Open Going for a Scare

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Louis Alcott

⚽ QQS assistant | Confident | Funny | French😎
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 16 1/2 Inch Unyielding Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
8/2042 (20)
Halloween was pretty fun, as far as Louis was concerned. He was a little disappointed there wasn't more candy to get, as that was always the impression he had of Halloween back when he grew up in France, but he supposed the snacks at the Halloween Feast counted for something. He had dressed up in a skeleton costume, hoping to scare a few people at the feast today. Louis hid behind a piece of decoration, ready to jump out and scare the first person that came nearby.
Feasts were absolutely Andi's most favorite thing. Sure, there was magic, and swimming but in the Slytherin girl's opinion, nothing could beat the food that Hogwarts presented. She hadn't gone back down to the Kitchens since she had been in trouble for being there in her First Year, but she figured it was about time she made her way there again. But for tonight, Andi was looking forward to stuffing her face before pulling out some amazing dance moves on the floor. Andi lifted up her clown mask as she entered, the Great Hall, her face lighting up at how amazing it looked. She moved over to the closest decoration, reaching her hand out to touch it.
Lucas grinned behind his mask as he saw someone approach. The person had a pretty scary costume as well, but she pushed her clown mask up and revealed her face, which made her look a lot less intimidating. He almost couldn't contain his laughter as he saw she reached out to touch the decoration he was hiding behind, this was too perfect. He jumped out at her. "BOO!" He yelled.
Andi screamed loudly when a skeleton jumped out and yelled, drawing her hand back quickly. She realized quickly that it was another student, and not a scary horror decoration that the Professors set up. "WHAT! IS! WRONG! WITH! YOU!" Andi yelled, before she started laughing. "You look ridiculous!"
Louis started laughing the moment the girl started yelling, throwing his head back as he was laughing so hard. "Merlin, that was easy." He gasped, leaning forward again to catch his breath. He pulled his mask up over his head. "It's Halloween! Time for spooky things, no?" He frowned a bit. "I don't take criticism from clowns." He said, wrinkling his nose. "Besides, I am definitely the most handsome skeleton here." He added, shooting her a grin.
Andi pretended to glare at the boy, but she wasn't actually angry; she definitely appreciated a good prank even if she was used to being on the other side of them. She let out a "Ha!" when he said he didn't take critiscm from clowns, and looked around the Hall when he said he was the most handsome skeleton there. "I'm pretty sure you're the only skeleton here." She said, looking back at the boy with a grin. "So it's hard not to beat those odds. Besides, I'd rather be spooky than handsome." Andi said, before flipping her mask back down over her face to show him how scary the clown was. Even if she did kinda agree with him. He was maybe kinda handsome.
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