of miles away could captivate her so easily. She shuddered at the thought of being ensnared as easily as she had been. But maybe something had been trying to tell them all along. What with the seperation in 3rd year, His fake death, and Demitris. They just weren't meant to be.
Andy yanked her Gryffindor jumper off and tied it around her waist as she walked down across the lawn. She was so fed up of that stupid magazine and now would spend another month ducking Bruin, just when she thought she could face him again. She sighed as her left hand began to fiddle with the bear at the end of the chain wrapped around her wrist. She didn't wear it as a necklace any longer as though the warmth it gave off was soothing, it had also moved on occasion. She had wanted to ask Bruin what exactly he had done to it but didn't think she could now.

It just wasn't meant to be and yet the magazine had the two of them down as star crossed lovers who were trying to make each other jealous by flirting and being seen with other people. How mental could anyone get? There had been a lot of food for thought in the article though. As she rolled up the sleeves of her blouse she spotted Kailey and took a deep breath. The magazine hadn't exactly painted her in a favourable light either. Njord was a good friend of Andy's and wouldn't want to see him hurt but Kailey though not a close friend, was still considered by Andy to be a good friend.

"Hey there, sickle for your thoughts" she smiled, "mind if I join you?"
Kailey looked up at the familiar voice asking to sit with her. It was Andy, a girl that while they didn't talk much they were still good friends. She suppose some friendships didn't need that much to work out. She had noticed that in every issue of the gossip magazine so far she had been attacked. Kailey supposed luck was on her side that she had only been in it once though she was still incredibly angry. She hated gossip and how no matter how idiotic how bad of an effect it could have. "Hey Andy, sure you can." she said her voice a bit lower than usual. She knew Andy and Njord were better friends than Andy and herself. She couldn't be too happy with Kailey at the moment.
Andy tucked in her skirt and sat down. At first she didn't know what to say, they hadn't talked in a while. But after a few minutes that time felt as if it just didn't count.
"So how's the studying for your OWLs coming along?" she smiled at her, pulling her legs in behind her. It was a lovely day but it had so far been marred by the stupid magazine as the day before had. Andromeda would have liked nothing better than to forget it even existed but in this school that was going to be hard to do.
OWLs, thats what everyone was talking about anymore it seemed. But Kailey didn't mind, It was a welcome distraction from everything else going on in her mind. "Brutal would be a good word to describe it... Oh how I would kill to be a 4th year again, or better yet. I just want to get this year over with so I wouldn't have to study all of this again." she replied glad for the distraction, it seemed that she had been studying even more lately. Distractions were great during times like this. She had had worse of course but it helped to be distracted all the same. "How have you been lately?" she asked her voice seemed to say Aside from the horrid magazine.
"Well I hope you're fourth year was a damn sight better than what mine is turning out" she sighed and pulled her hair over her shoulder and slowly began to braid it.
"I'm sure you'll do just fine, I really do. Any ideas for what you'll do after... when you're done completely with school that is?" she turned her gaze to Kailey, noticing how fed up she seemed to be as well. Perhaps the studying and the magazine were taking their toll after all.
She heard Kailey's question and thought it completely loaded. How was she? Besides still trying to deal with her grief from losing her uncle, realising that she had fallen big time for Bruin Dumbledez and that he could care less for her and that a silly magazine kept throwing them together as if they were some besotted couple simply denying their feelings for one another, Andy was fine... really.
"I'm ok I guess. I've had a lot on my mind of late, could well have done without the newest installment of that magazine that's for sure".
Kat woke up to the a bright stream of light beaming down on her face. She groaned loudly and happened to notice the time...she'd missed class for the day and to be honest she didn't really care as she was so tired right now that all she wanted to do was sleep. Last week she'd gone to the hospital wing to get her something for her 'cold' that she was having a hard time recovering from, but that had been a bust as the potion she was given hadn't helped at all. Slowly she crawled out of bed, feeling very lightheaded as pulled herself up to a standing position. Kat blinked a few times and as always the woozy feeling subsided enough for her to get dressed.

