Closed Good Little Minions

Sunday Weeks

~Girly~ Boss~ Dramatic~ Sunny~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 12 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Acromantula Web Core
11 (8/29/2050)
Sunday was ready for her first year without her brother. Sure, there would be plenty of her siblings still her. But baby steps. Not completely pleased with how her first year had gone, she was determined to make a more impressive splash this year. And one of her first steps was to get a minion. She remembered a boy she'd met the year before- Magne. He seemed like the type that would be easy to boss around.

So, she set out looking for him. It turned out to be easier than she'd been expecting- he was just in the courtyard. WIth an easy smile, she approached him, doing her best to look gently and friendly. "Magne!" She called out, walking up to him. "Hi! Remember me?" She asked, hands folded behind her back. Her smile bright, she tried to keep her stance open.
Magne glanced up as he heard his name, and was greeted with a girl he had delivered a rose to. "Sunday right?" he said. "You got yellow rose," he said, his english much better than it had been though his sentences still a little disjointed. He didn't have to think as much when he was putting them together though. "How was holiday?" he asked.

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