Closed Good Little Minions

Sunday Weeks

~Girly~ Boss~ Dramatic~ Sunny~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 12 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Acromantula Web Core
13 (8/29/2050)
Sunday was ready for her first year without her brother. Sure, there would be plenty of her siblings still her. But baby steps. Not completely pleased with how her first year had gone, she was determined to make a more impressive splash this year. And one of her first steps was to get a minion. She remembered a boy she'd met the year before- Magne. He seemed like the type that would be easy to boss around.

So, she set out looking for him. It turned out to be easier than she'd been expecting- he was just in the courtyard. WIth an easy smile, she approached him, doing her best to look gently and friendly. "Magne!" She called out, walking up to him. "Hi! Remember me?" She asked, hands folded behind her back. Her smile bright, she tried to keep her stance open.
Magne glanced up as he heard his name, and was greeted with a girl he had delivered a rose to. "Sunday right?" he said. "You got yellow rose," he said, his english much better than it had been though his sentences still a little disjointed. He didn't have to think as much when he was putting them together though. "How was holiday?" he asked.
Sunday was pleased he'd remembered so well. She gave him a genuine smile. "I did, yes, that's me." She had more hope for this interaction now. "It was great," She lied, not about to admit it was uneventful. "Though it's weird coming back to school without my brother here." She laughed lightly. "How was yours?" She questioned him. She didn't actually care, but she'd pretend she did.
Magne had to wrack his brain for whether or not he had known or remembered her brother. He imagined from her phrasing that he had graduated. "he graduate?" he asked, hoping to confirm that, and not just then jump into saying something that would be actually fairly insulting. "It nice, I was on boat, for most," his sentences weren't perfect but he was managing.
Sunday wasn't sure if she was pleased or annoyed he didn't seem to know her brother. She decided not to mention too much about him. "Oh, yes, he graduated last year." She nodded. She was genuinely interested in his response, however. "Oh, you have a boat?" She asked, looking for more details. "What was that like?" She didn't have to work so much to keep her smile genuine, imagining herself on the deck of a large sailing boat, the ocean lapping against the hull, seabreeze in her hair while she stood stylishly in a cute bikini and designer sunglasses, a martini in hand.
Magne gave a little nod as she confirmed that he had graduated at the end of the last school year. "Outside school, I live boat." he said, before pausing, as if playing back his sentence. "I live on boat," he corrected before smiling lightly. "It is best life, hard sometimes sailing, but nice. Family sailed to Aotearoa," he said. "Do you sail?"
Sunday just blinked, her smile wavering only for a fraction of a second at his broken english. He corrected himself quickly, and she decided to take the opportunity. "You're getting so much better with your English, Magne," She complimented him, reaching out with the intention to place her hand on his arm if he'd let her. She pulled back after his reaction and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I've never had the pleasure, but I'd love to, someday," She sighed softly, letting herself look as if she yearned for it- which she did.
Magne gave a little tight smile at her compliment. "I work very hard at it," he replied, he was proud of the lengths he'd made with it, and certainly it was a lot easier now than it had been this time the year before. But he knew it was still not the best. He didn't pull his arm away from her touch and then nodded. "It's very nice," he said. "I can teach you," he added.
Sunday noted the tight smile and made a mental note to not bring it up again. She gave him a gentle smile in turn, her eyes lighting up at his offer. "Oh, would you, really?" She let herself gush a bit, leaning in just a touch. "Oh, Magne, that's so sweet of you." She complimented him. "I can send a letter and let you know when I hear back," She offered.
Magne nodded and smiled. He would be more than happy to help show her, allow her to learn a little about sailing. It wasn't, in his mind, all that hard, so he couldn't imagine showing someone else would be either. Anyone else he'd shown had got it, though a lot of them had experience of sailing before and knew a little. "Sound, good," he said, the sentence a little disjointed but he wasn't sure how else to say it.