Though she still wasn't feeling well at all she thought it might be a good idea for her to get some fresh air and sunshine. She headed down to the lawn, enjoying the weather out. Not too far along her walk she happened upon two familiar friendly faces. Kat walked over to where Kailey and Andy were sitting and sat down next to them. A weak smile formed across her sickly features as she said, "Hi guys! You two look so serious...something happen that I don't know about?"
Kailety listened as Andy tlked and opened her mouth to answer her when she heard another voice address them. She looked from Andromeda up to the source of the very familiar voice not surprised at all to see one of her best friends, Katalina Vanderhol. Of course around here sit alone and others will end up flocking, everyone around HNZ got used to it pretty quickly. She noticed that Kat looked kind of sick. But not wanting to be rude she didn't mention it. "Hey Kat, It's that damn magazine again." she said her voice taking a bit of a growl to it.

If it had been anyone but Kat, Rhyspa, or Luna to ask Kailey would have probably either ignored the question or made something up but even with Andromeda there, Kat was one of her best friends and would get the whole truth, even if it put Kailey in a negative light in her eyes. Well, she might edit it a bit and meet up with Kat later, somethings she didn't want anyone aside from Kat or Spa hearing, not even them if they couldn't read her so well, Kat inparticular.
"Oh sweet Merlin not again. Why in the bloody hell has that thing not been stopped? Surely the professors have some way to know who is behind it all...right," Kat mused out loud and then looked back and forth between the two of them before asking, "So what was the damage this time?" She winced at the possibilities.
"I don't know why they haven't cracked down on it but I swear to god who evers behind it all is getting their ass kicked. I'm sure I won't be the only one wanting to." she started, she had played it off in the great hall earlier but her anger was evident now. "Andy can tell you what it said about her if she wants to, I won't. But the stupid piece of..." she trailed off "The magazine basically called me a cheating tramp." she hissed, Kat didn't know about the break up yet either so she would clarify that later.

[The way I've changed things around strikes our RP in the Prefects common room pointless... Sorry! =\ The gossip magazine changed my plans.]
Andy looked up at the sound of Kat's voice and inhaled deeply on seeing her. The difference in Kat's appearance lately was getting more and more pronoucned, she was getting strikingly thinner. It wasn't doing anything for her complexion or her health. Andy wondered was she sick or something and decided that she would either consult one of the many healers journals she now owned or she would simply ask Kat about it.

"Hey Kat" she smiled at her as she sat down with them, Kailey voiced her thoughts as did Kat on the magazine. Andy hadn't wanted to bring up the whole Njord and Kailey issue and figured if Kailey wanted to say anything about it she would simply do so. It was none of her business and certainly none of some stupid gossip monger. She opened up her bag and pulled out the bunched up magazine she had pushed inside the other day. Like the last one she was mainly holding onto it for the chance to look at Bruins picture but who was going to know that. As she handed it over to her the bear pendant dangled noticeably on her wrist.

"Here you better read it for yourself".
(('Tis okay Kelsey :D ))

Kat raised one eyebrow at her friend when she said she'd been called a cheating tramp. "Seriously?" she asked, curious as to why anyone would call her that. Then Andy handed her the magazine, she noticed a bear pendant hanging from her wrist, but she didn't dare mention it...though she knew the significance of it she'd sworn not to mention Bruin's name in front of Andy unnecessarily. Kat took the glossy covered magazine in her frail hands and opened it, reading it quietly to herself. Her mouth practically stood agape by the time she was finished. Someone had really done it again...it just kept getting worse each month and it just had to be stopped.

Kat threw that atrocity to the ground in front of her. She simply shook her head before looking back and forth between her two friends. "So how out of whack were those stories? Any truth to them at all...sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't," she said more than a little pissed off that her friends had been the display of yet another gossip attack.
Andromeda sighed and leaned against the tree.
"There's never smoke without fire is there? Myself and Bruin had a duel, I lowered my wand because ... well that 's not the point. He petrified me and before releasing me left me this. It was supposed to have been my birthday present but I guess with everything that happened he never got around to it" she held up her wrist with the bear pendant.

