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Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (17/11/2047)
Audrey was up to no good.

This was not out of the ordinary for her, in all fairness. And while Hogwarts was doing a wonderful job at keeping her busy and engaging her with education, something she'd been desperate for in the leadup to attending school, the semester was at an end. Audrey had breezed through most of her classes - although Transfiguration was delightfully tricky and the Astronomy exam had been harder than she had anticipated - and was facing the prospect of a very dull holiday break.

But it wasn't the holiday break yet. And the way the hall was set up, it was really the perfect opportunity to cap off the semester with an exclamation point. Audrey had dressed suitably for the winter theme, having slipped some supplies in under her coat. Whistling innocently to herself, she wandered around the hall looking for the right place. Throwing something onto the ice would have been hilarious, but breaking someone's leg would probably have gotten her in serious trouble. And it wasn't as though Audrey actually wanted to hurt anyone. That was what Quidditch games were for. The dance floor seemed like a better option.

So although she couldn't yet charm the mistletoe to have spiders drop down on kissing couples (but that was definitely something to work on for next year), she certainly could add a little something to the outfits of unsuspecting dancers. In one quick movement, she reached into her coat pocket and, when she felt sure no professors were looking directly at her, tossed the glitterbomb onto the corner of the dance floor.
Eloise adored the school's parties, glad there was so much more to Hogwarts than simply going to class and keeping her grades up. At least this way she could make her parents proud and still enjoy herself as well. Especially since they provided her with the opportunity to get a few new outfits every year. She had loved all of her party outfits so far and tonight's was no exception. It was simple and classic yet elegant. The perfect combination. The only downside was that she didn't dare get a drink with any other students around. There was no way their possible clumsiness was going to ruin her outfit. A small snack couldn't hut though and Eloise decided to cut her way short by crossing the dancefloor to get to the snack table. She stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes in a reflex when something, in the moment she was unsure what, happened around her. When she opened them again she noticed the floor around her covered in.. glitter? It took her a moment to fully glance down and notice it had hit her as well. Her suit was covered in glitter and so were her arms, which could only leave her wondering if the glitter had gotten as high up as her face. Slightly flabbergasted by whatever had just happened Eloise glanced around, looking for any type of reaction from some of the other students around her.
Audrey was a lot of things, but subtle wasn't one of them. It was something she needed to work on, just like how she needed to work on focusing when it came to Transfiguration so she didn't overcomplicate things, but there was only so much restraint a twelve year old had. It was perhaps a charm point of hers, that her spirit hadn't been broken and she had a certain joie de vivre, but it didn't exactly work in tandem with others.

Which was all to say that as the poor second year girl got covered in glitter, with a couple of others nearby getting some on them in turn, Audrey's attempts to pretend to be nonchalant completely failed, and instead was broken up by her cackling laughter. She still had a bit to learn about the follow up. Glitter had blown back on to her, but she didn't care too much as the prank had, in her mind, succeeded.
((me having owed you a thread and having had a rough past few weeks now taking the opportunity to hijack my own thread lol))

Oz didn't love the Yule Ball, although the snow made him feel a bit more at home. It didn't actually snow for Christmas that often, but the aesthetics reminded him of some of the decorations his family had made and sold. Still, all the dancing and everything was a bit...gross. He knew deep down people would hesitate to ask him in the future anyway, considering his height (and the goblin thing as a whole), but that wasn't as much of an issue now as it would be once he was older. Having grabbed a few snacks and almost having his fill of the sights, he was about to leave when he was distracted by very familiar obnoxious laughter. He scowled, looking over on instinct and seeing Eloise covered in glitter. He didn't know the Ravenclaw girl well, but she seemed perfectly fine and inoffensive. Normally he would've just ignored it, but she looked a bit confused and he felt bad that she had dressed so nice and her night had possibly be ruined by his cousin.

"...sorry," he piped up, walking closer to her and just slightly standing on his toes a little to get extra height. He wasn't too much shorter than the others...yet, but everyone was starting to grow much taller than him. "My cousin...she's a b- stupid." Oz rummaged around in his pockets for his handkerchief, which was clean, thankfully, although embroidered with flowers and didn't necessarily seem to suit him. He thrust it up towards Eloise, looking away to hide the slight redness of his face (which his hair didn't help at all). ""
Eloise was unsure whether the glitter explosion had been a decoration gone wrong or something else, but when her eyes landed on another girl cackling she was leaning towards the latter. She squinted her eyes at the girl but didn't get a chance on what to say when someone else piped up. Not that she would've known what to say anyways. She was terrible with confrontation. It was difficult to be polite yet confrontational at the same time. Plus, she wasn't sure the girl would take anything she said seriously when she had turned into a walking christmas tree angel with so much glitter covering her. "Thank you," Eloise turned her attention to her classmate instead. "But I hardly think you should be apologizing for your cousins poor behaviour." She added, though gladly taking the handkerchief so she could attempt to get some of the glitter off of her arms anyways. "Is it.. on my face as well?" She questioned, looking at him.
"...yeah, but she won't, so," Oz shrugged, hesitant to meet her eyes. Eloise seemed...pleasant enough, though she seemed so perfect as to actually be somewhat intimidating. A girl like June wanted everyone to know she was seemingly perfect, and that was full on in and of itself, and Audrey was far from perfect but also loud about it. Even covered in glitter Eloise wasn't yelling, or throwing a tantrum, or even seeming that bothered. Never seemed too frazzled, just quietly getting through everything without any problems. Somehow that weirded Oz out most of all. "Dunno. 'm not a mirror," he said, a little indignant for no good reason. He peered up through his bangs, shrugging again. "...looks fine." She was pretty, too, but almost in the same kind of way a porcelain doll was pretty.
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