Sunday smiled, and feeling like she was making progress, she offered out her arm for him. "Walk with me," She told asked him, shifting so that they could walk together. "Let's be friends, Magne. I'd like to get to know you," She spoke, doing her best to come across as open and sincere. "I bet you have the most amazing stories," She gushed a little, trying not to lay it on too thick.
Magne was a little surprised when she asked him to walk with her. He took her arm as she offered it to him so that he could walk with her. He wasn't sure he was as interesting as she seemed to be indicating he was. He was just moderately interesting. "Sure, when english better, i can tell them," he replied with a weak smile, since he wanted nothing more than to tell stories, but knew that they wouldn't be good when he still struggled to put together a sentence.
Sunday gave him a bright smile. "Oh, absolutely!" She agreed. "I eagerly await your stories," She winked playfully. "What other things do you like?" She questioned, her thumb rubbing gently against his elbow. She wanted to know more about him- it was so much easier to know how to act when she knew who she was dealing with.
Magne was a little surprised with how eager she seemed for his stories, but he knew he just needed to accept it. It wouldn't matter too much if he never told them. "I like swimming...ehm...surfing," he had taken a moment to find the right word in english. "You?" he returned the question to her, keen that this conversation wasn't all about him.
Sunday nodded, finding his answers to be just about what he expected. "Oh, I love lake days," She offered, not mentioning that she was at best a weak swimmer and that she didn't get to go to any lake or pool often. She wasn't going to let him know that, though. She considered his question. "I like to read magazines," She offered in turn. "And I enjoy fashion. It's interesting to see, I think," She mused.
Magne could figure from what she said, that she was much more a fan of reading by the water than the water, their idea of lake days were likely polar opposite, but she was sure she wouldn't really mind what he'd often want to do over what she would in such days. The ravenclaw nodded. "I bad at fashion, but find interesting that you find interesting," he said with a smile.
Sunday smiled, pleased that he seemed to be giving the proper interest to her interests. "That's very sweet of you," She offered, patting her hand on his arm. "Maybe we can have a little lake day sometime?" She offered him with an easy smile. "I doubt our lake is as nice as the waters you have when you're not here, but it could still be nice?" She asked, trying to think of things they could do to secure his loyalty to her.
Magne gave a little nod, though he wasn't really sure how sweet it really was. he was just being nice, and that felt like the nice thing to say. He was sure too that a lake day here at the school would be fun, though he didn't have a boat, and felt fairly certain that Sunday didn't have one either, and that the school would not allow them one. "It be very nice," he agreed. "Day with friends is nice," he added.
Sunday gave him a bright smile. "Perfect! What about this weekend?" She asked. "I can ask a Professor what we're allowed to do at the lake?" She mused, planning already. "And I could go to the kitchens and ask for a picnic basket. What kind of food do you like?" She questioned, looking to him and expecting him to just go along with her plans.
Magne blinked a little as she seemed to be moving forward with plans. He nodded, "Okay, weekend works," he said. He didn't mind it, it would be something to do, it wasn't like he was managing that much with his classes anyway. "Okay, anything for food. I bring blanket and other stuff?" he suggested, figuring he might just go along with it.
Sunday smiled, pleased that he was going through with it. She was already planning, and she squeezed his arm. "Great! I'll get it all set up. You bring the blanket, and perhaps some pillows?" She suggested, glad he was following her lead. She was sure this would be a good investment, she was sure.
Magne nodded, he could get more than just those items, "Yeah," he said, thinking about all the things that would be worthwhile to get. He felt sure about getting suncream, and making sure they had shade but that would a little depend on how the weather turned out to be, he wasn't sure she'd want to go ahead with it if it were raining. "Okay, you write me when?" he asked.
Sunday smiled at him. "Tomorrow morning?" She asked, thinking that was enough time for her to arrange everything she needed. She was sure this would go well- probably. She was sure he'd be a good investment in the long run, if nothing else.
The next day seemed like a bit fast but he shrugged. "Okay, tomorrow then," he'd need to organise a few things, and would just have to hope for good weather, but it wasn't like he had anything else on that would stop him from being able to do this lake day with her the next day.

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