"I decided after seeing the pendant to get dance lessons and stuff because I thought this meant he still cared but I was wrong. Merlina told me he had already asked someone and here was I getting myself all geared up to ask him to the yule ball" she felt as if it were just all tumbling out of her now, "I got mad and completely fed up and came down here to the lawn where I took off the pendant and threw it away. Raff who I hadn't seen since the start of the year saw me and cheered me up, enough for me to pick up the pendant again at any rate. Merlina was being bullied and Jaken Styx helped her when I thanked him, he asked me to the Yule Ball. I have an amazing dress and got dance lessons for crying out loud, so I said yes".

She took a deep breath then looked at both the girls and laughed. She couldn't believe she was doing it but she laughed.

"I should be mad as hell I guess but I really couldn't care any more now. Let them print their crap, I know he doesn't care for me. The rest is only cosmetics, behind the scenes. Whoever is able to catch all the little stuff should try to get the big stuff right. I care but he couldn't careless. We're not denying our feelings, I would shout mine from the roof tops if I thought it would do any good. He doesn't have any for me so why should he?"

Andy had never actually been open about her feelings for Bruin before to anyone other than Zuka and even that had been accidental. She couldn't believe she did it now but she felt better for it already.
Kailey sat still under the large tree at it's base, her gaze turning from Kat to focus on Andy as she began to speak. She listened as Andy gave them the true story, so many people involved. A typical love gone awry type story yet so incredibly different at the same time. It seemed there was more truth to that gossip story than Kailey had thought but not by much, the magazine was still clearly in the wrong bungling all sorts of facts along the way as all gossips did. But she was surprised at the way Andy was handling it.

Kailey admired her bravery, she was definitely Gryffindor through and through. Andy's situation was alot different than hers but that didn't matter either way. Kailey wasn't so sure she could spout out her story like that not that she particularly wanted to. Because in her opinion even if the magazine messed up alot of her story as well, that didn't mean her innocence in the whole thing. Deep down, well not really that deep down, Kailey felt she was to blame. She was the most at fault here.

Not Demitris who hadn't even known she had had a boyfriend, Not Njord who had grown more emotionally distant from her over the course of a semester, or even the magazine. But she cut off her thoughts,Okay so maybe the magazine has a large chunk of it too. she thought, she didn't feel that responsible though Andy was right, there was no smoke without fire and boy had she lit up quite the bonfire this time, there was smoke flying everywhere and the flames got bigger with every letter she wrote to him, so far away at Durmstrang.

Kailey didn't notice nor would she care about the small but still comfortable silence that had formed in her quiet contemplation of these matters, Luckily her gaze had shifted from Andy to a random blade of grass long before then or else she probably would have freaked the red head out with her blank stare. Now that her mind had decided to focus back on the present she found the silence a bit uncomfortable, but she couldn't think of anything she could say to break it. She really hoped that either Kat or Andy did soon.
Andy turned to Kailey who seemed completely lost in thought and though she didn't want to ask knew the silence that hung was a bit uncomfortable even for her.
"What about you Kailey? Was there any truth there? I know you probably won't say a word as I'm friends with Njord but I'd rather believe what you have to say instead of some crappy magazine".

Andy smiled at her before picking a blade of grass and playing with it absently.
Kaileys head snapped up at the sound of Andys voice, a bit startled. She had the worst habit of sinking so far into he thoughts she almost forgot what was going on around her. "I'll just tell you that Gossip magazine made a mountian out of a molehill thats for sure." Kailey started, deciding to give a bit of a glossed over version. Not really lying per se or giving any false information, just not going into the details. Kat would probably get this but only because she knew her so well. "I was out shopping at the last Brightstone weekend and I stopped by madam puddifoots to get a donut or something because that was the closest place to me. Luckily it was pretty much empty so I didn't have to deal with being the lone girl amongst a bunch of couples. Demitris and I were both waiting for our orders and we had a bit of a conversation, nothing big really." Kailey finished Aside from the nothing big it was essentially true.

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