Going Out Of Date!

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Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Hi there :)

So, lately my roleplaying hasn't quite been up to it's usual standards and, looking at the current situation, I doubt it will be for a while. That is why I'm going to ask people to take a few characters off of my hands :) I'm going to put them in a list and, if you think you like them, I will PM you with information about them.

Ivana Kalforovich - 15
Taylor Mitchells - 27
Marcus Caine - 11
Tracey Cameron - 11
Melanie Porter - 14
Moriah Knight - 17
Lillith Knight - 13
Axel Zemonif - 20/22 (not sure)
Persephone Zemonif - 18

That is my current list however, if you know of a character I have that you would like, feel free to ask. I have decided on which ones I am keeping and am willing to give away any others. That does apply to inactive characters as well.

Side Note : While I am giving these characters away to you, they do already have personalities and, with some, plots. They are also involved with other characters I own in specific ways. If I'm not sure about what it is you're doing with the character or I feel you've changed the character for no reason or something like that, I do reserve the right to take them back. I doubt that will have to happen though.
Hey Summer

I can take Tracey Cameron off your hands!
6, all except 1 fully developed :)
Um, I'm going to say One character per person, just so I can have a wider variety of people to RP with in future.
I will PM you with both of their details so you can choose which one you would like that most :)
Well I've sent you a PM about them both and I'll fill you in on the other details.
And yeah, I'll PM you about Melanie in a bit
There was really no point in you posting as well as Skype Lozzi :p
Sorry Dave, she did ask before but, apparently, decided to post as well.

I give you pass word Lozzi :)
Sure, she's currently in a relationship that I would like to keep going if that's fine with you. I will PM you her details.
alright that's fine with me :)
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